T W E N T Y - E I G H T

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Chen's POV

(I dare you to listen to My Answer while reading this)

*5 days later*

Xiumin and I had made an appointment with SM to tell them about the baby news and to be honest I was sweating and nervous. My heart was pounding with stress and it felt like I was going to pass out. All these emotions pregnancy provides made me dizzy. The doctor had said that these kind of emotions weren't all too good for the baby so I was doing my best. If I hadn't had Xiumin by my side I don't think I would have survived this mess.

We were contemplating whether we should say it straight out or make a longer speech. Since we didn't want to make a fuss we decided to take the first option. Xiumin had his arm around my waist and kept me in place as we began walking towards our manager's office. It made me feel safe and calm knowing that Xiumin was with me in this.

When we stood in front of the doors I felt my hands get sweaty. Xiumin was going to knock on the door but I stopped him. I looked up at him nervously.

"What are we going to say?" Feeling so out of proportion wasn't one of my favourites. I didn't like not knowing how to do things.

"We'll say what we've discussed baby, don't worry," Xiumin replied and kissed my temple. I shook myself up and readied myself. Everything's going to be fine.

Xiumin knocked on the door and a call from the inside made Xiumin grab the door handle and open the door. The first thing I saw, when I entered was the manager behind the desk. His posture screamed professional and strict, but the worst was his eyes. You felt like you were getting stabbed with a two edged sword when he looked at you. I gulped and looked away. Xiumin and I went up to the front.

"Take a seat," he said and gestured us to sit. We sat down stiffly, afraid that we'd get scolded by just the tiniest movement.

I coughed and began talking.

"So, we all know how I've been feeling nauseous this past week and that I went to the doctor to get him to look at me," I started out and I could feel sweat forming on my forehead. The manager nodded and I continued.

"Well, we've found out the reason," now it comes. I took in a deep breath and looked our manager in the eyes. "I'm pregnant. Xiumin and I are gonna be parents."

I saw how the manager's face scrunched up and turned red. He was mad. Beyond mad. He stood up abruptly and slammed his hand down on the table making me and Xiumin jump in our seats.

"Get out!" He shouted pointing his finger at the door. His body shaking with anger and his eyes flaming.

"But-" Xiumin and I tried to start out.

"No! No buts. I don't want you here! I could accept that you got together, but you having baby together is not acceptable! Not nearly!" It seemed as though he would faint from all the anger that corrupted his mind. My eyes began to water.

"You want us to leave EXO?" My voice cracking at the end of the sentence. Please say that this is a joke.

"Yes! Get out now! I don't want you here!" A sob broke out through my lips and I smacked my hands over my mouth. My whole life has been snatched from me.

No EXO no Life. I remember one of the signs some fans would hold up at our concerts and my heart dropped out of its socket. My heart broke into millions of pieces and I struggled to catch my breath. Xiumin shook beside me as well. I heard him sob as well.

I stood up and ran outside the room, Xiumin following close behind. He slammed the door shut and I ran as fast and far as I could, Xiumin still behind me. My sobs and cries could be heard all over SM, Xiumin's too.

While we were running all I could think about was our fans and the boys. What were they going to do now that we weren't allowed to be there anymore?

I didn't want to live anymore. My heart was no longer there. It was just a dead organ in between my ribs. Still I could feel it beating inside my chest as I ran. Xiumin had caught up to me and held my hand as we ran. I squeezed his hand tight.

Tears flowed out from my eyes none stop and stained my cheeks and my cries were never ending. I felt like throwing up.

We entered the dorms sobbing and crying. The boys ran over to us and held us and somehow brought all three of us into the living room. I held Xiumin painfully tight into my chest seeking for comfort, but how can you get comfort from a person who's also longing for comfort? Yet we still stayed in each other's arms and cried our hearts out.

Tears and sobs seemed to come flowing naturally at this point. We couldn't stop them, it was like waves. When we seemed to have calmed down the sobs and tears came all over again.

Throughout our mourning the boys were comforting us and caressing our backs whispering sweet and reassuring words into our ears. My heart was glad for the comfort, but my heart still cried.

How are we going to manage? Where are we going to live? Xiumin and I are going to be parents. I'm pregnant. My tears and sobs died down quickly at that and I forced myself to calm down even though more tears and sobs wanted to flow.

I pulled away slowly and hid my face in my hands. I sucked in a deep breath and stared up at the ceiling.

"I can't be sad. I can't allow myself to worry and sob whenever I want. I'm pregnant. I have to think of my baby. The doctor said it's not good for the baby to experience deep troubles. It needs peace and happiness. I can't allow myself to cry knowing the baby will get affected," throughout the talk fresh new tears started rolling down my cheeks, but I whipped them away angrily.

"Chen, it's alright. The baby will be fine, but you and Xiumin need to be fine as well. Please tell us what's wrong," Suho said and placed a hand on my shoulder. I looked at him and took in a deep breath.

"We've been kicked out of EXO. Hey don't want us here anymore because I'm pregnant with Xiumin's child," sobs spilled from my lips again. I looked at Xiumin and saw how broken he was as well. Tears silently rolling down his cheeks and sobs softly escaping his lips once in a while. His eyes red from all the tears that kept filling them and lips wobbling although he tried to stop them. I let go of myself again and cried leaning into him and finally we found comfort in one another. He understood me and I understood him. We've been through so much together and he's always been there for me. How did I ever get so lucky to find such a perfect man like Xiumin?

The boys gasped loudly and we sobbed clinging onto each other. We heard the boys sit around us silently before they all broke into sobs as well and hugged us from either side of us.

After we had cried for the second time we calmed down completely now and we talked about everything. How we were going to work everything out and how we'd do everything when we were gone. The thought made the boys let out some sobs again. It was unbearable to think of a life outside of EXO.

My heart was broken beyond measure. Xiumin and I's hearts were broken beyond measure. We had each other, but we needed the rest of the boys.

We are one. EXO, Saranghaja. That's our slogan.

But how can we be one when two pieces are missing from the puzzle?

• • •

My heart is not in my chest anymore after writing this. What is life and how the fuck do you live it??

If you survived this I congratulate you. (No sarcasm intended)

Don't forget to vote and comment:3

Thanks for reading, babes <3 it means everything to me <3 please share this story, I'd be so grateful.

Goodbye! Goodnight! Good morning! Good afternoon! <3

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