"How is any of this your fault?" Jake asked in a clam voice. He was trying so hard to keep calm. He had to be just as upset as I was. Cody and him were good friends now and always actually were.

"He probably didn't see the dumb car because he was so tired! All this time I stayed out of the way when I shouldn't have!" I just kept crying and driving. I needed to get there fast.

"It could've been anything, Stage. You don't know that. Just stay calm and let's wait till we get there. They'll tell us everything." Jake said in his cool calm voice. He leaned over and kissed my cheek but I didn't smile or move. I was so scared. What if he was hurt bad or could become crippled? I would be the reason.


We finally arrived at the Hospital and got Cody's room number. I fast walked through the place and zoomed passed rooms. When I finally reached Cody's number, I stopped and took a deep breath. I was ready for anything. I felt Jake's hand lace into mine from behind. He was at my side. I looked over and smiled at him and he returned the favor. We both entered the room.

"We shoul-" The doctor was talking over Cody's body and then stopped to see us. "Hi there." He said smiling and moved over to us. He moved the curtain over Cody's bed before I could even see his face.

'Hi, we're here to see Cody." I said strongly. I promised myself I wouldn't cry anymore.

"Yeah. He's stable to see, just let me explain everything." The doctor quickly looked at his clip board and then back at us. "He was walking and apparently walked into the street, when a car came. The car tried to stop in time but ended up hitting him in his hip bone pretty bad. He fell over and cracked his head on the cement from the impact. He is unconscious but alive and will be okay. He broke his arm though and his hip. He'll probably need a wheel chair and he already has a  cast on his arm and hip. He got stiches on his head already."

"Thank you for letting me know." I felt my eyes start to water but I sucked them back in.

"You may see him now." The doctor said and walked out of the room, followed by a nurse.

I quickly went past the curtain and then stared at my best friend. My heart stopped. His face was bruised on the side and part of his hair was shaved for where the stitched are. His eyes were closed and I could see the cast and his leg was elevated. He had a cast on his hip area which looked very uncomfortable. I felt tears trickle down from my eyes. This wasn't fair. He didn't deserve this.

I came over to the side of the bed and I laid my hand on his cheek. He was asleep. I kneeled down and kissed his cheek. "I love you." I said. Jake came from behind and wrapped his arms around my waist. He held me tight and he stared at his friend. He looked in pain.

"Are you okay?" I asked Jake.

He looked at me but didn't smile or show any emotion. "If anything, this is my fault. I took you away from him." He had pain in his voice.

"Don't blame yourself." I said. "Please don't."

"Then you can't blame yourself." Jake said.

"Fine." I agreed. I just kept staring at Cody's face. He was so gentle and still. I wanted him to sleep for weeks but not like this.

"He's going to be okay." Jake said simply. He pulled me tighter to him. "Don't think bad thoughts."

"I'm trying not too. He just doesn't deserve this." I felt a tear fall down my cheek and I wiped it away. I couldn't cry now. I turned to Jake and kissed him on the lips and held him tight. "Thank you for being here for me."

"No problem. I'll always be here for you." Jake said and kissed me again on the lips.

"Okay, I get it. You don't need to keep kissing. I know you love each other." A voice said. Not just any voice though. My eyes lit up with excitement as I turned around and my eyes met Cody's. I knelt down and basically hugged him the best I could without hurting him.

I began to cry as I held him. "I'm so gald your okay." I felt Cody's hand come down and stroke my hair. He loved to play with my hair.

"Of course I am." He smiled. "It would take a whole lot more then just this to kill me."

"Don't talk about death. That's the last thing I want to talk about." I said shaking my head. "I'm just so happy your okay. I need you Cody." I took his hand in mine. "Who else would I have to talk to about Degrassi?"

Cody laughed. "Good to know I have some uses."

For about an 2 hours, I held Cody's hand in mine. Jake, Cody, and I talked about everything and anything. Despite how bad Cody looked, he was able to keep a smile on his face. He never could be sad.

A nurse came into the room. "Visiting hours are over." She said with a smile. What was she so damn happy about? She walked out and I frowned.

"Hey." Cody said and he got my attention. "You can come back tomorrow and annoy me some more. It'll be okay." He said, still holding my hand.

"Okay." I said with a smile. I kissed his cheek.

Jake came over. "We'll be back tomorrow for sure. I'll see how fast we can pull you out of here and you'll be home soon man, promise."

Cody smiled. "Thanks dude." They shook hands.

We walked out of the hospital room and I felt like going back and saying good bye again. I just really didn't feel like leaving him. I wanted to make sure he was going to be okay.


We got home a bit later because we stopped somewhere to eat. I had fun, we laughed, and messed around. I love Jake so much.

We crawled into bed and he was holding me and then he whispered into my ear, "I love you."

I smiled softly. "I love you too." He kissed my neck and then we both crashed.


Note: Okay, so I uploaded quicker than usual! Woo! :D I hope you enjoyed this chapter but you may have not because of poor Cody! :c I promise it'll get better but a shit load of drama is still on it's way! Everything is actually coming together quit nice so you'll see what I mean soon enough! xD Sooo vote, comment, and fan! I want to now what you think! Also, the song for the chapter is Crash by You Me At Six! Enjoy! <3 :)

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