Part 59

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That must be the exact word to describe Casey's feeling as she walks down the aisle.

Even her grip that clutches onto his father hand feels weak.

She could see Tarius, waiting for her at the opposite side of the aisle. Yet she doesn't even recognize the force that helps her standing and walking.

As if a freaking living corpse, she lets herself being dragged in such elegant way by her father, letting her long white dress flows behind her back, making her the most beautiful expressionless bride at the time.

She sees the way Tarius smile towards her, a pitiful smile that says

'You can do this Casey..."

Yet, it was the small voice inside her heart that keeps on winning. The small voice that says

"Go to hell with all of this, I don't even care anymore..."

It was freaking dreadful. How both Black and Potter had chosen the wedding date on the exact same day Credence will receive the Kiss.

They had spread the words within no time and now the whole Sacred 28 and people from the ministry are gathering at the Black Villa to be the witness of this forceful bond or so called 'the Grand Wedding of the Year'.

As Casey walks down the aisle, her whole life starts to play upon her eyes.

On how she met Credence at the first place.

On how she starts to care for him and wanted to teach him magic.

On how she tried her hardest to help Credence control his massive power.

On how they both fall for each other.

For Credence is her whole life.


He received the news through an article in the Daily Prophet they used to pack his food.

'Grand Wedding of the Year', the article had stated.

He was freaking mad at the news, for Casey had finally given up and leaving him all alone in this pitch black cell, waiting for the ghastly Kiss.

Yet, as he looks into the moving picture, even a fool could have tell that Casey isn't happy. She isn't happy at all.

She looks miserably pale, not a smile portrayed on her face that the press conference could be easily mistaken for a death announcement.

That is how Credence knows that Casey still needs him.

That this time around, it is Casey that is in dire need to be saved.


They take him away in such forceful manner that Credence couldn't stop gasping and screaming. As they reach the punishment room, Credence could feel shiver runs down his spine as he sees the Dementors. He had seen them before in the cell, feeling the coldness of their touch and even letting them suck on the little happines he had felt when he was with Casey.

Yet this time around it feels different.

The last Kiss surely is the greatest punishment the Ministry could ever invented for the feel is so different.

The coldness stung Credence's heart, like there's no way it could beat again.

Fear overflowing his mind, letting him know that this is his last emotion before his death.

Credence shuts his eyes tight, letting the fear and anger to take over him, trying to fight the sadness from overwhelming his heart right now.

He takes a step forward towards the awaiting Dementors, feeling the sharp blade of their hands touch his pale skin.

He clutches his hands tightly to his side before letting himself drowning in such madness, black smoke unknowingly swirling around him before it finally happens.

He finally changes into his obscurial form.

Because if Dementor could feed on people's happiness, then an Obscurus could suck on the feeling of fear and let it be the only source of power it needs.

His fear of losing Casey had turn him to be a much dangerous creature than the ghastly Dementors.

He swirls around then, slowly errupting their black cloaks before mightily destroy the Dementors until there's no traces left.

At the time, Credence could hardly recognize himself for he is drowning in such immense power. Each stride he moves cause a greater demolition until the whole place was annihilated.

The only thing that keep him sane at the moment was the love he has for Casey.


With few last steps, Casey finally reaches the end of the aisle before her father starts to let go of her hand.

She almost fainted at the moment if it wasn't because of Tarius's hand that holds her tightly.

But for the first time in forever, Casey didn't scream or yelp from the sudden touch. For the wound inside her heart is far greater painful than the touch.

She could hardly listen to the words of the Master of Ceremony. She doesn't even realize the time the Wedding Scroll being handed down to her for the recital of the Bonding Spell.

Yet before she could muster the courage to utter the first word, a familiar black smoke starts to surround the place, sweeping the whole place, causing all the guest to lay low on the floor, shaking with fear.

The last thing she remembered was Credence's welcoming hand before he engulfs her in the shapeless black smoke and took her away.

And for the first time since the day they've been separated, they both smile.

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