T H I R T Y - N I N E

131 8 18

Chen's POV

A few days had past since the boys came over for a visit and it felt empty. You'd think Xiumin and I had grown used to live without the boys 24/7, but that's where you're wrong. We miss them everyday. We're just trying to make it through everyday without crying, because we have Mark now and we have to be strong for him and for ourselves. The place in my chest where the boys' laughter, chatter and constant singing around the dorms, is now a big empty hole. Xiumin and Mark had filled some parts of it out, but it's not complete; it never will be.

What makes this even sadder is that today it was a year ago Xiumin and I were kicked out of EXO. Yes, unbelievable right? Xiumin and I looked at each other as we sat at the dining table with Mark at the end in a big chair, eating his food; some of it smeared out on his face, and smiled weakly at each other. My eyes got softly filled with tears; Xiumin's as well.

I shook my head to clear my thoughts and took a napkin to clean Mark's face and began helping him with eating the food since he was only playing with it. Mark studied my face and frowned softly. I smiled weakly at him.

"Appa?" I hugged softly and looked down.

"Yes?" I answered him, without knowing a single tear slipped down my cheek and Mark reached his small hand out as if to touch my cheek and I leaned in and he touched my cheek and looked weirdly at his hand that was now a little wet. He looked up and reached out his hand again and blabbered as if asking what the wet thing was on his hand and I took his hand cleaning it.

"That's a tear, my dear. It happens when people get sad," I said trying to maintain my voice from cracking. He looked at his and back up at me and touched my cheek again wit his small hand and, without my permission, a tear rolled down again. It landed in Mark's hand again and he moved his hand on my cheek as if to wipe my cheek clean from the tears and I choked out a laugh and grabbed his small hand and kissed it.

I looked to Xiumin and he smiled widely at me and grabbed my hand and sniffles a little. Mark was confused why his parents were crying and looked between us with a weird expression, before he wanted to get down so he could go play. Xiumin went up from his seat just as I was about to and cleaned Mark up before sitting him in the living room with his toys.

Xiumin and I had for the past days after the boys had left, looked for an apartment where we could live so we could give my parents some rest from us and be themselves again. They said it was alright, but we convinced them that we couldn't live here always. We were a couple with a kid; we couldn't continue staying at their house and they reasoned with us and began helping us searching for a new place where we could live.

When we had cleaned up, I turned to Xiumin with silent tears rolling down my cheeks and a trembling bottom lip. He softened his eyes, looking just as sad and went over to hug me tightly and buried my face in his shoulder and cried, my body shaking slightly.

"I miss them, Xiumin," I choked out. "It's already been a year, but I still miss them so much." This was torture. I'm surprised I've/we've gotten this far without breaking down. I'm sure it's because of Mark. He has been the glue that we needed to stay sane and healthy. Without him we wouldn't have gotten far. Even though it was because I got pregnant that we were kicked out of EXO, I wouldn't take back, having Mark as a son. Never. He's our miracle baby boy. I turned my head to look at him, my head still resting on Xiumin's shoulder and Mark looked over at us and grinned widely as he played with some legos. I smiled back at him, feeling happiness slowly seeping into my heart as I saw his wide smile.

"I miss them too, baby. So much.. but we have to face that we'll probably never get back together with them. That we probably never will perform with them again or go to interviews. We have to try and live this normal life outside of the spotlight," Xiumin truthfully said and my smile fated.

"Yeah, I know bu-," I hadn't gotten around to finish my sentence, when my mobile suddenly rang, the sound startling both of and I retracted my mobile from my back pocket and answered it.


"Hey dae! Wow that rhymed!" A well known voice said and I chuckled. A few groans were heard in the background; I was apparently on speaker.

"Just get to the point, Suho," D.O. annoyedly said in the back, making me chuckle. I put them on speaker as well so Xiumin could hear.

"What's up, guys?" I said cheerfully. It was nice to hear their voices once more; it calmed my heart a bit.

"Quickly turn on the TV!" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"The TV?"

"Yes! Quickly go!" Xiumin and I rushed into the living room and turned on the TV. A newsreporter sat in of the camera with a stack of papers ready to speak. The boys were still on the phone, listening with us.

"We've finally gotten news from the SM scandal and it looks like the fans has won. The former EXO manager has now been thrown away and has been replaced by xxx xxxxx. EXO and the fans are happy to hear this news," the newsreporter kept talking, but I wasn't listening. What? It actually happened? Never had I thought it would happen. SM had always been a stubborn company; a good company, but very stubborn and well prepared with evidence that they had done nothing wrong. But apparently it happen now.

"What the f.." Xiumin began saying, but I gave him the death stare and he quickly shut up.

"Isn't it amazing?! And the new manager sa-"

"Shut up, Luhan!" Kris said and I stared weirdly at the phone. What was that all about?

"What was that all about?" Xiumin asked, laughing at their bickering. A sigh of frustration was a heard and I guess it was from Kris.

"Look what you've done Luhan. I can't tell you anything as certain others can't either!" Kris snapped and I stifled a laugh. "But what I can say is that you will receive a call soon."

I looked perplexed and turned my gaze to Xiumin, who had the same expression.

As if on cue Xiumin's phone started ringing.

• • •

It's hard to believe that there's only one chapter and then an epilogue left of this book
。゚('ω')゚。. Howwww?? And Mark is such a fucking cutie I mean! I'm still not over that I made Xiumin and Chen dads to Mark like that is just too cute to just imagine holy fuck just~

Thank you so much for 4.6k reads! I never thought I'd get this much reads! I've wanted it to get this much reads, but not this much (о''о)

Please do share this book it would mean the world to me!

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See yaaa!

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