Chapter seventeen: What happens behind locked doors

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Song for this chapter: Heathens

You gently pulled away from Toriel, giving your mom a kiss on the snout before you got off the barrel. Morgan watched with a tired expression as you took Emilie's hand, pulling her off the ground and making your way towards him. Natasha and Nathan stood, following, and they each grabbed her free hand. With this, everyone could see the ghost boy. You gave him an awkward smile. "With that out of the way...I think i owe you a proper hello...'sup, Morgue." "'Sup, monster girl. And.." Morgan paused and ran a hand down his face before smiling. "And I owe you a proper apology, for what I said during that fight." You shook your head, holding up your free hand to silence him. "Dude, do not even start. I've already been through this was Dawn. What happened doesn't matter-" "No, Cherry Bomb. It matters." He cut you off. "In more ways than you think." Your blinked and tilted your head at him. Toriel slowly made her way over. "Fight? What are you talking about, who is this?" "This is Morgan, he is a very good friend of mine. And the fight was stupid-" "The fight was started because we were doing bad things." Morgan turned to Toriel. "We..were bullied a lot. And at some point two years ago we got sick of it, and our friend Kent convinced everyone to fight back..everyone but (Y/N). She called us out on all the mean things we were doing, hiding peoples things, messing with their grades. She told u how we were only going to make things worse, and deep down we knew she was right, we just...didn't want to admit it. We were so tired of being pushed around just because we were different. It never crossed our minds that we were becoming just as bad as our bullies." Morgan looked down, ashamed. You sighed, struggling not to roll your eyes. Looking back, yeah, you still stood by your stance against what they had been doing, but you thought the whole thing was so stupid now. And you told Morgan so. "It was dumb, the whole thing. And I'm sorry for what I said, it was uncalled for. I could never regret being friends with any of you...except Kent." "You had every right to say it. We were...awful to you during that fight. And we just stood by and let you get hurt. We were horrible friends, especially after you brought us all together." Hold up, what? This actually made you laugh. "Morgue, dude. Kent brought everyone together, not me. He made our weird little club." But Morgan only shook his head.

"(Y/N), he gave us a name and a place to hang out. But you were friends with all of us before Kent came around. Dawn may have been the one to bring out the good in you, but you made the conscious choice to seek us out when you saw us being singled out. You brought us together and gave us somewhere to belong. We never ever should have treated you like we did." You felt your face heat up and blushed even harder when Toriel hugged you. You could just see the pride in her face. "And like I said, that fight matters in more ways than you think." Morgan continued. "It triggered everything." What? "" You asked, frowning. This was not something you expected to hear. Morgan nodded. "I can't tell you everything. I'm sorry, I know this is frustrating the past two years, your new friend isn't the only one who could see us. And when we told them everything they got 'deal with', fast. It's safer for you this way." Emilie wasn't the first. You tried to think back to any strange deaths that had occurred in the last two years. Natasha spoke up. "there...was that whole group that went missing during a school hiking trip in the grand canyon. That was a serious nightmare..." "The only other accident I can recall is that car crash on prom night last year." You said, thinking. "Like...6 kids..died. Holy..they're killing more than just people who can see you." This was..disgusting. You felt like you were going to be sick. These bastards..killed so many innocent people. "I know. It was...awful. There was nothing we could. But please, let me help and tell you as much as I can." "(Y/N), what is going on?" Toriel squeezed your shoulders gently, and blinked, moving your shirt gently as you winced. She gasped when she saw yet more bruises. Great, now Toriel was getting seriously worried. "This kid, and about 5 more died two years ago in a fire." Sans said, seeming to recall that assembly on Thursday. "But..the principal said it was an accident." "Well, it wasn't." Morgan scowled now. "Someone locked the doors..sort of? The knobs could turn but the doors wouldn't open. We couldn't get out. That stupid locker room didn't have windows." "We only just found out about it last week." Natasha explained to the monsters. "The day of the assembly." "The fire.." papyrus muttered, and you were surprised at how quiet he was being. Emilie nodded. "We were in the bathroom talking to Dawn when the fire started. She was the first ghost we found." "And yet somebody already knew that you could see and talk to her." The corners of Sans' permanent smile tilted downward slightly, and his sockets had turned into a pitch black void. "They knew, and they tried to get rid of you as early as possible." "yes, and it's someone you girls know." Morgan said. You sighed, nodding. "I figured, after what that creep outside said." This caused Morgan to smirk a little. "I saw what went down. I'm so sorry I couldn't help. But once you pulled yourself together, you kicked butt. Like I always say, fuck pacifism." Toriel frowned at the language but Morgan merely laughed. Sans didn't see, too happy about the swearing in front of his brother, either. Still, that wasn't important right now. You bit your lip, thinking. "Okay, so far we know this. The fire two years ago wasn't an accident. Someone locked you inside, and somehow got the fire to spread to the old locker room. It's someone we know, and they're not working alone. And somehow..our fight triggered this?" Morgan nodded. "Rather, you calling us out triggered it. You pissed somebody off, Monster girl, and they have friends." You groaned, rubbing your temple with your free hand. " incredibly stupid. So I called you guys out for acting like bullies, and this idiot starts mass murdering?" Morgan nodded. "kinda..let's just say..murder wasn't the original plan of ONE person involved. But that's all I can tell you now." knew more than you did before. A lot more, actually. This was somebody you knew. That was important information. You gave Morgan a smile. "Thanks Morgue...and I still don't mean what I said. You're one of my best friends, and I AM going to get to the bottom of this!" "I know, Monster girl." He smiled back at you, though sadly. "And you're one of my best friends safe. If you gotta, take these bastards out. Fuck pacifism."

With that, you let go of Emilie's hand, as did Natasha and Nathan. You turned to look back up at Toriel, who looked so very worried, however she sighed and shook her head. "..I can already tell there's no talking you out of this. And honestly, I don't want to stop you. But you children aren't doing this alone. Let's get you to my home. We're going to talk to everyone else, and fix your back." "Let's save that for tomorrow, Tori." Sans said, winking up at the goat mom. "I think they need some rest. In fact, I'm gonna go treat (Y/N) to some food."


Okay, not a lot of new details have been revealed, but enough. Let's go over what we know!

1. The fires weren't an accident, either of them.

2. Whoever caused them knows how A, keep doors locked without tampering with the physical lock, and B, can make wires short circuit to start fires.

3. Somehow got the fire to spread without others noticing. So this was very planned.

4. You know them.

5. There's multiple people working against you.

6. There were others at the school who could see your friends. They, and anyone unlucky enough to be with them, died.

7. Last, your fight with your friends triggered this.

Sadly, there still isn't a suspect in sight.

Also, you and Sansy boy getting dinner together. huuuuh~

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