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Xiumin's POV

When we were done eating we went back to our rooms to finish packing for tomorrow. It didn't take long since we had practically done most of it before dinner.

When I were about to zip up my suitcase I heard Chen clear his throat. I looked up at him and I saw that he was looking at me expectantly. I looked at the door and quickly closed it before turning towards Chen again.

"Yes? What's up, Chen?" I asked worriedly. He looked down and fiddled with his fingers on his back while standing on unsure feet.

"Well, I just wanted to say thank you for what you did for me here, before dinner," he looked up at me shyly and smiled, snorting slightly.

I gave him a big smile back and gestures for him to come closer to me. He came over and I gave him a hug.

"I'm always here for you, mate. You know that," I said pulling back and held his shoulders, squeezing them lightly, while giving him a smile. He snorted again and smiled back at me.

"Yeah, I know. I just don't like asking too much of you. I don't want you think I'm using you for your kindness or anything," he said rubbing his neck awkwardly. I smiled and shook my head.

"How could you think something as stupid as that? You know that I don't think that way," I answered truthfully. To be honest, he can use all he want. There's nothing that makes me happier than being the reason for that smile he pulls sometimes, when I make him laugh.

"I'm sorry, I just wanted you to know," he shyly whined. It was obvious he found this very awkward.

"It's okay, Chen. I'm glad I could help you," I grinned at him and patted him on the back.

"Okay, lets finish packing, so we can go out to the others, right?" I smiled at him. He smiled and nodded.

"Let's." it didn't take that long since I already finished. I just needed my toiletries and then I'm good to go.

When we were done we went outside and into the living room and saw that we were practically the first ones to finish packing, so we decided to sit down on the sofas and relax until they came.

"Should we put some music on the speakers to keep us company?" Chen suggested and I nodded. It sounded like a good plan.

"Yeah, that would be great," I said smiling at him. He went over to the speakers and plugged in his phone.

When Chen had sat down on the sofa again, on the other end of the sofa, our song Overdose started playing. Chen and I looked at each other and smiled widely. This is our favourite song that we've made so far.

We had fun singing along and doing stupid dances that made us double over with laughter. It's moments like these where I'm most happy. Being here with Chen, laughing till our stomachs hurt and till tears starts to form in your eyes.

It's these moments I will keep in my heart forever.

His smile and the way his eyes lights up, when he's happy. Those pictures are burned into my brain.

We finally managed to calm down, when the song had ended and we both smiled still while looking through our phones.

The feelings I have for Chen that I had pushed away to stop me from doing something stupid, seemed to resurface when our other song What Is Love, started to play.

This song always made me emotional since it made me think of what Chen and I would be doing to this song.

Stop! Don't think this way. It's not right. At least not while Chen is still with Suho. No matter what kind of a bitch Suho may be.

But still my breath got hitched up in my throats and I found it hard to breath. The song hadn't even fully started yet and my heart were already racing.

Chen weren't sitting that far away from me, but it felt like we were kilometres apart.

I couldn't help but steal glances at him from time to time throughout the song.

He's so beautiful. His facial structure were so perfectly made it was as if God had handcrafted it himself. Every time I look at him my world stops spinning and time stands still. It may sound cliché, but this is the best way I can explain, how I feel towards this perfect man in front of me.

Chen's POV

Throughout What Is Love I felt like I was being watched. It made me nervous, but I didn't check to look 'cause it could just be my imagination.

When the song were halfway done I couldn't help it. I lifted my eyes and they were immediately met by Xiumin's. My breathing got uneven all of a sudden and I found it hard to look away.

This look in his eyes was nothing I've ever experienced before. Not even Suho looked at me like this. I felt my heart beating fast in my chest. I were nervous.

Without thinking I slowly sat up while still holding Xiumin's gaze. I've never realised how beautiful Xiumin really was.

His eyes had the most beautiful colour. They were so brown it felt as if you could dive down in them and be surrounded by warm chocolate.

Xiumin had sat up at the same time as me, following my every move.

My heart were racing. I shouldn't be feeling this way. I were together with Suho. I'm not a cheater, but it was as if my body wasnt listening to me and at some point Xiumin and I were sat right in front of each other.

The heat that was steaming off from Xiumin hit me softly like a light breeze and his scent nearly made me fall over. It was wonderful. His scent smelled like sweet lemons and I were brought into a daze where only Xiumin and I existed.

Our faces slowly moved towards each other while Xiumin's hands slowly found mine and gave them a light squeeze. I gulped down, feeling more nervous than I've ever been. Suho has never made me feel this way. So infuriated just by the touch of his hands on mine. Only Xiumin has caused me to feel this way.

My eyes wandered from Xiumin's eyes to his lips. They looked so kissable. So plumb, I wanted to bite them. My feelings went crazy when he started to lick his lips and bite them himself. I wanted it to be me that bit his lips.

I couldn't stop myself from thinking that way. With Suho or without Suho. I were too deep into this moment with Xiumin that I couldn't help it.

The Chinese version of What Is Love started playing as if on cue and it only added to the heat that had risen between us. This was so exciting. So magical.

Our noses slowly met and we both breathed in, looking into each other's eyes once more.

I pulled my lips in between my teeth and bit slightly.


Kiss me.

• • •

Muahahah! I'm so sweet with this cliffhanger x3.

But here's an update!

I hope you like it and just wait for the next chapter ;)

Don't forget to vote and comment❤️

I love y'all so much <3

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