Chapter Thirty-One

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“And they all lived happily ever after”. Seven words that every little girl became accustomed to want to make happen. Everyone dreams of their happy ending, filled with smiles and laughter and whatnot. A finish where everything that was supposed to happen really does. A conclusion where all bad is driven away.

  However, sometimes, we just need a little bit of that bad and evil for that big finale to produce perfectly.

  The final bell of the day finally rung, causing me to sigh with relief. I got up from my desk in ethics class, brought my books close to my chest, and made my way out of class.

  To me, things finally seemed to get better. The mystery of how I got the wound on my head had come to me: I had been so disappointed with Asher and Avery, that I drunk my troubles away, with a little help of a little something I call a fake ID. I had then been walking about in the streets or the forest at one point most likely, when I tripped and fell and hit my head. I felt quite bad about my actions now, but at least I was healing.

  Also, now I was living partly at Ray’s, and partly at Avery’s. We do a three day switch, so each family doesn’t have to deal with me all the time. I was having a great time at each home.

  I was happy to finally be able to call Avery and Asher my two brothers. I don’t know what came over me when I saw the video, but I just knew that this couldn’t be some joke with all that evidence that I had now seen. It did seem far-fetched, the fact that I was best friends with my twin and my younger brother all along and didn’t know. Yet, I just found myself believing it. I could see the chemistry between us now, more than I ever did before.

  Things could possibly be going back to normal, in their only little weird ways.

  As I walked down the hall, I was joined by Asher and Avery. The two of them looked just as happy as I was to be done with school for the day. “Ahh, freedom,” Avery breathed, throwing his head back gratefully.

  With it being Thursday, this meant it was the day that I switched houses. Tonight I’d be heading to Avery’s place.

  I smiled at my two friends. “I say that we have a night filled with fattening foods and full of movies.”

  Asher held up his index finger and waved it at me. “After homework, Missy,” He scolded playfully, making me chuckle.

  We walked past Ethan Rorrely and his clan of friends. Ever since Asher showed what you could call his “inner side”, it was as if Ethan’s ways turned around completely. He wasn’t as rude as he was anymore, didn’t start fights for no particular reason and it seemed as if he actually thought before he performed actions. Sure, he still wasn’t the sharpest crayon in the box, yet he wasn’t the typical mean quarterback anymore. Really, you never heard much of him anymore besides the occasional rumor of who was with whom. To be honest, I was quite proud.

  “You really think my parents will let us do that?” Avery asked. “We’re still not out of trouble exactly.”

  I cringed at the memory that had just been brought up. Even though the night where we told Avery’s parents about our “sibling-secret” was dramatic and had heartfelt moments; the minute after we finished the story, Mr. and Mrs. Morrison got so angry at us for taking out the car without permission and with none of us having licenses. We got a punishment, even though two out of the three of us didn’t even permanently live with the Morrison’s. It was fair, I guess. We deserved it.

  “We could use Hartlyn,” I offered, a smirk planting itself on my face.

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” Avery asked, his eyebrows knitting together. As I got to see Avery in his everyday home life a little more; I noticed that he was very protective of his little sister. The kid was cute, even though she could make quite a racket at night, with me sleeping on a mattress on the floor of her room.

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