Chapter forty seven: It all comes together

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The song for this chapter is: I'm the bad guy


You moved your head to look around and winced. Yup, still hurt. You were in the burnt locker room, tied to some sort of chair. The masked man, who you now knew was Kent, pulled the mask off to reveal blond hair and brown eyes. He had grown to be muscular, and you would have found him attractive if you didn't want to kill him with your bare hands. He gripped the side of the chair and turned it around so you were facing Hazel. Her red hair was tied in a neat bun, and she wore a black dress, as if she were going to a funeral. You began to squirm. "Hazel..Hazel, what the hell? Is Kent making you do this? I thought we were friends?"

"well, so did I, but you just had to keep betraying me."

Wait, what? Kent sighed and sat down beside Hazel, who draped her arms around his neck. "You just kept trying to steal by fallen angel from me." Your draw dropped, and Hazel began to giggle. Kent looked...extremely uncomfortable. "Silly (Y/N), you don't get it, do you? You never think about how anyone else might feel, you only think about yourself! That's what happened when you let that kid kill all those poor monsters, and thanks to that stunt you pulled at the hospital Justin is dead." " YOU killed Justin." You spat, clenching your fists. Hazel waved it off. "You made me move my hand. "Had you just let him kill you none of this would have happened! And everyone would have been happier. I mean, those new kids are the monsters, right? I found out about that short, fat skeleton threatening Justin. He may think he loves you, but he and all the others would be happier with you dead. Even you have to admit that." No. No, no, no. Fuck her. You needed to get out of here, which meant you needed to keep Hazel talking until Sans finds you. And he would find you. He had to. "Hazel..I don't understand! Did you kill the others too? Why?" "There you go again, not listening or caring for anyone else." Hazel's eyes narrowed at you. "You kept trying to steal Kent from me. First when you all became friends, and you kept coming onto him!" Okay, that was true. You had had a huge crush on him the first few months you became his friend. "But Kent was single back then." "So? He just didn't know that he and I were meant to be together."

Holy shit.

This bitch was cray.

"You kept getting between us! So I came up with a plan to get you out of the way--but then, the fight happened, and you left. I was SO happy, (Y/N)! See, I had always liked you, I just knew we could be great friends if you would just leave my angel alone. And you did! And we became friends! But then those idiots had to get in the way too." Your friends. Dawn and the others. You wanted to slap her for insulting them, but no. You had to keep her going. "....what did they do?"

"They turned on my fallen angel! They were going to go to Andrews and tell him everything! They would have been expelled, my angel along with them! I couldn't have that! I refuse to let anyone take him from me!"

Sweet baby Jesus.

Kent ran a hand through his hair and sighed. "...It was just a prank." He spoke slowly, glancing over at Hazel, as if he were afraid of her. Honestly, he might be, and you couldn't blame him. "I knew Hazel worked with robotics and junk. She was just supposed to lock them in overnight." The fire in the bathroom. The supposed wire difficulties. It had been Hazel. "Let them think over their choices. I mean, just Morgan alone, he could never be a vet if he got expelled. They just needed time to think." "Wishful thinking. My fallen angel is always trying to hard to see the best in people." Hazel stroked his chest. You wanted to gag. "But I knew better. Those losers wanted to go back to you, their oh-so morally superior and admirable leader. So, I took things into my own hands." Hazel stood, going to one of the old lockers. When she opened it bits of ash went into the air. Reaching inside, she pulled out gasoline. "I locked them inside, just like Kent asked." As she spoke, she walked around the locker room, pouring the gasoline. "And then I went to the gas station, bought some gas, and came back. It was so easy. Stupidly so, actually, nobody noticed as I took some water bottles full of the gasoline and made a trail from the locker room to the bonfire. And thanks to everyone else screaming, nobody heard the idiots stuck in here. It was a perfect plan." "Fuck you!" You finally snapped. Hazel sat back down and laughed. "See, that's why you're in this situation, (Y/N). You cared about them too much. I had hoped after that fight you would be a little more..understanding. But you just couldn't let the dead stay dead, could you!?" Behind her, shadows took form. They had no physical features, but from their shapes you knew what they were. Your friends. "...No, Hazel. It's the dead who couldn't stay dead. I know what you and Kent did. Emilie wasn't the first who could see their ghosts, was she? No, there were others, and you killed them. Those kids going to prom, that missing Grand Canyon group." "Mmmhmmm.." Hazel hummed in response, running her fingers through Kent's hair. It made sense now. Kent was the one who hadn't intended for murder. And Hazel was a homicidal maniac. She stood, pulling Kent up with her, and began to walk out of the locker room, trailing more gas behind her. Once they reached the door, she glanced over her shoulder.

"I really am disappointed in you, (Y/N). I thought we were such great friends."

"Go jump off a cliff and die."

She laughed slightly and left, slamming the door. This was bad. You couldn't see outside. She was going to set this place on fire all over again, and you wouldn't even know until the flames hit you.

A second chance (A Human!SansxReader fic)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin