Chapter Twenty-One

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They say you can’t pick your family. Well, my family technically picked me when they were looking for a kid to adopt. I guess that saying is definitely not true then, because my family probably had so many other choices of other children who were looking to be adopted and have homes, but they chose me out of all the kids. Why did they choose me? It’s a question that I’ve always wanted to know the answer too. Why out of the hundreds of millions of kids who want a warm home and a family to call their own, why did they choose me?

  So many questions with so many answers… yet I have no idea where to find either of them.

   “Avery,” I heard someone say. “Avery, wake up. School’s coming up in a few minutes.”

  “Five more minutes ma…” I muttered, turning over and covering my face with my pillow.

  “Avery!” The voice said once more, now louder. “Wake up!”

  In response I let a little bit of drool flow out of my mouth. It was going to take much more to wake me up then a few hollers. Much more.

  “Avery…” The voice, which I now realized was deeper then my mother’s, said. “I’m going to touch your guitar.”

  That woke me up a little bit. I opened my eyes slightly, seeing who really was trying to wake me up, and then I just smirked and closed them again. “You wouldn’t dare. You’re not game enough.”

  All of a sudden, I heard the familiar strum of my guitar. My gray eyes immediately bolted open and I jumped out of bed. Asher had my guitar on his lap and was grinning evilly at me. By the sound of his chuckle, he seemed to find this quite funny.

  “Asher,” I said cautiously, narrowing my eyes into slits. “Could you please put the guitar down.”

  He went to go put it back on the stand. “Gently!” I quickly added once I saw his loose grip on my precious artifact.

  Once the guitar was back where it was belonged, I didn’t take a second before I tackled Asher and brought him to the ground. I grabbed his shoulders and shook him back and forth.

  “Avery!” He yelled. “Calm down!”

  I stopped shaking him, but I still kept my hard grip on him. “Asher, if I ever see you touch, go near or think about my baby, I will kill you.”

  The smirk and chuckle was definitely gone now. He looked quite alarmed now actually. “I promise I will never do any of those things to your… baby ever again.” He eyed my hands, which were holding onto his shoulders with a firm grip. “Now please let me go.”

  It took me a second before I got off him and let him free. Once he was back on his feet, I eyed him just to make sure that he wouldn’t go near my guitar. I didn’t want to take any chances.

  However, now looking at him, I realized that he was already dressed in denim jeans and a yellow and green striped shirt that was a little too nerdy for my liking. Judging his face, he didn’t sleep one bit because of the big dark circles under his green eyes.

  “What time is it?” I wondered.

  “Five after eight,” He replied as he crossed his arms. “You only have fifteen minutes to get ready, crazy guitar boy.”

  Oh crap. Getting ready quickly was definitely something I was not good at.

  I ran towards my dresser, grabbed my first pair of jeans and shirt and began taking my pajama top off. I immediately stopped when I saw Asher’s wide eyes.

  “Can I at least get out first?!” He asked me, his voice cracking as he seemed quite scared.

  “Please do!” I replied.

  He ran out of the room and I continued getting ready. Once I was dressed I ran a brush through my dirty blond hair, pulled on some socks and inserted my feet into my old worn-out sneakers. I rushed out of my room, almost knocking Asher down in the process.

  I scurried down the stairs, grabbed a muffin from the basket of muffins on the table and chewed as quickly as I could. Asher came down the stairs shortly after I did and he stared at me with wide eyes.

  “Out of all people, I never thought that Avery Morrison would be the person who wouldn’t want to be late to class,” He told me, his smirk back.

  Even though there was still half-chewed pasty muffin in my mouth, I laughed sarcastically at him. I then swallowed that bite of my breakfast and said, “I have a huge science test today. Can’t miss it.”

  He nodded his head and grabbed a muffin himself. The house was much more quiet then it usually was when I wake up. My parents were at work and my mother had dropped Hartlyn off at daycare around fifteen minutes ago. I did feel a little bad not being able to say good morning to them. I guess that’d mean some extra love for them tonight.

  Once we finished breakfast, I asked Asher, “Do you think Ronnie, you and I should head out to the Caffeine Bean tonight? I have to go anyways, got some work to do.”

  He smiled and nodded his head. “Yeah, that sounds great! I could really go for a latte.”

  And with that, we got our schoolbags and headed out the door.


  Once I got out of my final class of the day, which was science, I leapt out of the room and threw my arms. “Freedom!” I cried out happily.

  I fell down to my knees and pressed my cheek to the ground. “Sweet lord, thank you for giving me gorgeous freedom!”

  “What are you doing?” I suddenly heard from above me.

  I looked up, only to see Asher looking down at me with quite a confused look on his face. I lifted my face ground a responded with the obvious, “What does it look like?” I got off the floor and crossed my arms. “I’m showing my clear joyfulness towards the end of the most boring class in the world.”

  He shook his head and chuckled a little bit. “You, my friend, are quite weird.”

  I rolled my eyes at his little “compliment”. “So,” I then said. “Where’s Ronnie? Did you tell her that we were going to head out?”

  “Actually,” He followed. “She wasn’t in class today. I think I’ll send her a text to see if she’s alright.”

  And with that, he took out his cellphone.


Hey guys! I'm sooooooo sorry that it took me so long to update, but I finally did!

Not that interesting of a chapter, but it is something, right? 

Well, I'll get on with the little author's note show! So, the song of the chapter is without a doubt I Look To You by the one and Whitney Houston. I'm so sad that she passed away because she was truly amazing and awesome. May she rest in peace <3

I really hope you guys enjoyed the chapter! Next chapter will be pretty good :) Please tell me what you thought!

Thanks so much for reading!


The Three Of Usजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें