Chapter twenty eight: I'm a stupid doodoo butt

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The song for this chapter is: Forget me not

Nathan drove you all to the school. It was only about 6:30 so it was mostly empty not counting the teachers, who were easy to avoid. You had him park at least a mile or two away from the school so nobody would be able to say his car was there at the time of the vandalism. The four of you made it through the school gates easily and got onto campus. You looked around, didn't see a soul in sight, and made your way to the boys locker near the football field. "There isn't practice today, right?" You asked Nathan, who nodded. "It's Friday, so no. We only have practice on Mondays, Wednesday's, and sometimes on Saturday." "Bitchin'. Let's get inside and do a short sweep." There most likely wasn't going to be anything useful in there. After all, the attack hadn't happened now, but it didn't hurt to look. Nathan opened the door to the locker room and ushered you inside, where you were instantly hit with the smell of sweat and feet. It took everything you had not to turn around and run out. "Oh, gross!" Natasha pinched her nose. "The girls locker room stinks, but this place reeks! What the hell, Nate!" "Hey, don't look at me!" Her twin scowled, blushing slightly. You snickered softly and began to look around. It looked like any normal locker room, and nothing seemed to stand out to you. Maybe you should head for the showers? You broke off from the group and began to head over there, but then stopped in your tracks.

One of the showers was on.

Someone else was in the locker room.


You turned to run back to the group and leave, but a certain Bronx accent stopped you. "Oh....well. either I'm in the wrong locker room, or you're a peeping Tom." SHIIIIIIIIT. "I totally thought this place was empty, I SWEAR." You didn't turn around, not wanting to see the short boy in his birthday suit. Sans gave a hum that told you he didn't believe you. God, you were so embarrassed. "Well, look...I'm flattered and all, but this is kinda creepy, so...if you could leave? We'll both just pretend this didn't happen, okay pal?" Why you. Why did this have to happen to you? You suddenly wished you had the power to RESET. You felt like running into traffic. You took a step forward, prepared to bolt from the locker room and go stick your head in the sand outside, where hopefully you would suffocate and die. Then you remembered Geno's words. But was now the best time? You could hear Sans tapping his foot, growing impatient. "Lady, you need to-" "(Y/N)." You interrupted him. "(Y/N) (L/N)." You're blue now. You yelped as you were suddenly jerked into the air. You tucked your legs under you and held your skirt down, not planning to share any panty shots. "You're real s i c k, you know that?" You could practically hear the blood boiling in Sans' voice. Crap, where were the guys? Why did they always vanish when you needed- "Put her DOWN." Oh, never mind. Natasha and the others had arrived to the scene, and Nat was giving Sans a real nasty stink eye. Sans returned a bad glare of his own. "Well, whattaya know, the freak has some friends? Great, I'm really not in the mood for massacring a whole group of people. So, you kids get the hell out and let me deal with this-" "I'm a stupid doodoo butt." The words had come out before you knew what you were saying. All you had wanted was to stop this before it escalated further. You felt yourself turning in the air and found yourself facing Sans. Luckily, he did have him gym shorts on, but he still wasn't...what you had expected. Your face went red and you covered it with your hands. "Dude, what the hell?! I always thought you were gonna be fat!" "I'm not fat, you just assumed."

You had assumed. And good god, you had been wrong.

That was not fat on Sans', not in the least. Somehow, this little jerk was BUFF. Like, abs and shit. You were not prepared for this, not in the god damn least. There was also a scar across his chest, matching where you..where Chara had killed him. God damn...

"Now, how the hell did you know that? That's my-" "Secret code word, I know." You peeked out at him between your fingers, and your face instantly heated back up. Jesus take the wheel, take it from your hands. "Y-You told me..or..I guess technically another version of you told me. Sans, please just listen to me, this is important." You wanted to get this over with. Sans kept his eyes on you as he cautiously lowered you to the ground, but kept you blue. "Make it fast. My patience with you is thin." Lovely. You took a deep breath. No beating around the bush. "Look, you might believe me or you might not, but I guess it doesn't matter which you do. Sans, I wasn't.." It wasn't you. You thought back to what he had said on your date. "I wasn't the one who killed you. It was Chara. I was in a bad place, and I was scared. They tricked me into giving them my body, and they used it to kill everyone. I never wanted to hurt any of you. I promise." You felt like you were rushing through this. Sans looked extremely confused. "Look.....we've already been through this. well, not THIS." You motioned to the locker room. "But this, meeting each other again. You being pissy and threatening me, you finding out the truth. We...uh...we.." "You two started dating!" Natasha blurted out. Oh god, you thought you couldn't have been blushing any harder. However, Sans was clearly having a hard time believing all of this. You rubbed your face with your hands, sighing. "ANYWAY, things were...getting better? I guess..getting better, yeah. You knew, mom and Papyrus knew. We were going to go tell everyone, but then...Sans, Frisk..Frisk isn't Frisk! They're Chara!" He paled. you certainly had his attention now. You were no longer blue and he walked over, grabbing your arm and jerking you down to his eye level. It did hurt a little but you didn't let him know. "They're Chara?" "Yes, and they RESET everything! At least, everything within the last week! I don't know how I can remember but I can." Sans stared into your eyes and then let go of you, looking away and running a hand down his face. He looked so tired. He always had, but more so now than before. You had just confirmed his fears with Frisk, so it only made sense. You wanted to reach out and hug him. Kiss his head and tell him that things were going to be okay. But you couldn't. That would just be weird. Sans slowly sat down on one of the wooden benches in the locker room, absent mindedly running a hand over the scar on his chest. Seeing it made your heart hurt. Sans noticed you staring and his cheeks turned a soft blue. "...Alright. You have my attention. So, you and me, huh? You may have to jog my memory and remind me just why I would want to get with someone like you." Ouch. But understandable. You hesitated and then sat down beside him, nodding. "Well, see..." "(Y/N)?" Emilie interrupted, her voice soft. "Someone else is here..."

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