Part 29

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Casey is munching her treacle tart that morning when suddenly an owl flying towards her. She recognizes it immediately.

Newt's owl.

"What's that?"

Terry asked curiously but Casey simply shrugs. She takes the letter and reads it thoroughly, careful as not to let Terry reads it.

"Why? What's wrong?"

Casey takes a deep breath, before crumbling the letter and puts it inside her pocket.

"I've to go..."


Casey is now standing in front of Newt's house. Newt's letter crumpled in her hand.

Dear Casey,

Sorry for disturbing your morning but today, Tina and Graves are coming to visit Credence.

I think he needs you.


Casey inhales deeply. Trying to keep her composure. She knows that Graves is literally no more the same person. This is the real Percival Graves from MACUSA, not Gellert Grindelwald in disguise.

But still, to have him here meeting with Credence, Casey isn't sure whether that's a good thing for Credence or not.

Casey knocks hesitantly before Newt opens it. Newt smiles sheepishly as always.

"I'm sorry Casey... But I thought you ought to know..."

"It's okay sir... Thanks for telling me..."

Casey walks inside Newt's house with a heavy heart. She sees Credence on the couch, sitting rather awkwardly. Casey could sense Credence's anxiety. He doesn't even realize that Casey's here.

"Why does Mr. Graves want to see Credence?"

Casey asked. She looks at Newt intensely while casting several glances at Credence'

"Well he... Wanted to apologise for everything..."

"But it wasn't him..."

"He feels guilty Casey..."

Newt explained. He knows Casey must feel uncomfortable with everything but there's nothing he could do. Even Credence agrees to meet him.

Newt sighs before casting a thoughtful look towards Casey.

"Everything will be fine Casey... Don't worry too much..."


"Although it wasn't me but my form did scare you isn't it? I'm sorry for everything..."

Graves said hesitantly while looking directly at Credence's eyes. Casey could sense his honesty so she is quite relieved with that.

But when Credence accidentally touch Casey's hand while trying to shift his position, Casey can't help but to shudder from the tingling sensation. But the confusing part is Casey detects Credence's slight affection towards the man.

So without warning, she touches Credence so tight that it hurts Credence arm, leaving small purple bruises. Credence wanted to ask Casey to stop but Casey was too preoccupied with her mind, shutting her eyes tightly while she slowly entering Credence's memory.

In the memory, she saw Credence and Mr. Graves or in this case Gellert Grindelwald met at the hidden alley, Mr. Graves leaned so close towards Credence, putting a necklace of triangle shape with and I and O in the middle of it.

Casey recognizes the necklace as the symbol of the Deathly Hallows. She used to listen to the story when she was young.

The scene however was torturing Casey's mind. She did see the same scene during her first official legilimency towards Credence. But at that time, the vision happened so fast that Casey didn't managed to notice the affection in Credence's heart. How he was giving his heart to this man as nobody else cared for him like the man did.

She saw how Credence shuddered from Mr. Graves's whisper, telling him how special he is.

Casey couldn't figure whether the affection sparked in Credence's heart is rather emotionally or romantically. But she refuses to know, so she opens her eyes hesitantly while slowly releasing her grip on Credence's arm. She shudders from the activity and her legs almost give in.

Credence tries to catch her but she quickly stands up on her own. She takes a deep breath and looks towards Credence and then with a sharp glare, she turns away and walks from the scene.

Her heart beats furiously.

So after bidding reckless goodbye towards Newt and Tina, Casey apparates to the Black Hut. She needs sometime alone, instead of sleeping in her Slytherin room, the Black Hut would be a better choice.

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