Corbyn. The blonde one, who really was one of the best people I'd ever met.

Jonah. The tall one, whom is the eldest but still acts like the youngest.

Daniel. The blue eyed one, and a heart made of pure gold.

Jack. I didn't even know about him. He was like a mystery, sometimes winking at me but then sometimes ignoring me. His curls reminded me of noodles and his lips smirking across from me. He was bad news, I knew he was but it was like my mind was drawn to him.

"Hey, it's 5 and Abigail has to be home at 7, what should we do?" Zach says the boys all laid across the grey and beige couches their heads twisting towards his voice. We had been like magnates the whole day, he stuck to me like chewing gum and rarely ever left me alone not that I didn't mind. He remained in a 8 meter radius around me and when I really thought about it I laughed. I'm 16 and even though I've basically been living under a rock, I'm fine with a couple of guys.

"Let's skate." Jack chirps up but as soon as the words leave his lips I feel Zach's body tense next to me.

"Sounds good." I say winking at Zach whose faces pulls into a terrified look.

"I'd love to go for a skate." Jonah turns around standing up.

"Can you skate Ab?" They all loose it, Corbyn holds a pillow up to block the deadly gaze I was giving him as he slowly remembers how this all came along, me skating- well bum boarding away from them.

"she's pretty good guys but I'm not." Zach, I try not to snort I hadn't actually seen him skate yet. Pulling myself to my feet I look across at everyone.

"Where's the boards?" I hear the biggest groan escape Zach's lips but instead of laughing I whip around and pull his arms dragging his flimsy body to stand.

"They're in the cupboard" Jack's deep voice rumbles close to my ear sending goosebumps over my neck.

"Okay let's go get them." I softly speak pacing after him down the hall. The wooden floorboards thump a little as our feet trail down the corridor to a massive door on the right. He opens it up and a neatly ordered display of equipment including skateboards, long boards and skates. We stand there breathing looking up at the cupboard, the 8 meter radius broken. He huffs a laugh causing my eyes to shift to him, he reaches for a plain standard skate board but my skin grows cold. His hand was on trailing on my waist before all I could feel was a shadow on my lower back of his fingers as he smirks heading back to the boys. Frozen was what I was, standing like a statue in the little room. Did that really just happen? Was it a hallucination? Footsteps fill my ears as more file down the small hallway. Corbyn joins me his hair flopping around.

"Jack was so lazy he couldn't even get us one." He grumbles grabbing a bright yellow board, Jonah leaning over us both grabbing another standard board.

"You okay Abigail?" Daniel whispers as he grabs a pair of skates, I nod shakily. Why did Jack's "gesture" fell so right but so completely wrong. I couldn't move on and I didn't know how to.

"Ab." I feel hands turning my head, Zach's eyes were staring deeply into mine his hand resting gently on my chin.

"Ab. What's wrong"

"Nothing! I'm fine!" I tug onto the best fake smile I could his eyes still darting over my face looking at every part before his hand slowly drifts off. I reach for a striped longboard with Zach's hand right behind mine taking the other long board which was  dark blue with black details. I felt this un easiness in my stomach, deep down in the pit of my heart. The sudden heated rush of blood to my ears and thoughts are accelerating inside my head. I want them to slow so I can breathe but they won't. My breaths come in gasps and I feel like I will black out. My heart is hammering inside my chest like it belongs to a rabbit running for its skin. The room spins and I squat on the floor the corridor walls closing in on my vision, trying to make everything slow to something my brain and body can cope with. No I'm not ready for this again.

"Ab. You okay." I feel his touch grab my face as he kneels down in front of me, his voice soft as whispers. I try to nod but my body is frozen or glued to the floor. I can't let them see me like this.

"Hey guys, hurry up!" I can here Corbyn's distanced voice coming closer. Zach turns around but his sound is muffled by my heart.

"Uh yeah Abigail is just in the toilet. I'll wait you guys go ahead!!" His steady hands grip onto my shoulders trying to help my limp body. I wanted to snap out I wanted to run out with the boys and be normal in a sense.

"Ab you gotta breathe."

"Zach-" he puts his finger to my lips shushing my cracking voice. He grabs my hand and brushes the hair out of my face, the thick sweaty tears rolling slowly down my cheek.


what is going on.



I had much bigger plans for this chapter but I had some stuff recently happen to me which I'm struggling to find inspiration to write.

I may revist and rewrite in the future though! :) I'd love to also chat to some of you guys so please send me a messageeee

Hope you have a goooodddddd dayyy babessssss xxxx

Alluring Heart xx

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