Part 21 : Her Perfect Imperfection

Start from the beginning

"I don't know, don't leave me"

"I won't. Just stay on my back, I won't let you walk with me. When the road get too hard, even when there was so much sharp rock, just stay on my back. Give me kiss when I'm tired so I'll have some more strength to walk for us. No matter what happen, just remember that I love you" I whispered, looking straight at her letting her know that I was serious. As a heart attack.

"Ummm" She nodded though her tears and I kissed them away.

"You know what I hate the most?" I smoothed her hair, pressing her soft torso tighter toward me.

"what?" she croaked cutely and I smiled at the wall. At night she was everywhere in my room, her scent lingering on my bed sheet, lulled me to sleep.

"Ellie cries" I said sincerely.

"I won't cry anymore then" She grinned and I chuckled.

"Yeah, I heard that a lot" I smirked at her then laughed when she covered my face with her small hand, giggling along with me.

"I want two or three kid" I hugged her waist toward me watching her eyes glowed with mirth.

"I'm not mama pig that can get you a dozen when I'm pregnant" She said sarcastically as she hit my chest.

"I always wonder why this small hand seems so strong hitting me" I grabbed her fist and stared at them musing out loud.

"Right, don't rubbed me the wrong way then" She glared at me and I gave into an impulse as I grabbed in a bone crushing hugged and squeezed her.

Ellie squealed and stomp on my shoulder and I let her go chuckling.

"Don't mess with fire, little girl." I smirked and flicked her nose and she huffed.

"ummm, can I get a puppy?" I grinned when she said that.

"Sure baby"

"I want the master bedroom with light violet color" I widen my eyes. Violet? Ellie's favorite.

"No negotiation at all?" Well if she wants that, I could give her that.

"No, the wall is light violet, ummm what do you want, it's gonna be our room after all" She grinned sheepishly and I couldn't help but smiling at her.

"Cream blue and gray" She scrunched her nose and I laughed.

"Well you get to decorate the master bedroom the way you want, I want the wine cellar" She gave me a look and I pecked her lips, cutting off any look from her. She knew I always want a wine cellar in my house after all.

"Can we stock some milk and chocolate too?" She asked innocently and I burst out laughing. Ellie looked genuinely perplexed for a moment, obviously not catching on why I was laughing but she grinned along.

"What?" Her eyes were on me and my lips stretched so far I thought I would tear them open.

"Who the hell stock milk in wine cellar Ellie? they call wine cellar for a reason, doesn't it?" Realization clicked and she pouted.

"well, why the hell not, I want milk to stock there also. it's our private cellar after all"

"You have your own kitchen to do as you please, don't mess with my wine cellar, if you stock milk in there they would ruin my badass room" I chuckled some more and she pouted.

"I'll have a round bed in the middle of the cellar, decorate them with a deep blood red, whenever we want to relax or away from YoYo. Sipping on wine, you'll get seduce over there a lot mama" I smirked watching her embarrassing face.

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