Part 48

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That evening, Terry cannot stop talking about all the magical creatures he had found in Newt's case. Casey while knowing all along about the fantastic beasts as she had been there few times before simply nodded and listen to Terry's rant.

"I can't believe Newt keeps a swooping evil! I freaking love that beast!"

"If you did see how the erumpent look at me, then you'll know I'm her type..."

"That murtlap tried to kiss me! But luckily Newt took it away from me!"

"Tarius.." Casey hesitantly starts. They are now sitting at the Quidditch stands while looking towards the indigo sky.


"What did you say to Credence?"

Casey swears there's some sort of uncomfortableness rising in Terry's heart at the name mentioned. She softly put her left hand on Terry's shoulder, trying to ease the tense.

Terry sighs at the touch. He presses his lips into thin line before changing his position, now facing Casey.

"Credence didn't tell you?"

Casey shakes her head.

"I didn't ask him..."

To be honest, Casey wanted to ask Credence all about it but she is too preoccupied with Credence's presence at that moment till the thing starts to slip off her mind.

"Well... I told him that if he wants to be with you, he has to be ready to protect you with all means..."

Casey unknowingly feels her heart swarms with warm feelings. She thought that the conversation may lead to Terry asking Credence to leave her and what not, but being a perfect man he is, it is not surprising to know that such words was what uttered by Terry.

"You know I love you Casey..."

Casey smiles warmly. At first the words always have the effect of making Casey feels slightly awkward but now, after spending months with Terry, and listen to his confession almost every day, Casey feels simply fine with it. It seems fine to know that she is loved.

"You said it a little bit too much."

Terry chuckles at Casey's answer. He bits his lower lips, while trying hard to maintain calm.

"I do love you a little bit too much..."

Terry admitted before he takes a deep breath while still maintaining his eye contact with Casey.

"I want you to be happy with me... I really do... But it seems to me that you love the boy more than anything... So as much as I love you, I think it is wiser for me to let you be with who your heart belongs to..."

Terry speaks with difficulty. Casey that seems to understand Terry's struggle slowly hold the brunette's hand and rubs circles on it.

Again Terry takes a deep breath.

"That is why, if I can't be with you, at least I want you to be in good hands... I want you to be protected... I want you to be happy..."

Casey smiles widely, not because finally Terry is fine with her being with Credence, but to know that Terry does concern about her that much.

"That is why... Well, I may sound like the biggest loser with this suggestion but..."

"You want to postpone the engagement?"

"Gosh Casey! Stop reading my mind. You ruin the suspense!"

Terry chuckles a little at Casey's interruption. However Casey could sense a regret in his heart. She now holds Terry's hand with both of her hands.

"I'm so pathetic aren't I?"

Terry asked. He swallows a big lump in his throat before looking at their hands, unable to face Casey anymore. Casey feels her heart slightly breaks at the moment, to see her best friend struggles with his own emotion, and to think that she is the reason for such turmoil.

"No you're not... You're just so kind... Maybe you should be put in Hufflepuff instead..."

"Nah, I'm quite a prankster. Gryffindor suits me better..."

They both chuckles at the statement before fallen into comfortable silence. After a moment, Terry finally manages to force himself to utter the next words.

"I know that if we tell our parents that we want to call off the wedding, then they would be freaking mad... So for the time being, the best way that I can come up with is we try to persuade them to postpone our engagement until we graduated... So before that maybe you can just... Well, I don't know... Run away with Credence I guess..."

Terry gulps at his own words. Casey knows that this must be so hard for him to suggest the elope plan himself but Casey can't help but to feel grateful for Terry's big heart.

"Do you think I should envision what would happen if we tell them?"

Casey asked, trying to ease the tension.

"No! Of course not! We should just let it happen..."

"But what if bad things happen?"

Casey asked truthfully. She wonders whether it would be alright to just follow with the flow without knowing exactly what would happen.

Terry simply smirks at Casey. He stands up abruptly before carefully strecth his hand for Casey to take. He smiles warmly before continues.

"What is life, without a little thrill..."

Author's Note:

This is my personal favourite chapter.  I had imagine this chapter way before the other chapters I've written. Frankly, I'm a Second Hero Shipper, so I simply respect and love the way Tarius deals with this whole thing.

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