Part 26

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Terry can't wait to meet Casey today in Potions.

He wanted to spend his weekend with Casey but Casey had dissapear to God-knows-where. Frankly, he was quite dissapointed. But he quickly reminds himself to take it easy, pursuing step by step.

Casey already knows his feelings, so it is simply a matter of time before Casey could accept him. Terry inhales deeply, hoping that his plan would work.


"Hey Casey..."

Terry said confidently before takes a seat besides Casey. Casey is so shocked to see him.

In fact not only her but the whole class is stunned by the absurd scene. Never did they expect a Slytherin and a Gryffindor could sit together. It's a legendary rivalry between both houses. Nobody knows when it started but everybody blames it to old man Salazar and Godric.

Terry simply smirks at all the eyes focusing on him. This is his first step.
To let Casey knows that he is serious regarding their new friendship a.k.a hopefully-soon-to-be-a-relationship.

Prof. Slughorn simply smiles at the situation. He loves it. He loves to see unity among houses. That is why he is never picky about his students' houses in the Slug Club. He only cares about their talent.

"Okay students... Today we are going to brew one of the most powerful potion ever exist... Amortentia... So can anyone please tell me what is the property of this potion?"

As always, Hector Dagworth Granger quickly raise his hand, desperately wanted to answer the question.

Prof. Slughorn simply smiles before nodding at his favourite student. Confidently, Hector stands up and starts to speak.

"Amortentia is the most powerful love potion in existence. It has a distinctive mother-of-pearl sheen, and steam rises from it in characteristic spirals. It causes a powerful infatuation or obsession from the drinker. Despite its power, Amortentia doesn't create actual love; it's impossible to manufacture or imitate love. The person under the effect of the potion will only hold an obsession for the person who administered it."

"Good! Very good Hector! Now please sit down."

Prof. Slughorn smiles proudly before continues.

"Amortentia is a very unique potion. The smell is different according to what attracts the person. For instance, if you are very fond of a Quidditch player, then perhaps the smell would be of sweat, broomstick polish and grass. So now, let's not waste more time, let's get some work done shall we..."

And then, all students start to work on their potion. Although potion isn't Terry's best subject, he tries hard to brew the potion simply because, he desperately wanted to know what smells would come up. Would it be Casey's favourite treacle tart or wet grasses of the Black Lake which Casey always step on.

At certain point, Terry would glance at Casey besides him, simply to look at Casey's focus expression. He smiles unknowingly, warm feelings flooded his heart.

Casey on the other hand, knows that Terry is silently looking at her. She can't deny the loud sound of heart beats coming from Terry.

"So Black, can you please tell me what does amortentia smell to you?"

Horace asked after he had make sure Casey had brew the potion correctly.

Casey nervously leans in, inhaling deeply the potion in front of her. But then, she quickly curves her eyebrow.

"I smell... something burn... like ashes... blood... and... something salty... like tears..."

Casey gulps. She unknowingly looks at Terry besides him. Terry simply gives him a confused look.

After class, Terry quickly follows Casey, walks closely besides her.

"I wonder what does ashes, blood and tears means to you Casey?"

Casey simply shrugs at him. Although deep inside her heart, she somehow knows what does that refers to...

"Well, I have a theory you know..."

Terry managed to say. Casey quickly stops, looking intensely towards Terry.

"And what is that Tarius?"

"Well firstly, ashes. You know phoenix always burns itself into ashes before it reborns..."


"So... Actually phoenix is my spirit animal. So as ashes refers to my spirit animal, that means, ashes refers to me..."

Casey smiles at Terry's words, never think of such possibility.

"Blood then?"

"Well blood, you know I'm a Seeker. So I've always face accidents, always covered in blood. So blood also refers to me..."

Casey smiles even wider.

"As for tears... Well I do cry you know..."

Casey's smiles quickly turns into chuckles. Terry simply smirks at his remark. Proud that he is able to make Casey laughs.

"So are you saying that what I smell in amortentia refers to you?"

"Of course!"

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