"Anyway, why don't we get back to the story?" Harry asked, putting in his memory.

They all looked at one another anxiously before dipping one finger in each.

They arrived in the Dursley kitchen and looked around.

"It is far too clean in here."  Ginny commented.

"Not as bad as when we rescued him back all those years ago though." George commented in a hoarse whisper.

"I'd love the Burrow to be this clean. Save me a lot of trouble." Molly sighed. 

"Just ask Harry I'm sure he'd do it." Ron suggested vehemently.

"What?! I'd never!" Molly replied angrily.

"Well Mum, Harry's the one who usually cleans this place. Has since he was little. Don't you remember him saying that?" Bill asked.

She shook her head sadly.

"Speaking of Harry, where is he? Didn't he come in too?" Asked Neville. 

"Neville! I didn't hear you come in." Ginny exclaimed.

"Yeah. Harry caught me up and told me to follow you guys."

"Oh, well. Harry stayed back with little Teddy." Luna told them.

They nodded in acknowledgment.

They directed their attention back to the kitchen.

It was empty for a few minutes before they heard the door slam.

Turning, they saw a fat man, skinny woman, and slightly fitter young adult standing at the door. 

"Ah. The ever charming Dursley family." McGonagall sniped, hatred dripping from her tongue.

"Bloody hell! Pro-professor! I didn't see you!" Ron yelled.

"Yes, I noticed. Harry too caught me up as you say, on the events of his school years at tea at our last Sunday brunch. I couldn't come until today and he wanted me to be here. Thus, I am here." McGonagall explained.

"Harry has brunch with you?" Percy asked.

"Yes Mr. Weasley. That is what I've just said. Please do not ask me to repeat myself and let me watch the memory in peace." She replied, making Percy flush up to his ears.

"Oi, you!" The fat man, Vernon yelled loudly up the stairs and towars his hated nephews' bedroom.

"Oi, you! With the terrible manners! Kindly shut your fat face!" Charlie yelled.

The women exchanged faintly amused, but even still exasperated glances.

Several seconds passed.

They shifted in awkward silence.

"Why 'asn't 'Arry come down?" Fleur asked of no one.

Nobody did anything other than shrug.

They shifted to see better.

"BOY!" Vernon bellowed

A select few standing nearest him flinched or jumped.

"D'you think he's why Harry always gets so on edge when people yell?" Ron asked.

Hermione thought. "Maybe. If this is normal, and it looks like it is, then it's likely.

After a few more minutes, they saw a slightly younger and less scarred Harry slowly come down the stairs.

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