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Xiumin's POV

When I woke up the next morning the first thing I realised was that I was alone. The warmth Chen lend me was gone and I began freezing a little bit.

I opened my eyes and groaned, rolling around to try and find a warm spot, but the spot where Chen laid was already cold. Groaning I sat up slowly and rubbed my head with both hands getting the sleep out of my eyes.

Getting out of bed was a hard procedure, but I had to. This was the day we going on tour. My heart began pounding in my chest from excitement. A smile forming on my lips. I went out of the room and into the kitchen where I found Chen standing by the coffee machine, pouring himself a cup of coffee and Kyungsoo by the stove, frying eggs and bacon for breakfast.

Kyungsoo looked up in my direction when I entered and send me a bright smile. Happy morning people makes me angry. How can they be this happy?

"Good morning, Xiumin," Kyungsoo grinned at me, while giving Chen a funny look. I glanced from Chen to Kyungsoo and wondered what had happened between them before I came.

"Good morning, Kyungsoo," I grunted and went over to Chen to get some coffee as well. He didn't look up when I neared him. I gave him a weird glance and I looked up at Kyungsoo, who just shrugged and smiled at me.

"I'm gonna go to the toilet. Can you look after the eggs and bacon? Please make sure it doesn't get burned," Kyungsoo said with concern in his voice. I snorted.

"Sure, I'll look after it and don't worry. It won't get burned," I smiled sleepily at him. He nodded and went out of the kitchen.

As I stirred up in the eggs and bacon on the frying pan, I could see Chen glancing my way out of the corner of my eye. When I looked up he quickly looked down at the two coffee mugs.

I furrowed my eyebrows at him. What's going on all of a sudden? He usually never acts this way towards me. 

"Good morning, Chen," I smiled at him. He looked at me and smiled as well.

"Good morning," it was almost a whisper. I sighed deeply. I could feel in the air that a question was on its way and I prepared myself for it. If Chen wanted to ask me a question. He should be allowed to.

"Xiu?" My heart leaped at the nickname he had given me.

"Yes, Chennie?" I replied. He looked up at me uncertainly.

"I talked to Kyungsoo just before you got here and he told me something," Chen started out slowly. I could tell he was nervous about this topic so I didn't push him to continue and just waited till he started again. What did Kyungsoo tell him though?

"He told me that you were madly in love with me," my body turned stiff as cement and I stopped stirring the eggs and bacon. What? I thought only Tao knew? Except if Tao had told Kyungsoo! I have to have a word with him after breakfast.

What I didn't get was that there, in the midst of his nervousness, was a hint of joy. He was happy?

"Is it true?" He asked more lively and I gulped before I turned to look at him, getting rid of all the nervousness I, myself began to feel. As I looked into his eyes I could tell he was in a conflict with himself. Should he be flattered that I was in love with him? Or should he be angry?

I leaned against the counter while crossing my arms over my chest as I looked at him.

"Yeah. It's true," Chen widened his gaze at me and his mouth formed an 'o'. Don't look at his lips, Xiumin.

But I couldn't help it and stepped closer and closer to and with every step I took towards him, he backed away until his back was against the wall and our noses were straight ahead of each other.

"W-why? Why are you so in love with me?" He managed to stammer. I smiled at him.

"How can I not? You're funny, sweet, kindhearted and just perfect in my eyes Chen. I love you because you're an amazing man with an amazing heart," I told him finally confessing my feelings to him. It felt great to finally get it out of my chest.

Chen sucked in a deep breath and looked at me shocked. I couldn't help but smile at him and lean forward just a little bit more, locking my eyes with his as our noses touched.

His breath fanned over my lips and he smelled of newly breed coffee - my favourite taste. My left hand found their way to his neck and stayed there, while my thumb brushed over his cheek. I bit my button lip and leaned closer again until the tips of our lips touched and Chen stiffened in shock grabbing onto my arm. His eyes never once left mine and I felt the sweet sensation of electricity rolling up and down my spine making me shiver. I have to close the distance. I have to feel his sweet, soft lips on mine again.

I cupped both of his cheeks and I locked my lips with his. The sweet coffee taste of his breath consumed all of my senses, sending me flying over the moon. I pressed my body closer into his and felt him gasp. He didn't kiss me back immediately. Possibly because he's in shock still. So I continued to mild my lips against his, just savouring the sweet feel of his lips against mine and the way his breath tasted and became unstable from the kiss.

When I finally felt Chen give in and kissed me back, I felt like my body was set on fire. Every inch of my body were filled with the feeling of fire. Chen tilted his head to the side to deepen the kiss and it was like my knees became weak. But it wasn't until I felt Chen's hands move up to my hair that I lost all control of myself and let my right hand run down his side till it was securely still at his hip. I gave it a light squeeze and I felt Chen gasp opening his mouth. I took the chance to let my tongue slowly go into his mouth and move smoothly against his. His body shivered at the contact and I felt dominant.

The first kiss was amazing, but the second kiss was fantastic.

Slowly pulling my tongue out of his mouth and giving Chen a final kiss I slowly detached my lips from his.

• • •

*xiuchen feels are exploding*

Two updates in a day HAH lets celebrate babies. 

Or not.

Hope you like this xD


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