Chapter Nine

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One thing that I, Avery Morrison, hated was when people underestimate me. I can’t stand it when they think, ‘Wow, look at that little shrimp of a kid.’ I’ll admit, I wasn’t the tallest fourteen year old in the world, and I didn’t have really any muscle on me either… but I’ll tell you one thing that’s for sure. I can run.

  And with the way that my life is going right now… that’s all I want to do.

The three of us caught a ride on a city bus and we rode to The Caffeine Bean.

  As we all were practically flung through the air by the huge bumps on the road, I asked Asher and Ronnie, “What were you-woah!- two doing on the roof anyways?” I rubbed my head since it had hit the front of my seat.

  Ronnie sighed and looked down at her ruined boots. “Well, we were supposed to ruin some cheerleaders days.” Her narrowed bright green eyes met mine. “Until you showed up.”

  I stared at my knees. It didn’t take a genius to know that Ronnie didn’t exactly like me. “Sorry,” I murmured.

  As the bus came to a stop, I immediately stood up. A little too early actually, because as it came to a half, I flew forward. My face hit the dirty ground. I heard Ronnie’s laugh while Asher, being the nice one, helped get me off of the ground. I groaned as I looked at all of the dirt on my jeans and my dirty arm. “Mom” wouldn’t let me hear the end of this.

  We all jumped off of the bus and walked the rest of the way to The Caffeine Bean. Once we entered, I was greeted by Kendra and her coworker for the day, Annabelle Joride. I waved at them and then we all sat down at the same exact table that Asher and Ronnie had sat down at a few days ago.

  “Okay Avery… what did you want to talk about?” Ronnie asked so casually.

  I ruffled my hair and rocked back and forth in my chair. “Uh…” I couldn’t exactly find words at the moment, it seemed impossible practically.

  She poked me on the shoulder. “Dude, I heard that you were adopted. You were talking pretty loud.”

  I sighed, it’s not liked that helped or anything.

  Asher put a hand on my shoulder and I looked him in the eye. “It’s okay, just say what you need to say.”

  I closed my eyes and I let all of the words flow out of me as if I wasn’t even controlling them.

  “A few days ago the people I’ve always called my parents told me that they weren’t my real parents, and it just felt as if my life was ruined. I wanted to just leave that place that I had always called my home because it just didn’t feel right staying there. I only stayed for this little girl, that I still call my sister, Hartlyn… I’ve been with her since they day she was born and I can’t imagine ever leaving her. If I was eighteen at least, I would have just brought her with me and I’d leave this whole place. B-but… I still have another stupid four years to go before I can legally leave.” I opened my eyes, only to see Ronnie and Asher looked at me intently. “But there’s one thing that I’ve been wondering ever since the words ‘Avery, you’re adopted’ left my what I used to call my parents mouth…” I paused to add to the effect. “Who really are my parents?”

  Asher sighed and put his chin on his folded up hands. “Like we never ask ourselves that question…”

   “I think I’ve set the world record for asking that question…” Ronnie admitted.

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