T W E N T Y - T H R E E

335 17 15

Chen's POV

When Xiumin exposed what was going on between Suho and I, I felt my heart sink into the deepest depths of my chest. Why would he just suddenly run up to Suho and yell everything out in front of everyone? I felt like digging my own grave and burring myself, because this was about me and Suho. I felt exposed and betrayed because, even though I haven't told Xiumin this, I wasn't ready to let this slip out just yet. But Xiumin would know about this because he knows me in and out.

To be honest I'm actually kind of grateful, because knowing me, I probably wouldn't tell anyone, ever. As I looked everyone ranting and Sehun crying, I knew Xiumin did the right thing by telling them. In the midst of feeling embarrassed and betrayed, I also felt glad somehow.

When Lay was done with his speech everyone, including me, were shocked. When did this happen? How did it happen? He didn't tell or show anyone, but then again Lay isn't that kind of person to let his feelings out the moment he gets them. He buckles them up inside until he explodes. So I think this is him exploding his emotions out.

But throughout these speeches I felt my blood begin to boil a little. I want to let everyone know my point of view. I know why Suho did these bullshit kind of actions. I clenched my fists and pulled my lips into a thin line.

After a minute of silence Sehun steps out again and this time he looks pissed.
Sehun's sniffs one more time before speaking up.

"Listen everyone I'm clearly just as a upset as you are right, but what on the world is this? All these complicated bull shit events happening, Xiumin blasting his face off and Chen's expression of "I didn't want this to happen". Someone please explain to me about this bullshit clearly please. If not I will release every freaking demon from the depths of my heart to everyone in here specially Junmyeon!" He sucks in a deep breath before continuing. I felt my blood boiling more and more with anger. I was sitting here on the sofa listening to every speech and it made me angry. Do they not see me here? Are they oblivious to my presence? They don't know a thing about Suho's actions. If someone knows about them it's me.

"We are one! That has always been EXO's thing, but what kind of bullshit is this? Suho you're a freaking great leader, but this just exposes your most shittiest flaws. What in the world were you thinking when you started this mess? What kind of "happy go lucky two shoes" ending did you expect? Did you really think that no one was gonna blast off on you one day after your actions?.. Xiumin and Chen were deeply hurt because of you, specially Jongdae. Does this make you happy? Does this, Junmyeon! Answer my fucking question!" Sehun finished off his speech breathing heavily, his fists clenched.

All the anger I had bottled up through Sehun's speech had finally reached it peak and stood up.

"Can everybody just shut the fuck up?" I practically yelled. The boys looked at me shocked, eyes wide open. Some even got a shock. It's my turn to burst out now. "I'm also here have you forgotten? I sat here listening to you guys yapping at each other like animals, it's my turn now so have a seat and shut it!" I said, stomping my foot and pointing my finger downwards. Everyone sat down immediately at the demanding tone of my voice.

"Yes, Suho is a shifty person for all that he did to me, but he's still our leader so we have to forgive him somehow or another. Though deep down in me I really don't have a single emotion to forgive his shitty behaviour. Xiumin thank you for blasting at Suho for me, but I got this. Also guys it's gonna be okay even though it doesn't seem like it. Suho all I need you to do is fucking sincerely apologise to all of us one by fucking one and especially to me," I was beyond angry. I looked around them with furious eyes. How could they be like this? I mean they're not even seeing this from Suho point of view.

Broken // XiuChen حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن