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Chen's POV

When I heard Suho said he loved me I felt weird. He wasn't being as sincere as he always is. It's like there's something occupying his mind a lot. I wonder what it is. I have to ask him about it later. I don't want him to feel whatever it is he is feeling 'cause it's bothering him. I can tell.

I pulled away and he gave me a kiss. This is so weird. It usually doesn't feel awkward around Suho. He's always so soft and sweet, but now I don't know. What's gotten into him?

I turned around so I was facing the others and stood beside Suho taking his hand. This is too awkward to handle.

"Okay," Chanyeol said clasping his hands together. I guess he felt the awkward tension too. Looking around at the other I could see they felt it too. "What should we get for dinner?"

"Chicken!" Kai exclaimed. This indeed lifted the mood. I began whining. His love for chicken has to be stopped or at least calmed down.

"Kai, we've had chicken for like 3 days straight now," I whined.

"We didn't have chicken yesterday though," he argued back making the rest of us chuckle.

As we all discussed what we should get for dinner I felt like someone was looking at me and I turned my head to see who and I saw Xiumin looking at me. He looked at me as if I were the only one in the room.

When he noticed I was looking at him, he quickly looked away as if nothing had happened. I blushed a bit and looked away.

Why was he looking at me like that anyway though?

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When we got back to our dorms I decided that I should confront Suho about what happened today at the studio. He's acting weird all of a sudden. I don't like it.

While the others were cozying up on the couches in the living room I went over to the EXO-K dorm. I looked around to see if anyone was watching and saw Xiumin giving me questioning look, but didn't say or do anything. I gave him a small, yet sweet, smile. He smiled back at me.

When I got to the dorm I found out to my surprise that no one were in sight. It was good though because then I wouldn't make it all awkward again by asking to talk with Suho about what happened today.

He's acting weird and I want an explanation.

On my way to Sehun and Suho's room I bumped into Sehun. He said he was on his way to Kai and Kyungsoo's room to see what they were up to. Even better. Now I can talk to Suho alone. I'm glad he didn't ask why I were here, but o guess he already knows.

As I were about to knock on the door to his room I heard a rather loud giggle come from within. I took a step back and looked at the door confused. I looked around me to see if anyone heard it too, but no one heard it. What's going on in there?

I slowly opened the door and saw Suho lying on the bed giggling.

"Stop it, you're making me blush," I stopped dead in my tracks. What? My eyes widened in confusion and disbelief.

"Suho?" I whispered. I don't want to believe this. Stop it, Chen. My face turned sad and I looked elsewhere.

Suho looked up and immediately gave me a surprised look. He quickly sat up saying goodbye to the person on the phone and went up to me.

"Chen? What are you doing here?" Suho said worried and placed his hands on either side of me. I shook off my sadness and smiled at him.

"I just wanted to talk about today. You were acting really strange. I don't understand. Why? And who was that on the phone?" I said feeling completely out of place.

Suho heaved a sigh and smiled at me.

"It's nothing, Chen. Don't worry. Nothing's changed between us. I love you and you know that and that person on the phone was just my mum," Suho said smiling at me. I let out a deep breath and looked down. Calm down, Chen. It's nothing.

But why does it still feel like something's wrong? He sounds sincere, but his eyes says something else.

"Okay, I believe you," I replied with a smile. Wait. Did he just say his mum?

Suho smiled widely at me again and pulled me in for a kiss. This kiss feels strangely weird too, but it still feels lovely kissing him.

"Okay, then I'll just go back to my room. Goodnight babe," I said giving him a big hug and snuggled my face in his neck inhaling his scent. I didn't want to leave him to be honest. I wanted to stay here in his arms. He hugged me back just as tightly.

I let go of him and went outside to go back to my room that I shared with Xiumin. I looked back at the EXO-K dorm and sighed.

Even though I want to forget about it and just believe in everything Suho says, the feeling of uneasiness inside of me, when I saw him lying there on his bes saying that to whoever it was, made my heart break a bit.

I know for sure I wouldn't say "stop it, you're making me blush" to my mum while giggling. I shook my head to clear my head from these depressing thoughts.

I want to tell Xiumin about this. He's the only one I truly trust other than Suho, but I don't know if it should be tonight or tomorrow because I'm a bit tired.

As I entered me and Xiumin's room I let out a big yawn. I'm so tired.

"Hey, Chennie," I heard Xiumin say. I looked over and I saw him lying on the bed while looking at his phone, but right now his attention were on me.

"Hey, Xiumin," I smiled at him. Somehow every time I'm with him I feel at peace. More than when I'm with Suho. He gave me a big smile back. I took of my shoes before walking over to my bed across from him.

Should I ask him now? I got a little nervous and the depressing thoughts came back tormenting me. I opened my mouth and began talking.

"H-hey Xiumin?" I said stuttering. Shit. I'm usually not this nervous and sad.

Xiumin looked over at me once again with worry. He laid his phone down on the bed and laid on his side so he was facing me.

"Whats up, chennie?"

Okay, come on. Just tell him.

"I want to tell you something and it's been bothering me the whole day," I said fiddling with my long fingers.

"Can I tell you now or is it too late?" I said feeling more sensitive and sad now. I hate this feeling of sadness.

"Of course you can. You know you can tell me anything," he said reassuringly. I sighed rubbing my head with my hands. I could feel my sentimental side coming up to the surface. I hate crying, it's not like I think it's not manly for a man to cry, I just don't think I deserve to cry. Ever.

I looked up at Xiumin with teary eyes.

"I think Suho is cheating on me," I said with my voice cracking.

- -

*cries in Korean* don't worry Chen. Xiumin is here to help! [Enrique Iglesias - Hero starts playing]

You better bring the tissues for the next chapter. It's gonna get really sad :(

But I hope you liked this chapter!

Don't forget to vote and comment <3

I love you all <3

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