Seventh Year Part 4

Start from the beginning

He stopped awkwardly, and Ginny reddened. "Er, I kissed him. Because well, y'know...CONTINUE HARRY!" Ginny yelled.

Harry nodded quickly. "Ron banged the door open, gave me a talking to, which I get why, don't give me that look! I gave you the same one when...anyway. We had my birthday dinner and we ate outside. There was Hagrid, Remus,

Harry took a deep breath, focusing on Luna's hand drawing curcles on his leg.


Andromeda sucked in a quiet breath, and Minerva took her hand gently.

And all the Weasleys." They smiled brightly.

"Hagrid got me this moleskin pouch, has everything in there that's important to me."

He pulled it from his shirt, before tucking it back in.

"We got Arthur's patronus, telling us that the Minister was coming with him."

Andromeda sighed, she knew of the terrible relationship between Harry and the Ministers of Magic.

"Remus and Dora abrubtly said they had to leave, and they did."

He frowned.

They all shook their heads, when Hermione got her library look as Ron called it on her face. She junped up, and tackled Harry, as well as Luna, "Harry! We're gonna make a new law! We can Floo Kingsley, and bring it up with the Wizengamot, I don't have much stance on it, being a Muggleborn, but you have two seats! The Potter and Black seat!  That means we can pass a bill or law of sorts, to make life better for those with Lycanthropy. We'll call it Lupin's law."

Harry grinned. "That's brilliant Hermione! I could kiss you!" He kissed her on the cheek.

"Well thank you little brother." She smirked.

Harry continued, beaming now, "So Scrimgeour kead us to the sitting room, where he read Dumbledore's will to us. He apparently was checking to see if Dumbledore had passed on Dark things. Rubbish if you ask me. Anyway he gave Ron a Deluminator, Hermione a book and he gave me a Snitch. Specifically the one I caught in my first Quidditch game. He wanted me to ahev Gryffindor's Sword the one you, Nev, defeated Nagini with. I'm getting ahead of myself though. In the beginning, he told us it was Dumbledore's will. I said, it's been over a month, and Hermione said he had no right to do that, Scrimgeour fought that he did, then asked Hermione if she planned to go into Magical Law as a career and, what did you say, 'Mione?"

Ron laughed. "You so burned him, Hermione."

"I didn't," Hermione protested. "All I said is I wanted to do something useful for the world!" They all chuckled, trying not to show their amusement to the fierce brunette.

"So he gave us what we were given by Dumbledore, I got into a scuffle,"

Ron snorted, "You call that a scuffle? What was battling Voldy then?"

Harry rolled his eyes.  "Fine. He kept asking questions, I struggled to keep my temper, I was disrespectful to him, he singed a hole in my shirt, Molly and Arthur came running in, Scrimgeour said that the Ministry and I should work together, I reminded him that I didn't like his methods and showed him the Blood Quill scar. Then, we all ate, and Hermione snuck upstairs later in the night and we talked about the hunt again. That's when I actually tried to open the Snitch."

" 'vat do you mean 'ten? Et should 'ave worked earlier!" Fleur exclaimed.

Minerva smiled. "Because he didn't catch it in his hand, he nearly swallowed it."

Harry nodded.

"When I put it to my mouth, writing appeared on it."

The Trio looked at one another and whispered, though so everyone could still hear, "I Open at the Close..."

"We talked a bit more, then decided to go to bed so we wouldn't oversleep the next day, which was Fleur and Bill's wedding. Hermione, Ron, who's next?"

Hermione bit her lip. "I might as well go. Just let me get a drink."

She walked off to the kitchen, Ron quickly following, and Harry said, chuckling slightly. "Who wants to bet they're just gonna snog and forget about the drink?"

Luna, chuckling, slapped his arm playfully. "Harry, have some faith. They'll snog, but won't forget the drink. I bet Ron'll have some food though.

They all laughed a bit, until Hermione and Ron came out, with swollen lips, and Hermione began.

"Okay." She said. "The Wedding."

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