Chapter Sixteen

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I know, I know! I said I would update yesterday but I didn't because I got sucked into American Idol! Sorry! I have to say though, my favorite auditions have to be Schylar and Colton Dixon and Phillip Phillips!!! Well, I updated and I promise, my updates will hopefully get back on track again! Sorry again guys for my long absence! 

But you guys didn't come here to listen to me ramble! Here, just read!:


I know that everyone makes mistakes, it happens to the best and worst of us. But I never thought that I would be able to make so many mistakes in my short life. It seems as if one mistake brings another, and another, and another. The more I try to avoid them, it just seems to be that they just get worse. I can’t run away from all of this huge mistakes that seem to be following me, because they always seem to catch up with me.

  So I guess the rest is up to me. Do I keep running, or do I just stop?

  When I arrived at school the next morning, I felt completely lonely. Usually I’d walk through the halls with Asher and Avery, but I knew that I couldn’t today. Asher probably hated my guts for what I said about his real parents, how they could have just wanted to give him up. I knew that this was a very high possibility, but I wish that I had just kept that thought to myself instead of blurting it out to him. So many disasters could have been avoided if I had just kept my stupid words inside of my mouth!

  I kept my head looking down at the ground as I walked on. I felt as if I had to hide from the world to be safe today. I didn’t even feel like living today.

  “Ronnie!” I suddenly heard a familiar voice say. I looked up a little bit, only to see Ray running towards me. Her bag was half open, her shoes were untied and her blond hair was currently coming out of the braid that ran down her back.

  She stopped in front of me, grabbed my shoulders and looked me straight in the eye. “Girl, what’s wrong with you?!”

  I shrugged her hands off of me, needing my personal space. “What do you mean? Nothing is wrong with me.”

  She put a hand on her hip and gave me the most bored look she had ever made. “Yeah right. You’re Ronnie Messer, I think this is the first time I have ever seen a frown on your face.”

  I couldn’t help but feel a little bit of a pout make its way on my face. I made a little bit of my hair fall in my face so my best friend wouldn’t be able to see the mortified look on my face. I also knew that I couldn’t just stay silent, so I said in a very tiny voice that didn’t feel like my own, “I made a big mistake.”

  Before she could ask me what this mistake was like I knew she would, the bell rang and I was already running to class. At least in class I wouldn’t have to talk, unless I had to answer a question, but that would only take a short minute. I thanked whoever was watching that I had my books already so I wouldn’t have to spend any longer at my locker and in the halls.

  I walked into my classroom, which was geography. The lights were dimmed and the projector was pulled out. We were probably going to see some slide of pictures of Western Europe, which was what we were studying at the moment.

  I made my way into my normal seat and I slipped into it. I looked at the empty chair next to my own. This was usually where Asher would sit and we’d joke around during the whole class. I was quite surprised to see that he wasn’t here yet; usually I was the late one.

  I felt my eyes open slowly, only to see my teacher putting away the projector and the rest of the class getting up from their seats. A normal day in my life: falling asleep in geo.

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