Part 18

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You promised.
You lied.

Casey's heart skips a beat when she received the letter. 
Last night, when she finally keeps her composure, it was already midnight and Casey doesn't think its a good thing to barge into Mr. Scamander's house that late.

Casey sighs. She should have send an owl to tell Credence that she can't make it. Casey sures that Credence had been waiting for her all day long when she first owled him and tell him that she'll come to visit on Wednesday.

Casey feels so bad.

It's breakfast time and Casey had to wait until 5. 00 p.m before she could go to see Credence.

She sighs deeply, wondering whether that would make her heart feels better.

Casey entered the DADA class with a heavy heart. She had been quite distracted since early. She put her bag on the floor after taking out her quill and parchment. Its another theory class with Prof. Dumbledore. She didn't even realize a pair of eyes had been looking at her since the first time she stepped into the class.

Since their encounter, Terry had been looking forward to meet Casey again. Well, to be honest, he always anticipated Potion and DADA class, but his excitedness and nervousness today just a bit more. Well, a little bit more.

"And that is exactly why a vampire and werewolves had been in a war for decades..."

Dumbledore concluded the class. He somehow feels the urge to end the class earlier simply because he notices Casey's anxiousness.

Before dismissing all the students, he told Casey to meet him after class.

"Is there anything bothering you Casey?"

Casey hesitated for a while.

Well, there's nothing much really. But, she still feels really bad about what she did to Credence. And that somehow can be seen through her lack of focus during class.

"Nothing sir..."

Dumbledore sighs.

"If there's anything you wish to tell me, you know I'll be more than willing to hear."

"Yes sir... I... I shall take my leave..."

But as soon as she steps out of the classroom, she feels a sharp tingling pain on her left arm. She shudders and quickly turn around.

"Oh I'm sorry..."

Tarius quickly said once he saw Casey shivers from his touch. Casey however can't hide her shock when she saw Tarius stands right in front of her.

"Are you okay Black?"

Casey quickly nods her head without even bother to look at the taller boy. She still feel awkward to be around the boy after the accidental legilimency.

"What are you talking about with Dumbledore?"


Casey said simply, receiving a rather curious glance from Terry.

"Black... I wonder... I mean I never see you with anyone else before and..."

Casey feels her heart tightened at Tarius's words. She could easily read what could happen next.

"Can we be friends?"

Casey quickly rises her head to look at Tarius deeply at the eyes.

She knows this is what Tarius had been trying to say but to have him actually saying it in front of her, it feels different. It feels different to have someone who wanted to be your friend, not because of your status or wealth but for you yourself.

Casey senses Tarius's honesty.

But to know that the taller boy adores her, that fact frightens her.

"I... I'm sorry..."

Casey managed to say before she starts to walk away, leaving Tarius in a deep confusion and frustration.

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