Part 49

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"Postpone the engagement?"

Sirius Black spoke in disbelief. He and the Potter family are now right inside Dumbledore's office after they received a letter from both Casey and Terry. Dumbledore had given them the pleasure of using his office while he's having hi-tea with Headmaster Dippet.

"Yes Mr. Black. Casey and I thought that such engagement would quite disrupt our focus for N.E.W.T.S so we're thinking about doing it after our graduation."

Tarius tried to remain calm about the whole situation, trying hard to ignore Sirius's and his own parents' murderous glance.

"Merlin's Beard! That's ridiculous!"

Sirius snapped. His eyes shot daggers into both Casey and Terry which are sitting across him. Casey simply sighs. She knows exactly her parents reaction. That is completely predictable. As she senses her father's anger and fury, Casey simply closes her eyes and takes a deep breath.

"Tarius, tell me, did Casey force you to do such thing?"

Sirius tried again. He knows that her daughter is capable of doing that, being a cunning Slytherin she is. Casey that manages to read his father's heart feels a bit hurt. Of course in a way, Tarius did it for her. But to hear her father accused her like that, it still feels bad.

"It's okay Casey... Simply react the way we have practiced..."

Terry said in his heart, knowing that Casey is able to read it. He smiles at Casey, stretching his hand out as if asking Casey to take it.

Casey smiles back before slowly hold Terry's hand.

Both Blacks and Potters feel rather confuse at the moment. For their son and daughter are being so nice and friendly towards each other but still refuse to proceed with the engagement which is suppose to be held next week.

'See, look at their expression, they're confused now.'

Terry half smirks at their expression before interlacing his fingers with Casey.

"No sir, Casey didn't force me. We discussed this together. We really wanted to proceed with the engagement but the time just doesn't seem quite right..."

Terry explained while once in a while shooting his lovely gaze towards Casey, implying that they both do love each other.

Casey can't help but to feel quite bad at the moment. She knows that Terry is trying his best to convince both their parents but she still notices Terry's sadness and regret at the moment. She knows that deep inside his heart, Terry wishes that everything that they are showing right now isn't an acting but the truth.

"Well... I guess we have to take into consideration your opinion..."

Hardwin Potter Jr. manages to say before receiving a glare from Sirius. Both Mrs. Black and Mrs. Potter simply shake their head at their husbands.

"Sirius look... I think we need to think about Terry and Casey's welfare as well. If their engagement is going to affect their N.E.W.T.S then of course, postpone it would be a better choice..."

"Well that's totally rubbish, how can their engagement affect their exam? It's not like they have to live together and handle their own lives! It's just an engagement for Merlin's sake!"

Sirius snapped harshly while glaring towards Casey. He knows in his heart that this is all Casey's idea. Being a legilimen she is, Casey feels very very disturbed to hear every words uttered in his father's heart.

'You fool girl, this bond is important for our family!'

'Do you think you can run away from this? I know this is your doing! I know you force him to follow your lead!'

'Ungrateful child!'

"Father please... You said it yourself, it's just an engagement... So why do we have to rush it?"

Casey quickly interrupts his father's thought, trying hard to ignore the pain in her heart. She takes a deep breath before continues.

"We just need some time father... Just a few months more before we graduated... Then we'll be ready..."

Casey said softly, her heart feels slightly relaxed when she feels Terry's grip tightened against her own.

Sirius Black gazes towards his own wife which is nodding slightly as if asking him to consider their daughter's thought. He then looks towards the Potters who seems to ask him the same favour.

He sighs heavily before running his hand towards his jett black hair. He takes a deep breath before stands up abruptly, pacing around the room as if trying to find the logic in the discussion. Part of him wanted to sneer at the Potters for being so lenient about this whole matter. But part of him knows that if he wants this bond to happen in the future, he still needs to consider Potters' view.

Casey feels rather relief at the moment when she senses her father is now trying to consider the idea. The moment is pretty overwhelming that Casey could hardly hear Terry's whisper besides her.


"I ask, did you read his heart, did he say anything?"

Terry replies while still maintaining his tone, ensuring that only Casey is able to hear it. He rather not speaks in his heart as to not disturbing Casey's focus on her father. But before Casey could say anything, Sirius finally stops his pacing and looks at them intensely.

"Very well then... I suppose we can wait for a few months... But..."

Sirius said seriously while putting a stress on the word 'but'. He glares towards Casey, smirking before continues.

"I believe you already know the consequences if you try anything funny..."

Of course Casey knows the consequences. She knows that anythings that is not worth the Black name would cause her to be disown by her family.

Casey sighs slowly while closing her eyes, trying to calm down.

This is it.

She had choosen this path.

There's no way she's going to turn back.

What she can do now is simply 'enjoy' her family's presence before they leave her, or rather she left them, in a few more months.

So slowly, Casey opens her eyes, looks directly towards her father and nods her head. In her heart, she can't stop muttering;

'This is it...'

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