Part 56

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I'm fine. 
He's fine. 
Don't worry about us. 
Take care.


Terry reads the letter few times more before taking a deep breath. It is the third letter he received from Casey and each letter contains the exact same message.

That cause him to feel dejected. He wanted so much to know about her. About her whereabout and situations after months of their 'intentional' breakups.

He wanted to know whether Casey is alright. He wanted to know if she feels happy.

But most importantly, he wanted to know whether Casey did regret her decision, even for just a bit.

Because if she did, then maybe there is still chance for them to be together.

But knowing Casey for so long, Terry knows that that isn't possible. As much as he wants it, Casey would never see him more than just a friend.

Terry sighs before grabbing a clean parchment and a quill. He wouldn't stop writing to Casey. He would never let Casey forget about his existence.


Dear Casey,

It has been exactly 4 months and 5 days since you've been gone.

And although you may hate me for saying this, I still wanted you to know that there's no a single day I didn't think about you.

You were saved in my heart since the first time I saw you. Though it took me 6 years to muster the courage to talk to you, I am so glad that I did. I'm glad that we accidentally bump into each other that day. I'm glad that you are able to read my heart and travel into my mind. I'm glad that you took my hand and willing to be my friend.

But most importantly, I am glad to have ever love someone as perfect as you. Though you may never see me more than just a friend, my feelings for you would remain the same.

Because there's no way I could ever stop loving you.


Casey reads the letter with a heavy heart. She didn't expect Terry to still love her or even care about her after what she did. Yet, Terry still sends her those love letters, telling her that he never forgets and never will.

Indeed Casey misses Terry so much. He is the only friend she has. Yet, what can she do about it? There's no way she is going to tell Terry about her whereabout simply for the sake of meeting a friend.

There's no way she could do that without risking the chance of her and Credence being exposed to her family.

Casey sighs heavily. She takes a deep breath before transfiguring the letter into a glass rose and put it into the glass vase on her table.

It is the twentieth glass rose she had.


It is a perfect day for both Casey and Credence. They both woke up at exactly 7 a.m before heading to breakfast at the best muggle coffee shop in town.

Casey was having a great time in her workplace where she manages to make five new prophesies regarding the De Lacour family.

Credence on the other hand, had a good time practicing the latest magic tricks taught by Casey.

However, how can such perfection last forever?

It was 5.15 pm when everything started to fall apart.

Credence was waiting for Casey in front of her office building. He was excitedly waving towards Casey when suddenly a flock of black birds start to fly towards him before forming the shape of muscular men in black trench coats.

They started to circle him before throwing dull silver ropes out of their wand, entangling Credence's body, forcing him to fall to the ground.

Credence was crying, screaming and begging for them to release him, for Casey to save him.

And indeed Casey was there.

She witnessed everything.

Yet she did nothing.

Because at the exact same time, Casey's heart felt dreadfully painful as if being shredded with an invisible blade while her mind hurts so much as if being shot thousand times by invisible arrows.

She screams so hard while clutching into her chest, unknowingly letting her tears fall freely.

She tried so hard to breath in such situation but as she blinks her tears away to clear her vision, Credence was no longer there.

He was taken away from her.

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