- Uh, ok. We'll talk more next time?

- Sure.

- Ok, bye then!

Linny went to open her bedroom door and an excited Amy came in.

- Oh, you're finally ready! Cool! C'mon, you'll tell me all about your date while you have breakfast. By the way, I assume you called Zach and he'll call Matt?

- Amy, calm down! You're too hyper today! And how did you know I'd call Zach?

Amy shrugged.

- What else could you do? I would have done it, but I thought coming from you he couldn't possibly say no. Better odds of success, you see.

Linny rolled her eyes and let herself be dragged downstairs. She couldn't argue too much in an empty stomach.


Linny was just starting telling Amy about her date when Matthew entered the kitchen.

- Good morning Linny! Hey Amy, do you mind if I get a rain check? Zach called and insisted I go with him and Lenny to lunch and then to a pub for some "male bonding". I personally think it's just an excuse to talk about his date with Linny, but I still couldn't get out of it, so I can't come with you girls to that supernatural society...

- Oh, don't worry Matthew! Linus and his girlfriend will be there, so we'll be fine. You can come with us next time... Or you know, we could all go out to the movies and do something fun.

- Yeah, that sounds great.

Matthew took a banana and went to the living room where he was watching some morning cartoons. Amy smiled at Linny.

- Well done. Now, where were we?

Linny glanced the kitchen clock and noticed their cab would be arriving soon.

- Amy, we lost track of time! Let's go, I need to grab my notebook and tape recorder. And you need to...?

- I also have my notes! From my scientific research.

The two girls grabbed everything they needed and were ready just in time.


During the cab ride, the girls remained silent. They didn't know if the cab driver had recognized Amy but they didn't want to take the risk of starting rumors, so they just looked through the windows.

They arrived at a café near the "mysteries and secrets" society. They sat down for a while and ordered a cup of coffee. Amy was asked for her autographs a few times and she wondered if she should have used a wig to disguise herself, but she had to agree with Linny's decision in the end. A wig wouldn't have been enough and it would only make people more curious about what she was doing. While they waited for their coffees, Linus texted them asking if they wanted to meet before going to the society's headquarters, so she told him to come meet them at the café.

When he arrived, they met him at the door and were pleased to see he had a car with him. Linny looked at it grateful that they had a ride to their appointment. 

- Nice car, Linus.

Linus smiled.

- Yeah, I thought you might like it.

He winked at her and she laughed. She remembered going to Amy's concert with Linus in her mom's car and feeling like a teenager. He obviously hadn't forgotten about that either. Amy just got in the car and told the other two to hurry. Linny laughed and got in too.  Fortunately, they got to their meeting on time and they hadn't been followed by any paparazzo, so they felt there were good odds for Amy's presence in that place to go unnoticed.

Strange meets weirdHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin