Part 12

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"We both saw him coming towards the castle... But before we could attend to him, we saw you apparated the boy..."

Dumbledore said.

His eyes staring intensely towards Casey.

"What should I do now sir?"

"Well, there's nothing much you could do if you ask me. Dippet's right. The best way is to send him to the ministry..."

Casey hates it. She hates it when the only possible conclusion at the end would be to send Credence to the ministry. She knows Credence won't be safe there. Credence would only be safe if he stays here, with Casey.

"What if we appointed him as the groundkeeper? Or perhaps as the storekeeper? He'll do well..."

"Casey we can't let him stay inside this school... It would be too dangerous."

"He's not going to hurt others sir..."

"You well know what he is capable of doing Casey..."

Casey sighs deeply. Of course she knows. She saw exactly how Credence killed the male figure as well as his mother.

This is it.

This is the only way.

She didn't

"I saw him sir... I saw Grindelwald..."

Dumbledore looks rather petrified at Casey's statement. He clears his throat a bit.

"Well of course, everybody knows how the MACUSA caught him in New York. It's written all over the Daily Prophet."

"I saw him in your mind sir..."

Again Dumbledore looks rather anxious. Casey senses his nervousness at the moment.

"I know about your feelings towards him sir... But that isn't my concern... My concern in, while using legilimency towards Credence, I saw Grindelwald..."

"But how..."

"Grindelwald used Credence to find the obscurus without knowing that Credence himself is one. Credence is the victim of Grindelwald's evil pursuit, he used him and then he threw him away just like that..."

Dumbledore gulped at this fact.

Somehow this reminds him about the battle he had before, which resulted in his sister's death. Casey again senses Dumbledore's resentment and guilt. She could read whatever thoughts lingering in Dumbledore's mind.

"I'm sorry if that brings back memory sir..."

Dumbledore sighs deeply. For a moment, he forgets about Casey's ability. For a moment, he lets himself dwell in the memory of broken heart, unrequited love and dreadful death of Ariana.

"You know who did help Credence in New York?"

Dumbledore asked.

As a matter of fact, Dumbledore does know about the existence of obscurus in New York, how Gellert, his former acquantaince is behind all these and how Newt Scamander, his ex-student saved the whole situation. He just didn't expect the obscurus to be the same boy he saw before with Dippet while having their morning coffee together.

"No sir... I have no idea..."

"Newt Scamander... I think he's the only one able to help you..."

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