Part 36

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"How was it?"

Terry asked once they settled down at the astronomy tower that night. With a deep sigh, Casey shooks her head.

"What about you?"

Terry shooks his head while pressing his lips into thin line. Well to tell the truth, Terry did try his best to convince his parents. But deep inside his heart, he still feels a bit relief that they can continue the engagement. Of course he's not suppose to feel happy but how can he control his own emotion.

It's totally out of his own grab.

However, as soon as Casey detects Potter's relief, she quickly slap Terry at the arm.


"What? Oh... Sorry..."

"Trust me Casey. I tried my best to convince them. But they still refuse to listen to me... You can use legilimen on me if you're in doubt..."

"I trust you..."

Casey replied simply. She senses Terry's honesty and sincerity, she knows Terry can't lie to her.

"What should we do Tarius?"

Casey asked hesitantly although she's pretty well know that they both got no answer to such question.


Credence shudders heavily. Daily Prophet crumpled in his hand.

'Casey's getting engaged... That can't be...'

Credence shivers at the thought. A slight pain rush through his vein. A black smoke slowly gets out of his body, slowly encircling him in a slow motion. Newt that just coming out from his briefcase quickly rushes to hug Credence so tight that it hurts.

"You can control it Credence. Relax... Relax my boy..."

Credence takes a deep breath, shivering hard while he tries to clear his mind. He hesitantly responds to Newt's hug.The black smoke encircle him quickly vanishes as he silently sobs on Newt's shoulder.

"It's okay Credence... You're safe..."


That night, Newt had stayed all night to look after Credence. He slowly pats Credence's shoulder, trying to give him some sort of comfort.

Newt inhales deeply. He knows that this must be so hard for Credence but what can he do. The Black family is very well known for their high status and resiliency in protecting the wizarding culture and tradition.

Its been a week since Credence first told Newt about his feelings. That he likes Casey. Newt is so happy at the news because he does notice the chemistry between them both, just like him and his Pickett.

But now, Credence had to face such great pain, to lose his love before it could even started. No wonder he almost give in and change back to his obsurial form.

Newt wonders how Casey is feeling right now, it must be so hard for her as well. But being the heir of Black, there's no way for Casey to stop the engagement.

On the next morning, while having their reluctant breakfast, Casey's owl fly inside Newt's house from the kitchen's window. A note was dropped from its grip before it flies back to the owlery.

Newt hesitantly takes the note, looking carefully over Credence's facial expression, trying hard not to scare him. But Credence keeps his pitiful straight face. His eyes bores into Newt intensely.

Awkwardly, Newt tears the envelope and takes out the letter, opens it carefully while maintaining his eye contact with Credence.

I'll explain everything.
I'm sorry.


As soon as Newt finish uttering the words, Credence quickly stands up and walks away to his own room.

Newt sighs deeply before taking out his quill and writes back to Casey.

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