T H I R T Y - F I V E

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First off: I'm so fresking sorry for the late update I've just had a lot of things on my mind and I've made so many other fanfics and then I had to take care of those as well and things just got fucked up.. I feel like such an awful author...

Second off: I'm gonna be a little unrealistic with how Mark grows up. He'll grow up immensely fast(he already is smh). Like I'll make him be able to walk after like only 3 months or whatever 'cause else I won't be able to get the ending I want and you won't be able to cry with me lmao I'm sorry..

So basically that's it and I hope you'll enjoy this chapter! Love y'all, my wonderful readers and thank you so much for 3.3k reads! Holy shit wtf!? I love you!!

No ones POV

As soon as Cathrine made her way home, she made sure that none of her parents saw her and started asking questions. Luckily they weren't home so she hurried up the stairs and into her room.

She slumped herself down in front of her computer and pulled out the USB device and plugged it into her computer.

A bling on her screen and a map showing told her that it was ready to be downloaded into her computer. She quickly did all that and went into every app and website where she new she could leak these information and everyone would notice.

Get ready to go down SM.


Chen's POV

Having little Mark as a son had been the best miracle that had ever happened to Xiumin and I. He was the sweetest and cutest baby, he had ever laid eyes on. He had big brown eyes and chubby cheeks and when he smiled it was like the whole world lit up.

It had been a month since he came into the world and he was already so talkative - every now and then he babble on and on when Xiumin played with him.

The boys would call and ask how everything went basically thrice a week, making sure we were doing okay. We would tell them the usual "we're doing just fine" and the we'd send them pics of Mark and let them "talk" with Mark and letting Mark see his uncles. He loved seeing them. It was incredibly adorable how he'd laugh his little high pitched baby laugh and jump and up and down in my arms whenever Xiumin showed him the screen where the boys would be.

But then every time we had to say goodbye and end the call we would all get sentimental. Even though they would call thrice a week, we'd still shed a few tears. I wish it wasn't like this. I don't understand how the manager could see it as necessary to kick us out of the group, when we hadn't done anything wrong. Sure, I got pregnant, but what's the big deal about that? It shouldn't be enough reason to kick us out.

Right now I was sitting crosslegged with Mark and we were playing with cars. He had grown so much - he had already found out how to crawl and we were no where near comfortable with leaving him unattended - who knows what he'll do? He was also doing so well. We had been to the doctors so he could check up on Mark and he said he was a very healthy kid. He was growing well, his heartbeat was steady and normal and his health was intact. He was healthy, eating well and was a very happy child. He loved laughing and we loved when he laughed. It brought a feeling to go through me that I didn't know I was capable of feeling.

He laughed and giggled holding the car in his hand, while he made cute car sounds. I laughed along with him, sounding just as excited as him.

No ones POV

Cathrine had now uploaded the files to twitter and posted pics of the files onto Instagram and Facebook and now she was just waiting for the fans to reply. Soon enough a whole bunch of messages and likes and comments were send her way and she smiled devilishly.

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