T W E N T Y - S E V E N

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Chen's POV

I silently entered the exo-m dorm not wanting to have people run around me. The doctor was absolutely static about the idea of me being pregnant. The first male in history!

I begged him with everything I had within to not let it out in the news. To just keep it between us. He looked at me confused but obliged. I'm happy about that.

I mean, I'm happy, but I'm also terrified. I don't want to tell the others about this. I'm probably going to be disowned for this. I shook my head violently. Of course I'm not. They're my brothers. They love me.

Why does everything seem to be against me? I've just gotten over the problem with Suho and everything was going great. Now it turns out I'm pregnant. I want to drop down and cry. I feel so broken. It's like the world is crashing down on me. What will we tell the fans? How will SM take these news?

That question haunts me so bad. I don't want to be thrown out of SM. Let alone EXO. They are my life. Especially Xiumin. Please God, if you exist then please let luck be on my side.

I took off my shoes and stood in front of the door that let into the living room. This is it. Am I ready for what's going to happen? Definitely not. My heart is pounding hard against my ribs and is threatening to break out of it socket. My breath was stuck in my throat and I had cold sweat slowly running down the sides of my face.

I manned up and went through. The boys all simultaneously looked up with worry written all over their faces. They all stood up, but Xiumin ran over to me.

"Are you okay!? What happened at the doctors? What did he tell you? Are you. Okay?" He frantically said and felt me all over my face looking at my features as if trying to see what decease I would have. I chuckled half heartedly.

"I'm okay. Well sort of," I said starting out slowly. Xiumin hugged me and soothed me, but I could feel the worry lingering as a snake lingering before attaching its prey. He wanted me to spill it out now, but he was holding himself back and I was thankful for that.

"What do you mean, Chen?" Baekhyun said eyebrows furrowed together. I coughed and debated whether I should just spill it out as it is or build up the anticipation and make myself ready as I go.

"I-I don't know how to say this," tears started to well up in my eyes. I looked at their faces and tried to make out what they were thinking. They all probably thought I had cancer. Nope, it's not cancer. It's something better, but I don't know how you'll react and that makes me scared.

"Just spill it out, Chen. We've been though enough to take what you're going to say," Kris said and smiled weakly at him tears finally rolling down my cheeks. Xiumin brushed them away and kissed my temple.

"Okay, you're probably going to be either mad, confused or shocked and I'm scared with whatever of these reactions you'll come with," I started breathing in deeply. I grabbed Xiumin's hand and looked him in the eyes.

"Xiumin, I'm pregnant. You're going to be a father," as I had said the words I quickly looked away, not wanting to see his reaction. This wasn't a normal thing that happened everyday, so it added to the anxiety that bore through my body.

The boys gasped audibly some shocked and other happy.

"Really?" His voice was laced with happiness and excitement. I looked at him confused and saw a huge smile across his face.

"Yeah, but aren't you confused as to how I got pregnant?" My heart was beyond happy that he took the news so well, but he didn't look at all faced with how in the world I got pregnant. Xiumin furrowed his eyebrows in thought. He shook his head and shrugged his shoulders.

"No and I don't really want to. I'm going to be a dad!" He hugged my body enthusiastically and I laughed hugging him back happy about his positivity.

"I'm going to an uncle?" Luhan said. I looked over at him and he was smiling into the distance. He looked at me and began laughing. The others joining in soon after. They came over and hugged Xiumin and I.

"I mean, I understand shit about this all, but I'm so happy," Tao said adding to the laughter wobbling out of our mouths.

Baekhyun jumped up and down and grabbed Chanyeol's arm, when we broke apart from the hug. He looked at Xiumin and I with a hidden excitement.

All the anxiety from before subsided as I looked at the members' happy faces. Thank god.

"Chen we have to look at baby's clothes! Omg! Please," he shrieked and I giggled. I looked to Xiumin and he was just as much of a giggling mess as I.

"I was so scared that you guys wouldn't accept me after this. I thought you would disown me or something," I truthfully said. Xiumin huffed in sadness.

"How could you think such a thing? You're boyfriend and the mother of the our baby. How could I disown you?"

"Yeah how could you think we would disown you? You're our brother," Suho said smiling widely as Lay had his arm around his waist. I smiled at the sight and was thankful that the troubles we had gone through was forgotten.

"Thank you so much," I said looking at the guys with gratitude and ended up looking at Xiumin. His eyes shown with pride and love for me. and Xiumin pulled me in for a kiss. I quickly kissed back. The kiss was tender and full of love. I placed my hand on his shoulders as our lips moved in sync.

I pulled away and looked at Xiumin happily. My cheeks flashed red. I'm pregnant with Xiumin's child. Reality still hasn't caught up with me. I hugged Xiumin tightly seeking comfort in my discomfort and I felt him hug me back just as tight. I felt completely comforted when he hugged me tightly into his chest. My head was lying on his shoulder and I looked out the window at the now windy and rainy weather.

"We have one problem though," I said still hugging Xiumin. I don't want to let go. I'm afraid my emotions will carry me away again and that I'll end up crying once more. My heart clenched and ached.

"What that?" Xiumin replied. Even though I didn't want to cry tears welled up in my eyes. I didn't know I had held my breath until I took in a raspy and shaky breath, silent tears staining my cheeks slowly.

"We have to tell SM."

• • •

This chapter is a bit depressing and sad and I felt like crying while writing it. Chen has been through so much already ('ρ')
But he's not going to give up his baby! His and Xiumin's!

*cries in a corner while drinking vodka*

I hope you guys still like reading this story after all the fuss of it being over and that I'd start a second book and all... I hope you still like reading my story even though this happened.

To be exact and to warn you all. This story is going to keep going for another 10-12 chapters I think. More or less will follow.

Don't forget to vote and comment:3

Love you all <3 please share this story (*''*)

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Broken // XiuChen Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora