Part 54

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Casey and Credence intertwine their fingers as they roam around the street of Le Harve.



After several times pining for the best spot, Casey finally choose to stay in France.

It has been three months after Casey run away from her suppose to be engagement and Casey can't help but to feel that that is the best decision she had ever made.

She had never feel more free and livelier than now.

It was two weeks after the elope where the whole wizarding world was shocked with Sirius Black sudden announcement about disowning Cassiopeia Hesper Black for being so rude and disrespectful towards the ancient and noble family.

Since then, Casey had use the surname Barebone for the sake of owning a new job. She had been appointed as the new Divination trainer for France Ministere de Magie.

Fortunately nobody seems to know or rather care about her as there are many other new recruits to join the Ministere from Beauxbatons.

Casey had also change her appearance for the sake of keeping her identity. It feels rather weird at first, but Casey finally get used to her now long blonde hair. She had also enchanted her dark brown eyes to mercury silver so that nobody can recognize her.

It took several weeks for Credence to get used to it as well.

Credence on the other hand, had use some of his impromptu training with Newt Scamander to own a new job as a magizoologist assistant.

He can now held his head high, feeling confident and nevertheless, drowning in the true sense of love and happiness.

Casey can't help but to smile at Credence. Their face flush at the soft breeze caressing their cheeks.

The warm sunlight hugs them tightly on that lovely afternoon. The bright sunlight almost blinded their vision. Casey gasps as she realizes she loses her sight to the beautiful light.

Deja vu.


When Casey opens her eyes, it was due to several voices raising above her head. Those voices keeps on trying to penetrate her mind, causing her to feel dizzy and sick.

She rubs her eyes rather tiredly before she tries to register her situation. She was lying on the street of Le Harve, with Credence kneeling on her side and several unknown faces all looking rather worried.

"Casey, are you alright, you suddenly faint..."

Casey nods before trying to get into a sitting position. Apparently Credence had asked others not to touch Casey as that would cause her discomfort. That is why Casey had fainted for almost half an hour instead of waking up from the pain of someone trying to touch her.

Casey put a sweet smile before relying on Credence to help her stand up. Credence however cannot help but to feel quite scared and worried at the moment.

"I'm fine Credence... Really..."

Casey manages to say before she says her gratitudes towards all the people who had been there. She then slowly intertwines her fingers back with Credence before they continue their walk, as if nothing happen.


"That had happen before isn't it?"

Credence nervously asked as they both are having a Hi-tea at a coffee shop. As Credence sits across from Casey, he could easily see her reluctant gaze.

Casey unknowingly swallows a lump in her throat. She takes a deep breath before nods.

"But why? Are you sick or anything?"

Casey could sense Credence's worry at the moment, and she is very glad to feel his sincerity. Yet, Casey had no answer for that question.

Or rather, she doesn't know how to answer such question.

"Casey please..."

Credence begged. He can feel the sting on his eyes as his tears threaten to fall. He loves Casey so much that he can't bear to see her feeling sick or anything. He doesn't think he can handle it.

"It's fine Credence... It's not much... Just a normal headache. That's all..."

Casey manages to say before she forces herself to crack a beautiful smile in front of Credence. She slowly rubs the back of Credence hand before muttering a soft whisper;

"I'm fine my love..."

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