Circle //Ch.27

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Circle by Flyleaf
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"His heart is ripped out to show me he loves me."
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You all jumped over Unicron's helm and transformed in midair. The larger mech whipped around angrily to find his enemies retreating. Bee turned back into his bipedal mode to shoot a hole through the ceiling of a tunnel or something. Unicron transformed into his jet mode so he could follow you. You flew over your friends as they drove through a hall and a door into the open air, only to cease driving.

"Woah, stop!" Arcee yelled, transforming abruptly. Ahead of them, the bridge stopped, only to reveal a smelting pit far below.

"A smelting pit!" You shouted, landing in between the two-wheeler and camaro.

"Cybertron's been dormant for thousands of years, but that's still burning?!" 'Cee complained loudly.

"Ratchet, we need a groundbridge!" Bee calls through the comm. Suddenly, a large blast knocked some of your friends off of the bridge. Bulkhead caught Arcee, whose leg was grabbed onto by Smokescreen. The three grunted, doing their best to have the strength to not let go.

"Hold tight!" The Wrecker yelled at the two. He grunted again, and you and Bee looked down at your hanging comrades before looking over at the incoming jet. It transformed into your pursuer—Unicron—who slammed a fist into the ground as he landed.

He raised his servos as he stood up, making them glow purple with his weird demon magic, and summoned long, purple scythes. You and Bumblebee jumped back to dodge the swing of his weapons while shooting at him with your blasters. This went on for a bit until one blow cracked the ground beneath Bulkhead and made your friends fall towards the pit of lava. They screamed bloody murder as they quickly fell o their death.

"NO!" You and Bee yelled after them. The two of you rushed towards the edge of the pit, where you witnessed a groundbridge opening up beneath them. You sighed in relief.

"Servant of Prime, you will now join your brethren." Unicron growled, pointing a scythe at you and him.

"You got that right." Bee told him, leaning backwards.

"Catch you on the flip side!" You shouted. You leaned backwards too, falling right into the ground bridge that closed immediately after.
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"How is this happening?" Arcee asked angrily. "I mean, we put out a call inviting refugees back to Cybertron and Unicron's the first in line?" You and your friends, including Ratchet, stood around her back in the Nemesis.

"Not to mention those Predacons. What have we come home to?" Bulkhead questioned his team.

"What are we supposed to call him? Mega-Cron? Uni-tron?" Smokescreen inquired.

"Nevermind that! My sire is being used as a vessel for the Cybertronian equivalent of Satan!" You interrupted fearfully. What Starscream had done to you was enough, but this?!

"Right, right. So what's the game plan?" Smokey asked. Bee turned around and started working away at the computer.

"While Unicron may inhabit a mortal form, he is still a god, and thus cannot be defeated by customary means." Ratchet reminded his teammates.

"Optimus? Wheeljack?" Bumblebee called them through the radio. There was no reply. You walked up to your friend and silently hoped for an answer. "This is Bumblebee, we have an urgent situation. Optimus, can you hear me? Come in, please. Wheeljack, do you read?!" More silence. "Nothing."

"You finally have your voice back. Now is definitely not the time to be going radio-silent." You told him, before pressing a few buttons on the keyboard. "Optimus," You said, "if or when you can hear us, Unicron has come to Cybertron. Repeat, the Chaos Bringer is here, and possessing my sire's body."

"So, what now? I mean, besides hoping Optimus got the message." Bulk asked you.

"We figure out why Unicron's here." Arcee told them with determination.

"And what he wants." Bee adds.

"There could be only one reason why Unicron would come back to Cybertron: To destroy the spark of his archenemy, Primus." Ratchet declares undoubtedly.

"But that's the core of our planet!" Smokescreen pointed out.

"It isn't fair." Arcee sighed, gripping her arm with her other servo.

"No kidding," You groaned, "How many more times are you going to have to save a world? How many times are we going to fight for the survival of our own home?" You crept up behind the two-wheeler and gave her a hug, rocking her from side to side. She just wanted to tear up right then and there.

"Regrettably, the struggle between creation and destruction, is an eternal one. And the battle lines that separate the two run through the very spark of Cybertron. Good and evil. Order and chaos." The old field medic explained. "One victorious, one vanquished, each forming the core of their own separate worlds, Cybertron and Earth. And now, the darkness has followed us all the way home."
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"Vitals are improving." Ratchet notified the lieutenant. "You will be back on your struts in good time." He, like the time you had checked on Magnus before, was still lying on the medical berth with light in his faceplates.

"Exactly how long is good time?" You asked the medic worriedly. You walked alongside Bumblebee but branched off to go closer to Ultra Magnus.

"Because with Optimus missing in action, we could really use Ultra Magnus' council." Bumblebee explained.

"Bumblebee, we have each been witness to those among us who have risen above their station, time and again. Wreckers, scouts, field medics," Ratchet glanced over at you, who was currently cradling the commander's faceplates with a solemn expression, "even princesses. The Chaos Bringer is at our doorstep, and now more than ever before, we cannot afford to wait for salvation."

   "We'll launch an attack on Darkmount," Bee announced, "provided Unicron's still there." The monitor beeped a couple times, and the old mech jogged over to the computer terminal to work again.

   "Or first attempt to locate him, in the event that he is not." The medic suggested, turnip back to face his friends.

   What if I believe you?

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