Neighbors Pt.1

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I wait in my room watching the clock. Waiting for it it to be midnight like I always do on Saturday nights.

As soon as the clock reads twelve I grab my bag and go out onto my balcony. I toss my bag over the edge and then climb over the edge and sit on the railing as I get ready to climb down.

"What are you doing?" I look up and see the new neighbors kid standing on his balcony across from me.

He's kind of cute. He has brown hair and I can't tell if it's really curly or just very wavy. His skin is a pale white and his eyes are a deep hazel color.

"Will you keep it down before you get me caught?" I whisper yell. "Where are you going?" He whispers back and walks to the edge of his balcony.

"That's a secret. You can come if you want." I say and smirk. "You want me to just sneak out with you? I don't even know you." He says.

"Okay then. Just keep your mouth shut and stay there in your room doing whatever it is boring people do." I say and climb over the rail.

"I'm not boring." He says. "Mhm." I say and climb all the way down to the ground. "You know what. I'm coming." He says.

"Better hurry." I say. He disappears and comes back a couple of minutes later. He climbs down from his balcony and now he's standing in front of me.

"Okay let's go." I say and began to walk towards the street. "Where are we going?" He asks me. "You'll see." I say.

"Okay well what's your name?" He asks. "Kate." I say. "Shawn." He says and I smile and nod.

"Okay Shawn. How good are you at jumping fences?" I ask. "What? I don't know. Why?" He asks me and I laugh. "You sure do ask a whole lot of questions." I say and we keep walking down the street.

"Are we about to do something illegal?" He asks me. "You know I honestly don't know." I say and the look on his face was kind of funny.

"Here we are." I say once we reach our destination. "The Zoo?" He asks me and I nod, "yup. Come on we have to go to the back." I say. I walk in front of Shawn and he follows behind me.

I walk up to the fence in the back and throw my bag over. I then begin to climb the fence. "You coming or are you just going to stand there?" I ask.

Shawn sighs and climbs the fence after me. I pick up my bag and look around. "That way." I say and me and Shawn start walking down a path.

I get out my flash light from my bag so we can see. "Where are we going?" He asks. "Would you stop asking so many questions and just be spontaneous?" I ask.

"Sorry." He says and I sigh. We arrive at the small zoo gift shop. I see the light on and I go and knock on the door and four times. Then I see Carl, my older cousin come and unlock the door for us. Carl is only two years older.

"Hey, who's the dude?" He asks me and gives me a look. "Oh stop. I just met him. Shawn. Carl. Carl. Shawn." I say and go behind the counter and sit down.

"So what are we doing tonight?" I ask Carl. "Okay let's see. You can go in the sky lift over the zoo, the reptile house, and you can see the baby animals in the animal nursery." He says.

"Cool!" I say and get up. "What's going on?" Shawn asks. "Every now and then Carl let's me sneak in here and me, him and his friend Jason do cool stuff after closing. Jason's dad owns the zoo." I say.

"Oh wow." Shawn says. "And what if we get caught?" Shawn asks. "Caught? We don't get caught." We all look and see Jason walk through the door.

Jason is the cutest guy you will ever see. He has wavy brown hair, blue eyes, deep dimples when he smiles, and he's very well built. He's a really cool guy and we've been friends for a long time, but I've always kind of liked him.

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