Part 32

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I've been busy.
I'm sorry. 
I'll see you this weekend.
I miss you too.


Credence reads the letter before a warm smile creeps on his face. He has been missing Casey for so long. Casey hasn't visited him for quite some day and even left him all alone when Graves met him.

Talking about Graves, although Credence hated Grindelwald for using him and playing with his heart, Credence can't help to recall his memory with the man. The man had been his only source of power. He had told Credence that Credence is special. Although the man Credence remembered was an impostor, but for once in his life, he felt loved.

The real Graves however is entirely a different person. He is much tender and well behaved. He is much charismatic and disciplined. That is why, Credence can't help but to remember the care and love he had before.

Credence quickly shook his head. He's not suppose to think that way. He has Casey now. And the love Casey had given to him is far greater than the impostor ever gave.

Credence smiles sheepishly. He can't wait to meet Casey that weekend.


"The magic I'm going to teach you is an ancient and mysterious charm which conjures a magical guardian, a projection of all your most positive feelings. The Patronus Charm is difficult, and many witches and wizards are unable to produce a full, corporeal Patronus, a guardian which generally takes the shape of the animal with whom they share the deepest affinity. You may suspect, but you will never truly know what form your Patronus will take until you succeed in conjuring it."

Now follow after me... Expecto Patronum... "

"Expecto Patronum!"

The whole DADA class started to enchant the patronus charm. Most of them are very excited about it as many are known unable to conjure it. So each of them are battling among themselves, who is able to cast it first.

Now, while standing confronting Casey, Terry tried to recall the happiest memory he had. And as soon as he casted the spell, a silver glow emerges from his wand, forming the shape of a Phoenix.

Terry smiles so wide that his mouth starts to hurt. He is so excited about it, calling Casey to look at his patronus. Casey however is very busy on her own. She tried hard to think of any possible happy memories she had but none comes to her mind.

Dumbledore simply sighs at Casey's meaningless effort. Patronus is very hard. If you cannot control your own emotion, if you cannot find the exact memory to cast it, then it can't be happening.

At the end of the class, only few of them manages to cast it which includes Terry, Hector, Victor Parkinson, Jean Abbot and Lucien Lovegood.

Terry who can't stop smiling all day starts to annoy Casey by boasting about his achievement.

"Did you see the phoenix? I told you it was my spirit animal."

"I didn't think I could do it. I mean the spell itself is known to be so hard... But then poof! A phoenix! Wohooo!

" Do you want me to teach you? You know you only have to think of any happy memory..."

By the time Terry had talk about the same topic for the 18th time during their dinner, Casey can no longer holds it in.

"Merlin Tarius, can you please stop!"

Terry quickly gulps at Casey sudden outburst. He blinks his eyes furiously, realizing his mistake.

"Sorry... A little bit too excited... I'm sorry..."

Casey soften her gaze when she heard Tarius words. She knows, anyone in Tarius place would feel the same. But to hear the same talk over and over again she can't help but to feel annoying.

"Erm... Tomorrow, do you want to go to Hogsmeade together?"

Terry asked hesitantly, trying to divert Casey's attention from keeps on getting mad at him.

Casey that manages to read Terry's attention quickly shook her head. But before she could answer, she senses jealousy creeps on Terry's heart.

"You're going to meet the boy aren't you?"

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