Part 55

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[ Warning :
Extreme Content. Contain Blood and Vicious Imagination ]


To be honest, of course Casey knows what is going on.

It was part of her disowning process.

In the magical world, there are five stages of disowning in order to ensure that the relations between the family can no longer be bond.

Each stages would eventually cause the person involve to lose any kind of ties that bind them to their respective family.

And through each stages, a painful process would follow.

Casey went through the first process almost three weeks ago. She was preparing for breakfast in the secluded house she rented when suddenly a thumping blow came crashing through her head. At that time when she fell unconscious, she underwent the most terrible dream that nobody could ever imagine.

She was tearing her own chest, with her own bloody hand and slowly yet carefully, taking out her own heart. It was so vivid how she hold her bloody heart with her left hand before crush it with silver blade until her heart could no longer retain the same shape.

She was struggling so hard to stay alive while realizing that everything happened was just part of her mind.

That was the first stage.

To show the broken hearted feelings when a bond is destroyed.

The second process happened last two weeks, when Casey was on her way home from work, when she suddenly fall off from her broomstick at a terrifying height of 20 meters above the ground.

She hardly managed to mutter a cushioning charm before silently lose her consciousness to again the terrible hallucination.

This time, she was drowning in a sea of chrystal clear water. She was trying so hard to get into the shore but an invisible hand keep on pulling her lower and lower towards the sea ground. She was forced to stay there, choking in the saltiness of the water until her cries mixed with the sea.

That was the second stage.

For every litre of tears shed while a bond is broken.

The third stage happened last week, when Casey was in her office, working on a new prophecy.

This time around, a much terrifying vision happened.

Casey was back to 18 years ago, where she was transported to St' Mungo, to the ward where her mother is going to give birth to her. The moment her mother gave birth to her, Casey saw with her own eyes how her father, with cruelty portrayed in his eyes, took the baby version of her away from her mum's arm and choke her so hard.

At that time Casey was feeling the same terrible strangle choking her neck, so tight that her neck started to bruise.

It doesn't end there however, her father slowly put the baby back on the bed before muttering the killing curse, right in front of Casey's eyes.

That was the third stage.

For every hard feelings that follows when a bond loses its ties.

And the fourth stage happened just yesterday, when Casey suddenly lose her consciousness at the street of Le Harve while going on a date with Credence.

This time around, it was even harder because Casey can't stop from listening to strange voices, all trying to penetrate her mind and degrading her in the most brutal way. They were cursing, yelling and painfully crying and screaming at her, blaming her for initiating the broken bond.

Each voices feels as if a sharp silver spears were thrown upon her heart for millions of times.

It was even harder when Casey realize that she cannot close her ears or try to focus on anything else as the voices came from inside her own head.

That was the fourth stage.

To force upon guilt towards the person who initiated the broken ties.

Each stage becomes more and more painful as Casey could hardly be herself anymore. It was so amazing how she managed to keep on smiling everytime she sees Credence.

Yet for Casey, Credence is her only source of strength and happiness. And although it was so damn painful to undergo all these stages, Casey would gladly do it millions of times as long as she could stay by Credence's side forever.


Author's Note :

I am freakingly terribly sorry for the delay in this story. I am having a hard time in managing my time as I am now working as a teacher. But trust me, as long as God wills it, I would never abandon this story, I promise.

I would also try to finish this story in another few more chapters so hopefully you guys would still be there until the end. I may take some time but I promise I'll finish it.

Lastly, thank you so much for reading my first ever fanfic. I am so glad and grateful to have such beautiful readers along this journey.

See you guys next chapter.

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