Molly slunk to around a corner, readying her phone as Sherlock opened the door to the lab. He walked in holding the same clipboard, mumbling under his breath as he walked to the lab table. Molly held her breath as Sherlock set down the clipboard, looking over and blinking.

The detective raised an eyebrow and picked up the spider, turning it over in his hand. Molly felt herself quietly huff under her breath and Sherlock shrugged and tossed the plastic spider on the floor. She turned off the video and narrowed her eyes. This would be harder than she thought.

Trial 3 / Day 1

Molly sat across from Sherlock, her eyebrows furrowing as he watched him work diligently at a microscope. Her head rested on her knuckles as she thought and Molly could feel her phone in pocket as it played the video.

"Hey, Sherlock," Molly said. The detective grunted in response.

"So something weird happened yesterday," Molly continued. Sherlock's eyes flicked up but almost immediately fell back down. "I- uh. I came across this weird cat thing. Didn't even look like a cat. It had chunks of fur missing and was foaming at the mouth and it's eyes just looked crazy. I tried to call animal control but it saw me and leapt up and got this huge scratch. I've been feeling a bit dizzy lately too. The cat had just walked up to me and jumped."

On the last word Moll flinched out, though Sherlock, who had looked up at her with a raised eyebrow, hardly even winced.

Molly held back a sigh as Sherlock looked at her, cocking his head and asking, "do you still have the body?"

Later that night Molly sent the last video to John, along with a text.

Does interest count? -MH

Nope. Has to be shock.

Fine. Molly sent with a groan.

Also, you should probably get that scratch checked out.

Molly rolled her eyes and turned off her phone, curling tighter on her couch. Her eyes wandered around her flat until they finally came to the kitchen. An idea flashed through Molly's head and she smiled. Maybe she could force the shock out of Sherlock.

Trial 4 / Day 2

Molly grinned as she lightly turned the object in her hand around. She headed to the lab, phone in one hand and "weapon" in the other. She refrained from whistling as the phone in her hand was recording but Molly just knew this was going to work. Right?

She opened the door to the lab, where Sherlock was, once again, holding the clipboard with one hand and a pen with the other.

He didn't acknowledge Molly as she came in, though for this she was glad.

"Sherlock!" Molly called. The moment the detective looked up she cried, "catch," and tossed the egg in her hand. Sherlock's eyes went wide as he immediately dropped the clipboard. Bewilderment spread across his face and the egg flew through the air, almost in slow-motion.

Molly felt her jaw drop as Sherlock scrambled to catch the egg, only to have it practically explode when it landed in his hands. Silence pulsed through the air as yellow yolk dripped from the detective's fingers. Both Sherlock and Molly stood with wide eyes, completely frozen.

Slowly Sherlock looked up, his mouth still hanging open as he uttered five words.

"What the actual hell, Molly."


Video Sent.

Holy crap. I owe you $20.

Told you I could do it. -MH

Wish I could have been there. Was it priceless?

Absolutely. In fact, I might just do it again.... -MH


Molly ran a thumb over the smooth egg in her hand, trying to keep from smiling as she walked. If she was correct, Sherlock would be coming down from the coffee break and they would cross paths in three, two-

"Hey, Sherlock," Molly called from across the hall as the detective pushed open the door, tightly clutching a coffee in one hand. He didn't answer, instead opting to glare at the pathologist in response to her little experiment yesterday.

What he really wasn't prepared for was when, as she passed, Molly tossed him another egg. Sherlock let out a small gasp, immediately dropped the coffee, and reached up for the egg shell. It crumbled in his hands.

Molly couldn't hold back her laughs as the pushed the door open. Sherlock let out a loud groan, yelling in frustration as the pathologist exited the scene.

"Damnit, Molly!"


Molly smiled as she unlocked the door to her flat. She felt the last egg heavy in her pocket but had ultimately decided against using it against Sherlock, however absolutely hilarious her little tricks had been.

She pushed open the door, locking it behind her, and walked into the kitchen. As Molly prepared to make some tea, a voice called from behind her.

"So, you've had fun, haven't you?" Molly let out a small gasp as she whipped around, only to see Sherlock standing up from her couch.

"W-what are you doing here?" Molly asked, her eyes wide. Sherlock raised an eyebrow.

"What am I doing here? Honestly, for absolutely no reason if only to express my sincere unappreciation for your... antics."

A small grin worked its way on Molly's lips.

"First off," Sherlock continued, his eyebrows scrunching, "I understand that this is the cause of some sort of... bet-"

Molly's hand made its way to her pocket, where she suddenly realized the last egg still sat. She blinked in surprise.

"-with John. Correct? Either way, it is a completely unnecessary bet and-"

Should I? No, I couldn't...

"-is extremely irritating. Do you know-"

But look at him go!

"-how hard it is to get-"

Imagine his face...

"-egg out of your clothes? And-"

Molly felt her fingers curl around the egg.

"-coffee too, mind you. The point I'm trying to make is-"

Molly grinned, "hey, Sherlock," she interrupted, "catch." Molly tossed the detective the egg, however, it didn't go entirely as planned. With almost impossibly fast reflexes Sherlock reached up and caught egg, without it crumbling upon impact. He held it between his thumb and forefinger, an eyebrow raised as Molly felt her eyes go wide.

Sherlock's gaze turned to the pathologist's, his eyes narrowed. Molly gulped.

"Uh oh."

Sherlock cleared his throat, carefully setting down the egg. Molly watched him, frozen in her place as Sherlock slowly made his way to the other side of the island that separated them. He stepped closer to the pathologist, who slowly backed away. Molly inhaled sharply when she felt her back hit the wall.

"That, Miss Hooper, was a mistake. However, for now I suppose I shall reward you for winning the bet." Molly blinked in surprise as Sherlock leaned down and softly kissed her on cheek. "Congratulations, Miss Hooper. Though tread lightly next time."

With that Sherlock left Molly's flat, leaving her with wide eyes and a small smile on her face. She would have to go buy more eggs.

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