Part 30

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It is jealousy. Of course she knows it. She isn't that stupid. Although she hates to admit it, but she knows she has fallen for the boy.

For his vulnerability and loneliness.
For his desperation for love.

For once in her life, she wants the boy, yet the boy's heart used to fancy someone else. And that fact kills her from the inside.

Casey sighs deeply before forcing herself to sleep.


"Where have you been Casey, you didn't attend all classes yesterday. Is there anything bothering you?"

Terry speaks once he found Casey in the Great Hall that morning. He takes a seat besides Casey, ignoring all the glares and sneers from the Slytherins.

"It's none of your business Tarius..."

Casey replied half heartedly, not looking towards Terry. She sips the last drop of her milk before trying to get away from the scene but a sharp pain creeps on her left arm when Terry touches her.


Terry quickly lets go of his grip when he saw how much displeasure that brings to Casey.

"Why? What's wrong?"

Casey casts sharp glares at Terry before slowly walks out of the Great Hall, still rubbing her left arm.

Terry blinks furiously, trying to register what happened. He bites his lower lips before running towards the door, trying to keep up with Casey.

"Casey what's wrong with you?"

Terry asks while again pulling Casey to looks at him. Casey shuts her eyes tight, shuddering from the renewed pain. She lets out a gasp, while barely manage to keep her feet on the ground. She quickly place her right arm on Terry's left one, trying to keep her balance.

"Tarius... Please..."

Tarius quickly pulls away his hand, while Casey tries hard to open her eyes. 

"Casey... What's wrong?"

Casey opens her eyes slightly while rubbing her arm furiously, trying to lessen the pain. She looks at Terry slightly before gesturing him to follow her.

They ended up in an empty classroom. Luckily its their free period so they're not in rush.

"Casey tell me... What's wrong? Are you sick or something?"

"No Tarius... I'm fine..."

Casey replies hesitantly. She keeps her head low, avoiding Terry's gaze.

"Then why are you flinching so bad at my touch? Am I... Am I that disgusting?" 

Casey shook her head slowly before bits her lower lips and then looking up, staring intensely at Terry. She could read Terry's anxiety and a slight sadness at the time.

"Human touch... Human touch hurts me... And you're not disgusting..."

Casey replies hesitantly. She really wishes she could keep this a secret but there's nothing she could do at the time. She can't let Terry misunderstood her action as disgust.

"What do you mean? We touched before.  We had a handshake remember?"

Casey sighs, not letting her gaze diverts from Terry.

"It's fine if I touch people... But people can't touch me... It's a curse Tarius... A legilimen curse..."

Terry takes a deep breath, trying to process the whole situation.

"Why didn't you tell me then?"

"I'm afraid... And ashamed as well... I'm sorry Tarius..."

Terry gulps. He now understands perfectly why Casey refuses to mingle with others. Why she had no friends although plenty of students would love to be one. What she had to go through before this, avoiding all other students so that she won't have to accidentally touch them.

Casey that manages to read Terry's thought quickly shook her head.

"I'm fine Tarius. You don't have to worry about it."

Terry chuckles. He almost forgets that Casey's a legilimen.

"You should have tell me Casey... Then I would be more careful, I would never want to hurt you... I'm sorry..."

"It's fine Tarius. Well, now you know..."

Black Love - Fantastic BeastsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora