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Chen's POV

When I woke up the next morning, the first thing I found out was that Xiumin were in my bed with me and he was was holding me tightly into his chest. His arms securely around my shoulders and torso. The feeling of being safe started washing over me and felt like giggling because of the feeling it caused my body.

Memories from yesterday started displaying in my mind and I started blushing. The kiss was amazing. I've never felt that way before. I've never felt so much love and care before.

But I can't ignore the fact that even though I want us to continue, I'm still with Suho and I love that boy so much. He means the world to me. I just wish he would start showing the care he felt for me days ago again. He's hugs and kisses is what I miss the most. I sighed sadly and felt my eyes sting as well as my heart.

When I felt that, I decided that I should get up now. There's no use in starting to get emotional without a reason. I don't have a reason for being emotional. I don't know if what I'm thinking Suho is doing is true. I don't want to be sad, but sadness still took over me and I couldn't take it.

Slowly removing Xiumin's arms from my waist I got up from my bed and walked into the bathroom. I heard Xiumin whine in bed and felt a weird emotion in my heart. Was it admiration? No, it couldn't be. I'm not in love with him, but the feeling still lingered in my heart as I entered the bathroom and washed my face.

I went into the kitchen afterwards and made myself some coffee to freshen myself up. While making the coffee I heard Kyungsoo entering the kitchen.

"Good morning," Kyungsoo greeted me while letting out a yawn. His hair a complete mess from sleeping. I smiled widely at him. He came over and clapped my shoulder.

"Good morning, D.O, hyung," I said clapping his shoulder as well. The coffee machine began brewing the coffee and I sat down at table while Kyungsoo opened the fridge. He's probably going to make breakfast.

Surely enough, he was. He took out some eggs and bacon and began searching for a frying pan. To be honest he's the best cook out of all of us. I mean we can all cook decently, but we could never cook like Kyungsoo.

He's an expert in it. He can cook a whole meal while the rest of us could only cook spaghetti or rice and make some sauce to it.

Just as good as he is to make food, he's also very caring of us all. If he sees someone not eating he'll start worrying asking questions and ask us what we'd want to eat specifically to make us eat.

"Do you need some help with the food?" I asked him and stood up walking up next to him.

"Nah, you don't have to. I just need to fry these eggs and bacon," he smiled at me and I smiled back sitting back down on the chair.

As Kyungsoo continued frying the eggs and bacon I could feel it was beginning to get awkward. To kill the awkwardness I wanted to start a conversation, by Kyungsoo bet me to it.

"Hey Chen?" Kyungsoo started out shyly. I looked at him confused.

"Yes?" I replied slowly anticipating what his next question might be.

"I've noticed that there's some major tension between you and Suho.. I mean.. not only me. All of us has and I was just wondering.. why?" Kyungsoo turned around from the frying pan to look at me with concern. I looked at him shocked. Was it that obvious?

I looked down and started fiddling with my hands. How should I reply to him?

"I don't know, hyung, I don't have any idea. I wish I had," I said truthfully. I heaved a big sigh to stop myself from crying. "It's so hard, Kyungsoo. I love him so much, but he doesn't seem to care about me. Well, not anymore," I said the last bit with a voice filled with sarcasm and sadness. I couldn't look at Kyungsoo knowing that seeing his concerned and sad face would only make me break down the wall I had build up.

"Do you want a hug, hyung? It's okay to feel sad. It's only. Normal in a situation like this," he came over and out a hand on my shoulder and I lifted my gaze. His eyes were filled with sympathy. Something I hadn't expected and it broke down my walls and I cried into his shoulder.

He caressed my back, running his hand up and down my back. Whispering sweet nothing's into my ear. When I started to calm down he pulled away and looked at me.

"You know, I think Suho will come to his senses soon. How can he not love a person like you?" I snorted. This has been going on for over 2 weeks.

"You think?" I asked hiccuping from crying my heart out into kyungsoo's shoulder.

"I'm sure of it. Just take it slow and don't worry," he smiled at me and wiped away my tears that had wet my cheeks.

"That was the exact same thing Xiumin told me," I smiled and looked down. Xiumin has always been there for me. I realised that, when we kissed last night.

"That doesn't surprise me," Kyungsoo said with a smile lingering in his voice and I looked up shocked.

"What do you mean?" I curved my eyebrows in confusion waiting in anticipation once again.

"I mean Chen. Xiumin is madly in love with you. It's a surprise to me that you haven't found out yet," Kyungsoo said smiling sweetly at me while standing up and touched my cheek.

My breath got stuck in my throat and I breathed in hard to try and get myself to breath normally, but it was no use. With my heart pounding like this and my cheeks turning a burning red colour it was difficult to control one's breath as well. I sat completely stiff, unable to move a single muscle in my body.

When I calmed down a bit I started to think of the signals Xiumin has given me and the first thing that came to mind was that kiss. The memory was edged into my brain.

Thinking that Xiumin kissed me because he was madly in love with me made me feel some sort of happiness deep inside of me. A happiness that has never happened to me before.
The happiness started to surface and I felt like crying. Not from sadness this time, but from happiness. Pure happiness.

Before I could say anything the coffee machine screeched signalling that it was done.

• • •

Whoop whoop
Guess who's back?

Hope you like this chappie peeps 😂😭

Peace out, lovelies✌🏼

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