Part 43

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Casey apparates back to Hogwarts with a heavy heart. She feels so bad for leaving Terry at the ball. So as soon as she steps on Hogwarts ground, she quickly goes to the Gryffindor common room. She is very lucky indeed as Terry is about to leave the common room at the same time she appears at the tower.

Yet, as soon as Terry sees Casey, he quickly turns around, wanted to re-enter his common room. Casey could sense frustration in Terry so she quickly runs towards him, trying to stop his way.

"Go away Casey!"

Terry speaks with a rather annoyed tone.

"Tarius please... We need to talk..."

Terry refuses to look at Casey. Frustration is clearly written on his face. He felt betrayed and used by what Casey did to him before.

Casey is at lost. So in that instance, she grabs Terry's hand and apparates him to the Black Hut.


"Are you alright now Credence?"

Newt asked caringly while lovingly stroking his bowtruckle. Pickett at the time is trying to climb Newt's arm after playing with Newt's quill and ink.

"I'm fine Newt..."

"What about Casey... Did you guys sort everything together?"

Credence sighs deeply at Newt's question. He shakes his head slightly before unknowingly bites his lower lips.

Newt that happens to notice Credence's expression slowly takes a seat besides him on the couch.

Again Credence sighs before taking a deep breath. His mind trying hard to process the right words to express his concern at the time.

"Why is it so hard for us to be together Newt?"

Credence asked hesitantly, he keeps his gaze low on the floor. Newt that seems to understand the whole situation carefully puts his hand on Credence's shoulder, trying to calm the younger boy.

"I never wanted to be an obscurus. I never thought surpressing my magic could lead me to be such disastrous... monster..."

"You're not a monster Credence..."

"Then what am I Newt? Last night, I almost hurt you and Casey... If that wasn't monster..."

"You're not a monster... Trust me, I met so many of them before, and you are not one of them..."

Newt replied while gazing caringly in Credence's eyes, trying to let him understands the truth.

"Besides, the problem between you and Casey is not because of you being an obscurus Credence... It is much complex than that..."

"What do you mean?"

Credence asked nervously. Yesterday, Casey told him that she was forced to engage with Tarius Potter. But the only thing that he could understand is that, Casey's parents wanted Casey to marry a normal wizard like Tarius, and not an obscurus like him.

"She's a Black Credence... Her family is the most ancient and noble among other wizards and witches families. It is pretty well known for them to be very strict in every ethics of wizarding life which includes, choosing only a pure blood wizard or witch for their children..."

"Pure blood?"

Newt simply nods before continues.

"Pure blood. Those who are born into all wizards witches family... That means, even if you're not an obscurus Credence, Casey's family still won't accept you... Because you're not pure blood..."

Black Love - Fantastic BeastsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora