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Xiumin's POV

After breakfast,some chose to go over to SM Entertainment to practice early for our concert, Exo'lution. Chen, Suho, Kris, Chanyeol, Lay and Kai went over to there while me, Tao, Baekhyun, Kyungsoo, Sehun and Luhan decided to stay home to fresh ourselves up since last night was a bit hectic.

"So guys, what should we do now?" Kyungsoo said while smiling at us. We're currently sitting in the living room of exo-k's dorm with snacks and sitting down with our phones checking social media. Baekhyun sat on a little plush chair while the rest of us occupied the sofas.

"VIDEO GAMES!!" Luhan yelled right besides me causing me to lose my shit, literally. I slapped him on his head.

"Stop yelling for fuck sakes Luhan. I nearly died for a minute," I exclaim completely flustered from his outburst.

The others began laughing at us. I glared at them making them shut up.

"Am I making you uncomfortable, hyung?" He said in seductive way while wiggling his eyebrows and sliding his hand down my arm.

"I swear if you don't stop at this moment, I'm gonna lose my shit," I said in a threatening manner. Holding my finger my index finger up in his face but to to only make him smirk even more in the end.

"Jeez Why so feisty?",He said leaning in and sniffed my neck. "Okay, that's it", I thought,I grabbed a pillow and smacked him square in the face with it. He groaned and threw the pillow away. The others were laughing hysterically now. Tao's high pitch laugh were the most evident one.

"I think we should make a v live," Baekhyun said jumping up and down while smiling. I laughed at his childish behaviour.

"Well I'm down for a live video. It would be nice to talk to the fans again," Tao said nodding. I nodded as well.

"But what would you be doing on the live video?" Kyungsoo looked at us in disbelief.

"We could show them the dorms!" Baekhyun said excitedly.

"Baek, stop yourself omg," kyungsoo said groaning putting his head in his hands shaking his head as well. We all laughed, he's always been like this towards Baekhyun. He's always satansoo towards the rest of us, but not as much as with Baekhyun. Satansoo tends to appear more when Baekhyun is around. Which is quite hilarious to watch.

"Yeah, let's do that!" Tao and I said making Baekhyun do even more aigoo.

"Okay guys! Ready?" Baekhyun exclaimed. Tao and I said our yes' and then we started it.

"Annyeonghaseyooo! Did you guys sleep well?" (They are speaking in Korean here so just imagine that I translated this haha) Baekhyun said happy.

"Hellooo, Xiumin here!" I said waving to the camera.

"Hii, panda is here too!" Tao said making all of us, me and Baekhyun, giggle. Sehun and Kyungsoo rolled their eyes at us. Typical.

"Today we've decided that it's finally time that you see our dorms! Both exo-m's and exo-k's," Baekhyun said. "We are currently in exo-m's dorm so lets get started wooo!" He grinned waving his hand in the air happily. Tao and I woo'd with him(is that even a word?).

"Let's go! Let's go!" I grinned and then we all ran around the dorm rooms introducing everybody's rooms.

"And this is where Chen and Xiumin sleeps! Look how neat. Can you find Xiumin's bed?" Baekhyun said laughing. I chuckled. Chen's bed was always messy. His clothes were neatly put in his wardrobe, but that's about it.

We checked the comments to see if they could guess it, but what I saw was not what I expected to see. All the comments were about me and Chen.

"Omg! XiuChennn!", "aigoo", "Chen and Xiumin should just get married already". I was so shocked, but I managed to keep a somewhat straight face about it all. Tao looked at me and smirked a little. I gave him a warning look to which he laughed. I rolled my eyes and looked at the screen of Baekhyun's iPhone.

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