Chapter eleven: Missed me, Missed me

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The song for this chapter is: Missed me

Livid couldn't even describe how you felt right now. HOW DARE someone masquerade as your dead friend to try and keep you from solving their murder. If they thought this was going to get you to stop, they were damned wrong. "Looks like we can't back out now." Natasha said, though she was smiling. You needed, tucking your phone into your pocket. "Not that I would. Did these idiots really think they could murder my friends and that I would just stand there and take it?!" No, the irony of your words was not lost on you. Perhaps now, more than ever, you understood Sans' anger. "Then we need to get planning." Nathan said, getting to his feet. "First, we need to talk about Dawn and the others. it's still extremely likely the others are still caught here, and if we can find them, it may be easier to find their killer." "Then where do we start?" You asked, following him up stairs to his room. It's walls were painted a dark purple and his had bookshelves spilling over with books on the paranormal and the occult. He pulled one of them off and sat on his full sized bed, adjusting his glasses. "We need to set up a foundation, a map of the school where the guys are most likely to be. We know from your experience with Dawn that they can move somewhat freely, however, because they lost their lives at the school, they most likely cannot leave campus." You knew Nathan was into this, but his knowledge was really surprising you. You let out a long sigh and smiled up at him. "..Thanks Nate, really. I don't know what I would do without you guys here with me." "Don't thank us, you goober." Natasha pulled you down onto the floor and laid her head in your lap. "I was kinda a huge bitch to you before, recall? Count this as us thanking YOU. You chose to see good in me." "Anyone can be a good person, if they just try." You ran a hand through her hair as you both listened to Nathan continue on. Ghosts tended to stay in areas they spent a lot of time in while alive, like how you found Dawn in the bathroom in the main office. "So, what you're saying is we just need to pick out the places they went to a lot, and we should be able to find them?" You asked. Nathan nodded. "That's the easy part, or it SHOULD be. But since someone is following you, that may become a tad more difficult than it aught to be." Natasha snorted, adjusting herself in your lap. "Let them try to pull something. The minute they do they're going to have a bad fuckin' time." You laughed. Wow, even without him here, Sans' sure was popping up a lot. Nathan nodded. "Agreed. If they think we aren't fighting back, they have another thing coming. But we still need to try to be safe. So, that means that none of us, including Emilie, are going anywhere alone. We don't go to the restroom except during breaks between class. You girls go together and I can always just find an excuse to get Justin to come with me." "You can offer to suck his diiiiiiiiii-" Before Natasha could finish her sentence, Nathan used his foot to roll her off you, making her lay face down on the carpet. You laughed so hard your chest hurt and you knew your face had turned red. You were going to be okay. You just had to remember that. Everything was going to be okay...

You sat up in your bed, shivering violently. The room was freezing. You looked around the guest room Natasha and Nathan had set you up in, and at first you didn't see anything amiss. The lights were off, the bedroom door was closed, the window was open...wait. God dammit. You stayed perfectly still, becoming painfully aware of your surroundings. Every sound made your heart race and you hated to admit it but you were scared. You saw a movement in the corner of the room and closed your eyes so you could see a crack. You weren't going to let them take you out, not that easily. The person creeped closer to the bed and in the moonlight pouring in through the open window you saw that it was in fact the moron in the skeleton costume. Okay, fuck this guy. As soon as he was right over you you jolted up and grabbed the bedside lamp, ripping it out of the power socket and slamming it upside his head. The intruder screamed and you heard crashing upstairs and then the sound of the twins running down. You tried to grab hold of the masked guy, struggling with him and even biting him on the arm because FUCK fighting fair, but he was stronger than you and through you off. You groaned as your back hit the head board of the bed hard, and you just knew that was going to bruise. He ran and jumped out the window just as the twins came in. Natasha ran to to go after him, but her brother grabbed her by the back of the shirt and pulled her back in, slamming the window shut. "It's too dark and we are surrounding by woods, don't be stupid!" Natasha squirmed and grunted as he dropped her, a little too roughly. onto the ground. However she suddenly let out a cry of triumph and help up a slender gun. "Look what the fucker dropped!" "That's not all." You laughed weakly, pushing yourself off the bed and wincing. Your back was going to hurt for days. The twins looked at you, and with a shit eating grin that would rival Sans', you held up the skeleton mask.


We are getting close to a some important stuff, friends. A big reveal will be coming up soon.

I'm glad I've managed to get so many of you interested in this story. Don't worry, I promise there will be some fluff soon. After all, Tori knows that you had been made to commit genocide against your will. At some point she's going to make you tell her, and everyone else, the truth.

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