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Here's the epilogue and the official last update from this story Dx.

Xiumin's POV

7 years later

"Appas! Look at the friend I made in school today! His name is Lee like me! But he's named Donghyuck(a/n this is haechan btw if you're not really into NCT yet :3) and not Mark.." Mark pouted at the last part, which made Chen and I chuckle. It's been 7 years since Mark has been born and he was now in his second year of school. Still it was first now he had made a very dear friend. Lee Donghyuck. The boy had cute chubby cheeks, shining brown eyes and plump red lips. He had an innocent and sweet smile playing on his lips and he looked a bit nervous as he looked around the house we had bought 2 years ago.

"Hello Donghyuck! Would you like some orange juice or soda?" Chen asked and went into the kitchen to find some glasses.

"Uhh... s-soda thank you," Donghyuck. It surprised how light his voice was, but it was cute nonetheless. I gave Donghyuck's shoulder a squeeze and smiled reassuringly at him and Mark dragged him into the kitchen, giving him a surprise.

"Yah! Mark calm down!" He shrieked and I again was surprised by his voice. It complimented him though, but I had imagined it to be a little darker. I followed the boys and my husband into the kitchen to keep an eye on them.

Yes, you got that right. Chen and I are married now and we've been married for 4 wonderful years. Everything is fine with EXO still; we're still together making music even though some has gone to the military. Xiumin went first, leaving Mark and I completely lost and sad without him and then afterwards it was me. But now we're both back and we can finally take the family life serious. I walked up to Chen and gave him a peck on the cheek and he smiled at me.

Mark let out a laugh and they sat at the bench by the dining table across from where the counter and oven and fridge were. They were chit chatting and I had to admit they looked like a sweet pair of friends.

I remember clearly 1 year ago, when Mark asked what gay meant and I had to sit him on the couch and explain to him that gay meant two guys loving each other, like Chen and I and he nodded understandingly. He had then said if it was wrong to like another boy and I had answered 'no son, do you think that Appa and I are wrong for loving each other?' He had shook his head and I smiled at him. Then he said something that surprised me, but then again it would be suspected since he grew up with gay parents. 'I think I'm gay then'. For a 6 year old boy, that he was then, he was very smart and still is even though he's 7 now. I asked him 'what makes you think so?' 'Because there's this boy in class and he's very cute. He has these pretty eyes and a nice smile. Every time he smiles at me my heart goes crazy. I was scared of feeling like this so I decided to ask you if it was wrong to like boys' I had nodded, understanding and put my arm around him. 'There's nothing wrong with liking a boy. After all, love doesn't have boundaries, so don't be scared.' I had said back and Mark then asked 'but we're not friends.. I want to be his friend..' he had looked down at his hands and I had chuckled. 'Then become his friend. Talk to him. You're good at talking to people. Don't worry. I'm sure he'll like you.' Mark's face had lit up and he said thank you and bowed respectfully and had run up to his room.

I wonder if Lee Donghyuck is that boy Mark talked about. I observed how Mark laughed a little louder and smiled a little brighter every time Donghyuck said something funny or just anything at all. It was adorable to be honest.

Chen served the boys sodas and we decided to leave the boys alone and let them play until Donghyucks parents came to pick him up.

"Don't forget to make your homework, boys!" Chen shouted before we entered the living room. Once we sat down on the couch we both chuckled to each other.

"Am I the only one suspecting that Mark might like this Lee Donghyuck? I mean I know we just met him, but judging from how Mark acts and knowing how smart Mark is, I'm beginning to think it's possible," Chen said and I chuckled and nodded.

"I've suspected that as well. Ever since he told me liked a guy in school and he informed me he might be gay, I've been looking forward to meeting him," I confessed and Chen sat up straight with a big smile on his lips.

"Are you serious?" When I nodded he began giggling and clapped his hands.

"That's so adorable! They are really cute actually," a loud erupt of laughter came from the kitchen and we chuckled to each other.

"Yes they are. I hope everything goes well for them!"


After Mark had said goodbye to Donghyuck, apparently he lived just around the corner, Mark came into the kitchen again with a completely tomato red face and it was clear to see he was trying to hide the smile on his lips. Chen and I were cleaning up after the two young boys. We had decided to serve them some cookies while they made homework.

I looked at Mark suspiciously and he looked away shyly.

"Mark, what's wrong? Why's your face so red?" Mark groaned irritated at my questions, making him go shyer.

"Donghyuck gave me a kiss on the cheeks, okay!" Chen and I gasped audibly and stopped what we were doing. This made Mark even more embarrassed and his face in his hands.

"This is huge, son! I think he likes you!" Mark looked up at us with dilated eyes and his mouth agape.

"No way does he like me!"

"Mark, no straight boy would willingly give his guy friend a kiss on the cheek," Chen said and Mark blushed.

"What do I do if he actually likes me back?!" Mark shrieked at us looking completely distraught. I laughed.

"You date him of course," Mark shut up for a minute.

"Yeah, you're actually right. I'd date him.." his face then erupted into a huge grin and he ran up stairs to his tablet, I think. 'He really likes this Donghyuck haha' I laughed to myself and continued cleaning up after them.

Maybe I can expect to have a son in law one day?

The End

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I can't handle this holy fucking shit.. this is the first book I've ever finished and it's so perfect 。・°°(_)°°・。

Thank you for reading till the end, guys! I love you so immensely much!

See you guys and please read some of my other stories! They're pretty lit as well ^_−

I'm writing a Jungkook fanfic atm plus I'm working on a Jimin + Jungkook fanfic! And I'm writing a Xiumin fanfic as well as a smut and imagine book with NCT soo haaha if you could get these books(except for the one I'm working ofcz lmao) a look that would mean a loooot!

Love you all to death and take care!!

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