Chapter Six

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Hey guys! Sorry I'm so late posting this chapter, but it's all good now! Here it is:


One of the things that I love the most about my last name, Morrison, is that the lead singer of the classic rock band The Doors, Jim Morrison, had the same last name as me. Funny, since we both shared a passion for the same type of music (rock) and a passion for one more thing…


  Jim Morrison was arrested for pulling a prank at a football game while drunk. Well, I’ve never been drunk and I’ve never been to a real football game, but I surely have pulled a large amount of them.

  However, I’m only fourteen, and more pranks are bound to come my way… or in this case, my victim’s way.

  I didn’t mean to eavesdrop, I really didn’t. It’s just, at work, everything could be so boring, so it’s easy to get distracted and find yourself listening to other people’s conversations.

  Well, that’s what was happening to me at the moment. I had just spent my first day back at school, it was quite boring, then I took a bus to the city so I could get to where I worked part-time, which was here at the café called The Caffeine Bean.

  It was a slow day for me and my other coworker, Kendra, but then our first customers walked in. It was two teenagers, they probably came from my school. They ordered the large lattes, which were actually really good if I say so myself.  I wasn’t paying any attention to them until they began talking…

  The girl out of the two of them, who had on an old hiking jacket, old boots and she had whip cream all over her face (but didn’t seem to notice), began talking about she had been tossed from foster home to foster home since she was a baby.

  Then the boy, who had on a t-shirt, jeans and bright red Converse that were full of doodles, began talking.

  “Well, my story is a little different from yours,” He told her. “You see, when I was younger, I was adopted by a great family, who I considered my own for years. But that was until the day it happened.”

  “What’s ‘it’?” The girl wondered as she raised an eyebrow at him. Thank God she asked that question, because if she hadn’t, I would’ve said it myself.

  “I was nine years old and it was mid-July, I remember perfectly. Well, I had to do a project for school, which involved tons of research. Our other computer wasn’t working, so my dad had just told me to use the other one in his office. So I had been studying for awhile, when I realized that I needed to sharpen my pencil.” He took a deep breath. “I couldn’t find one of my own, so I figured my father would have one in one of the drawers in his desk. So I started looking through them, and I found something…”

  He took a long pause, I had the biggest temptation in the world to say “What’d you find?!”

  Fortunately, he continued speaking. “I found an adoption certificate that said my name on it. That’s the day I found out that I was adopted.”

  The girl’s jaw dropped. “Did you tell your parents?”

  “I couldn’t do it! I can’t even imagine the look on their face if they found out about me knowing. And now, I’m afraid it’s too late for me to tell them. I mean, I waited eight years…”

  I shook my head and took a deep breath. “And I thought I had it bad…” I murmured.


  I arrived at my house at around six, and I immediately headed towards my room to get started on my homework. I always had to work on my homework immediately when I got home, because it actually took me a longer time than most teens. Why? Because when I’m reading a book, or doing a math equation, all the numbers and words seem to come off the page and swirl around me.

  In other words, I have dyslexia. And it is not fun.

  That’s why I always need to work my hardest when it comes to schoolwork. Sometimes I don’t exactly put all my effort into my work… causing a huge fail. I learnt that in the sixth grade when I got ten percent on a history test, and since then when I had a test to study for, I made sure I studied.

  Which was what I’d be doing tonight, since tomorrow I had a big test.


  I had finally finished my geography exam and I was happy to be out of my grumpy old teacher Mrs. Kialogy’s, room. Trust me, you really break  a sweat when you have to do a test in her room and she has her beady little eyes stuck on you.

  I ruffled my hair as I made my way towards my locker to get my bag, I was excited that it was the end of the day. Tomorrow was Saturday and I was killing to having a fun weekend.

  Right as I was about to turn the corner to get to my locker, I bumped into someone.

  “Sorry about…” I trailed off as I realized who I had just bumped into. My jaw dropped a little as I realized it was that guy I had served at the café yesterday. He was the one who had that adoption story.

  My jaw dropped even further as I saw who was standing next to him, it was the girl from the café. I gained control of my face and put a normal look on my face. I didn’t want them to know that I was eavesdropping on their conversation last night, so I decided it’d be best if I just acted as if I had never seen these two people before in my life.

  “Sorry about that, guys,” I said forcefully. “I wasn’t watching where I was going.”

  I walked passed them, thinking I had gotten away when I heard the girl say, “Wait!”

  I turned around and looked back at the two teens. The girl was holding out her hand, which was covered with some of those fingerless gloves, and the boy was looking at her awkwardly as if to say ‘what are you doing this time?’

  I ruffled my hair once more. “Um, yeah?” I said.

  She crossed her arms and looked me over. “Do we know you?”

  Thank God she asked the question, I was finally off the hook for not minding my business, plus I wasn’t the one who had to ask the questions now. What a relief.

  I took a step closer to the two of them. “Yeah actually, yesterday you two were at the Caffeine Bean and I was your waiter, remember?”

  “Oh yeah!” The boy exclaimed as a look of remembrance crossed his face. “You were the guy who gave me heaven in a cup.”

  I chuckled and nodded my head. I shifted my weight as there was a moment of silence. I scratched my arm and then said, “Well, I gotta get going. You know, get started on my weekend!”

 I was about to walk away when the girl placed a hand on my shoulder, narrowed her green eyes and said to me with a smirk, “Hey kid, don’t think we didn’t see you listening to our entire conversation yesterday.”

  I gulped. As Hartlyn would say, I was in some deep doo-doo.



Well, as I said before, sorry for my really late update, I was in no wifi kingdom, but that means that I could get a lot of writing down on Microsoft Word, so I have Ronnie's chapter done already, Asher's halfway done and a brand new romance/humor story ready! 

Again, so sorry for my MIA!!!

Please comment and vote to make me smile :)

Plus! Does anyone watch the X Factor?! Well, that's where this song's chapter comes from, the song for this chapter is Where Do We Go From Here by Chris Rene! AH!! I love him! Hope he wins :)

Tell me what you think of the results of the X Factor in the comment if you watch it! Can you believe what happened!??!?!

Thanks for reading!


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