Chapter Fifteen

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From the moment I found out that I was adopted, I knew that my life would just be slightly more complicated. I’ll admit that I wasn’t fine with the fact that I had been lied to for so long. However, I didn’t know that it would actually be this complicated. Sometimes I feel like just giving up on everything.

  But I stay. I stay for one person… Hartlyn.

  My eyes were glued to the computer. I had to find something, at least one thing about my real mother, Janet. There had to be something on the Internet about her existence. Was she dead or alive? How old was she? Was she still living in this country? Did she know that her son was searching for the slightest bit of information on her?!

  I shook my head at the laptop that I was staring at. This was impossible. Completely flipping impossible. I stood up, getting ready to pace around the room. This was something I did when I was extremely frustrated.

  “Avery,” I heard a tiny voice say. I looked down, only to see Hartlyn tugging at the hem of my shirt to get my attention. “There’s some scary person outside walking in front of the house.”

  Hartlyn was a little angel, she never lied or made any jokes as serious as this. I could feel my heart beat a little faster. I had been given the duty to babysit my little sister for the night while my parents went out for a dinner with some close family friends. Everything had been going fine… well, until this.

  I picked up Hartlyn and held her close to me. I didn’t want her to get scared like I was starting to become. One of my old friend’s houses had once been robbed and it was not a fun thing from what they had told me.

  I stalked towards the front entrance of my place, and my eyes grew wide once I realized that Hartlyn was right. In the pouring rain I could see some tall person hunched over in front of our lawn. The only thing that I could make out was that it was a man and that he was obviously wet.

  “I’m scared Avery,” My little sister told me as she buried her face in my shoulder for comfort. I stroked her back a little bit to calm her down.

  I most definitely couldn’t let this person just stay in front of my house all night, so I told Hartlyn to go get in bed. Lucky for me, Hartlyn always did as she was told right away, so she scurried towards her bedroom, probably to hide for the rest of the night underneath her covers.

  I was suddenly very aware of the fact that I was now I was alone.

  It almost felt if I could feel this man’s eyes on me. I shook my head and decided to do the first thing that came to my mind. See who was at the door. I inched closer to the entrance and placed my hand on the cold doorknob. I turned it slowly, which to my surprise, caused it to open very quickly because of tonight’s wind.

  This was it. I scratched the back of my neck nervously. This was not how I wanted to spend tonight, having some random stalker stare at me in the rain. Not exactly my kind of ‘relaxing night’.

  I took a deep breath and then called out, “Hey you!” It seemed as if he was now looking at me, so I continued. “Yeah, you! What are you doing out in the rain?”

  “A-Avery?” He called back to me.

  My eyebrows rose and I suddenly realized who was standing out in the rain looking back at me. This just wasn’t any man in the rain. This was my main man.

  “Asher!” I yelled, completely confused. “What are you doing out in the rain?!”

  He was silent, which didn’t exactly answer my question. I waved my hand at him and said, “Doesn’t matter! Come inside before you catch a cold!”

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