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Xiumin's POV

The screams from the many fans reverberated throughout the big stadium making it nearly incomprehensible to be near. Luckily it was only on stage, but it was enough to make it completely dark up here.

As the good leader Suho was he started to calm down the whole stadium, saying that everything will be okay.

For minutes there wasn't any light on stage and we couldn't see that far ahead. I wanted to stand still and not move afraid that I could fall off the stage, but my childish side took control of me and began walking around laughing.

I fumbled around on the stage trying to find my way, laughing as I bumped into some of the members, but I hadn't noticed that one of the other members were walking right in front of me and at one point we collided making me lose my balance and fall backwards with the person on top of me.

As soon as we landed on the ground the light suddenly came back blinding us all. This was so cliché, but it happened and when I saw who it was that lied on top of me I gasped in shock.

It was Chen and our faces were merely centimetres apart. We both stared at each other unable to move from the shock that vibrated through us.

What I hadn't noticed either was that the whole stadium was seeing this as well. I didn't mind Suho seeing this, but for the fans and the boys to see this was a whole other story.

After a few seconds I finally got back my senses and I coughed. This got Chen out of his trance too and he hurriedly sat up and I with him and we stood up dusting ourselves off.

We looked at each other and smiled awkwardly while the others whistled at us. I knew it was for fun, but I felt my heart skip a beat. He was on top of me and his face was only a few centimetres away from me.

After we all calmed down and after we had calmed the fans down the concert continued. It was fun, but I couldn't help stealing glances at Chen. His small jumps as the songs dragged on and the way he'd come over to me and play around with me, making me laugh.

When he would smile and laugh it was like the whole stadium lit up and my heart felt lighter. When he smiled it was like the whole world vanished, leaving him in the centre. Leaving him being the sunlight.

He was so beautiful.

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The concert had ended and we were all scattered around in one common dressing room. Some were occupying the sofas making it hard for everyone to find a seat.

Chanyeol and Baekhyun had taken over one sofa with Chanyeol resting his head in Baekhyun's lap, both of them smiling softly. Kai and Kyungsoo had taken over the other sofa both of lying down with their heads on either end of the sofa, making their legs get tangled together. Kris and Tao were occupying another sofa. Tao was lying on the sofa with his head snuggled into Kris' neck, sleeping soundly while Kris had slung his feet on top of the coffee table scrolling through his phone.

Sehun and Lay lied on the floor probably trying to cool down after the concert; they were still sweating.
Luhan lied beside Sehun his eyes closed, probably sleeping.

Chen and I shared the last sofa available with Chen lying down, his head nearly touching my thigh and his legs over the armrest of the sofa. I felt electric shots go through my body every time Chen moved his head and he would touch my thigh.

Suho were nowhere to be found. Ever since the concert had ended he had disappeared. He was only in here for about 2 mins to get his mobile and to comb his hair and then went out of the door saying he needed to go to the bathroom.

He's been in said bathroom for 5 mins now. Knowing that Suho is cheating on Chen, he's probably talking to Johnny from NCT. I've always thought Johnny was a sweet guy, but I'm not so sure anymore.

Chen sat up heaving a sigh and looked at his watch concerned. 

"Where is Suho? Has something happened to him?" Oh no. Of course he's worried about Suho.

"I'm sure he's fine," I replied softly. He looked at me still with his eyebrows furrowed in concern. He ran a hand through his hair and stood up.

"I'm gonna look for him," he said determined. God, I'm not letting him go alone. I feel like something bad is going to happen soon now that Chen wants to look for Suho.

"I'm going with you," I said and stood up as well. Chen just nodded and went for the door with me close behind.

We were walking through the busy corridors of the stadium, seeing staff members cleaning up all the things and pulling down the stage. They waited till tomorrow with pulling it down completely of course, they're just making things easier for themselves by taking some of the wires and microphones.

"I'm really nervous, xiu. I'm sure something has happened to him," I have a really bad feeling about this. Suho, you shit, why are you treating Chen like this? You know how much he loves and adores you and here you are breaking him down piece by piece.

"Don't worry Chen, I'm sure he's okay," I said patting his back. I felt my heart sinking in my chest because I have a strong feeling where this is going.

When we entered a hall, away from the stage and staff members; a pretty much secluded area of the stadium, Chen stopped up as if someone had put glue on his shoes, all the air leaving his chests like a brick had been thrown into our backs.

My eyes left Chen and followed where he was looking. Anger boiled up inside of me.

Of course. Of fucking course.

There right in front of us were Suho pinned up against the wall held up by the thighs by Johnny, kissing and touching each other all over.

• • •

Boom! I guess you all saw it coming...

My poor ChenChen :(

Please forgive me, lovelies...

Don't forget to vote and comment! :3

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