Part 9

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It is a decent evening.

The big Black family gather in the Black Villa own by the first son of Phineas Nigellus Black, Sirius. In the gathering, Casey's first brother, Arcturus made a pleasant surprise by announcing his promotion as the Head of Mystery Department for the MOM.

The whole Black family especially his wife, Melania MacMillan seems very pleased about it. MacMillan is a pure blood family mostly involved in education. Mattheus MacMillan, Arcturus's father-in-law now work in the Education Department of MOM.

It is accustomed to the old wizard family to marry another pure blood wizard/witch from the other family as to strengthened the bond and power between the two families. You have no right to choose your future spouse as your parents shall decide it for you, and of course after considering the benefits both families will get from the bond.

Arcturus however is very lucky. Melania MacMillan is his first crush since his third year at Hogwarts. Casey can't help but to sense love blooming between the couple although it is in fact an arranged marriage.

Among her siblings, Arcturus is the only one seems to be quite okay with the fact Casey is different from the rest of them. He did sneer and act impertinent towards Casey when he was younger. But now, at the age of 26, he is much maturer and tolerable.

Casey's younger cousins, Pollux, Cassiopeia, Marius, Dorea, Callidora, Cedrella and Charis are also there in the Villa, enjoying the feast and play some pranks towards one another while their parents, Aunty Belvina, Uncle Arcturus and Uncle Cygnus are having a hot conversation or rather debate on the current political situation.

Being part of the Black family requires you to have a great knowledge regarding the whole wizardry political situation. Especially with the Gellert Grindewald attack that recently took place in New York, every Black member since to be quite cautious about the issue.

Casey scoffs at the fact that her parents and her uncles and aunty doesn't seem much disturbed at the absence of Casey's second uncle, Phineas Black.

Black family is one of the most ancient noble family in the wizarding world. So any misbehave would results in being kicked out from the family registry and name being removed from the Black family tapestry.

Uncle Phineas has lost his right as a member of the Black family due to his conflicting views regarding Muggles. He is an active supporter of muggles' rights and had once, stepped up to protect them against his own brother, Sirius.

Since then, he has been isolated and the latest rumour said that he's in France, trying hard to be a teacher in Beauxbaton Academy.

Black family also encourages fierce competition among the family members.

When Arcturus and Lycoris Black were in Hogwarts, they both became the Head Boy and Girl. And to surpass that, Regulus Black use his talent in Quidditch to help Slytherin won their cup.

As for Casey, there is really no achievement she can brag about except her astounding OWLs which is the best ever in the history of Black family. However, Casey never find that as a good escape from her family rivalry with one another.

Her siblings often accused her cheating and reading the other students' mind while answering her exams. But of course that is not true as in her special case, she always needs to use a silencing charm so that the other students' inner voices wouldn't interfere in her thinking.

Now, while standing among the big family of Black, another rivalry is supposed to happen when Cassiopeia, Casey's cousin had entered Hogwarts last two years.

As they both have the same name, Casey feels kinda neglected when the rest of Black family often talk about how bright Cassiopeia's future is going to be as she has a wonderful talent both in academic and sport.

Uncle Cygnus and Aunty Violetta often told Casey about how they wish Cassiopeia could be as bright as Casey. But being a legilimen, she could sense her uncle and aunt's jealousy and annoyance while they said that. Deep inside their heart, they wish Casey won't do as good in her NEWTs this year.

So having a Black reunion isn't that great for Casey.

She just wanted to stay in her hut and...

And talk with Credence...

There are so many things she wanted to ask Credence.

So many things she wanted to know.

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