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Xiumin's POV

The closer we got to the SM Entertainment building, the more my heart began pound from anticipation.

I was both worried and excited. Worried that things might not go the way planned. Excited that everything might go as planned and that today will be productive.

The fact that Chen was with Suho didn't change the fact that I'm excited to see Chen again. It was a weird feeling. Love. One second it's all amazing and cuddly. The next it's pain and sadness. How?

I really don't know for how long I keep this facade up. Every hug and kiss Chen shares with Suho stabs me in the heart. That I've been able to keep up with this for 6 months is amazing. Nearly.

I suddenly felt an arm go around my shoulder. I looked to the right and Tao smiling at me.

"Don't worry, Xiu. Everything's going to be okay," Tao said squeezing my shoulder.

I looked at him a bit taken a back.


"I know you're worried about Chen and Suho," How does he know? My face is expressionless.

"How in the world do you know?" I asked my facial expression filled with disbelief.

"Your mouth is in a thin line, your eyes look as if they could kill and you walk really stif-like," I sighed trying to relax my body a little.

"Chen and Suho aren't the only ones I'm worried about. I want today to be a least a bit productive even though we had a party last night," I sighed once again. I can't lie though. Chen and Suho filled my mind every day. So of course I'm a little worried.

"I know I know. Just don't let it get to your head alright, hyung?" Tao smiled at me. 

He let go of my shoulder and went behind to talk to Kris. Luhan came up to me shortly after and began talking about how excited he is for the concert and the practice. He talked about a lot of stuff and I tried to keep up with him plus keeping up my mind and emotions.


As we entered the building and went to the elevator my anticipation grew really much. I'm very excited for this. I forgot about SuChen for a while there which was a big relief for me.

The relief was soon broken to sheds though as we all went into the studio.

There right in front of me I saw SuChen kissing each other. My heart broke a bit more again and I inhaled quickly, while throwing my head to the side. I heard the smooch of their lips parting and I bit my lip, squinted my eyes trying surpass what was going on in front of me and went over to the sofas where te other sat.

I quickly threw a side the feelings I felt and kept a straight face with a small smile on my face.

"So! Let's practice!" Lay said clasping his hands together really excited.

This is going to be a long day.


After practice we were lying sprawled out on the floor completely exhausted. My wish did come true then. It did become productive. Hoodies laid everywhere along with water bottles.

Chen was lying beside me panting slightly. I stole a glance at him and immediately regretted it. Small drops of sweat were situated on his evident cheekbones and jawline plus his shirt were wet enough from sweat to show his muscular abs.

I quickly turned my head to the side and closed my eyes. How long am I going to stand this?

Being this close to him while in this condition, but knowing he's with Suho, is extremely infuriating.

Broken // XiuChen Where stories live. Discover now