Headstrong // Ch.26

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Headstrong by Trapt
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"I know that you are wrong."
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"Recognize this, Predaking?" Bumblebee asked, holding the rod high. The beast growled at you and your friends. "You served aboard Megatron's warship. Surely you're familiar with this little treasure from his vault, the Immobilizer." The Bots behind you exchanged glances, their blasters still pointed at the enemy.

   "It causes instant stasis lock," You said without emotion, "though the victim of it remains fully conscious, a living death if you will." Bumblebee kneeled down, placing the Immobilizer on the ground in front of you and him. You kneeled down in front of the metallic dragon as well in respect. "We didn't come here to fight you, Predaking." The Predacon growled at you again, and ended up transforming into a rather handsome looking mech.

   "Then why have you violated my refuge along with these Autobots, Princess?" The king questioned you angrily. He had a spark-broken look behind his optics, and a wave of guilt rushed in as you remembered your last encounter with him. Your comrades transformed their servos back into blasters.

   "Answers. Do you know of any other Predacons currently on Cybertron?" Bee asked Predaking.

   "Indeed. Legions of them. Behold, my subjects, a countless multitude, rendered extinct ages ago by the Great Cataclysm, unearthed by the shifting of plates during our planet's restoration." Predaking looked over the metal field that was covered in the rusted bones of dead Predacons.

   "Yeah, well, me and Ultra Magnus just about got scrapped by two living Predacons. Know anything about them, Your Highness." Smokescreen spoke up, spitting out the title like bitter energon. You almost flinched at the name of your partner, images of his battered and bruised frame popping into your processor.

   "Two? Where?" The beast mech asked in surprise. It was obvious that he wasn't aware of any others.

   "We came to ask for your help in finding them." You told him with determination shining in your own optics.

   "For revenge?" The Predacon growled. You shook your helm.

   "Of course not! Optimus Prime would deem it a tragedy to stain Cybertron with fresh energon, and so would I." You stated sternly. "So let's prove what my sire wasn't willing to, that more than one race can peacefully coexist on our beloved planet."

   "You assume that because I turned against Megatron, that I can forgive your Autobots for their role in the destruction of my brethren on Earth? You think that because I once fell in love with you that I would assist you? Leave me be. And dare not trespass here again." The larger mech hissed at you and your team. You all simply turned around, and Bumblebee threw the Immobilizer behind him as you walked away.
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   "What makes you think we'll find Shockwave's cloning lab here?" Arcee asked Bumblebee. They were driving on the highway to Darkmount along with Smokescreen, Bulkhead, and you. You were flying above them at the same pace, trying your best not to show off your skills higher in the clouds.

   "Yeah, wasn't Darkmount Megatron's military HQ?" Smokescreen asked.

   "If the intel I received from Knockout is accurate, we'll find a map of Shockwave's entire lab network in the citadel's databank." Bee replied, transforming into his bipedal mode in front of some automatic doors.

   "Ooh, this is so exciting!" You squealed as you transformed by the ground. "I absolutely cannot wait to see his old headquarters!" Only you could be excited about.
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   "Lord Smokescreen, Emporer of Destruction." Smokescreen announced in a deep voice, sitting on the large throne. You giggled at his act.

   "How can you sit there? That's some bad mojo."  Bulkhead told the young soldier.

   "What do you know? Knockout actually shot straight for once." Bee laughed. You turned around to face the big computer screen rather than Smokescreen.

   "He better." You scoffed, crossing your arms. "What'd you have to do? Buff his finish?"

   "Give him an oil bath?" Arcee guessed in amusement. The two of you bumped fists.

   "More like the first one. Let's download the data and get out of here." The yellow and black camaro said.

   "Hey, something's heading our way!" Bulkhead shouted, pointing at the sky. You and your friends turned around to see a flying object zooming towards you.

   "Predaking?" Arcee asked. You shook your helm.

   "Too fast."

   "Starscream?" Bulk asked. The figure came closer and closer until they transformed. They landed in a kneeling position and stood up, revealing a tall, bulky mech.

   "Minions of the Prime, prepare to be obliterated!"

   "Megatron?" You whispered, staring with wide-optics at your buffed up sire.

   "You skewered Buckethead with a giant saber and managed to miss his spark?!" Smokescreen said, staring at the warlord in disbelief.

   "How are you still alive?!" The blue two-wheeler growled at him.

   "Where'd you score the upgrade?" The Wrecker asked angrily.

   "Megatron cannot answer you at this moment, though I can inform you with utmost authority that he owes his new lease on life to me, Unicron! And I will not be so easy to deliver into oblivion!" The silver mech announced, baring his razor sharp denta. You all got into defensive positions, and Unicron's servos burst into purple flames. He made his servos into glowing cannons and shot at your team. Luckily, you all managed to get away instead of being caught in the powerful blast.

   You all took your blasters out and shot at Unicron. No matter how hard you tried though, none of your shots seemed to be affecting the mech. You and the rest of Team Prime took cover from two more blasts.

   "We need to retreat!" Arcee said, looking at her friends.

   "The only way out is down!" Smokescreen points out.

   "We can't call for a groundbridge until we put some space between Unicron and us!" Bulkhead shouts. Another blast was delivered, shaking the floor.

   "Behold my infinite might!" Unicron roared. A spear shot through the wall that separated your team and the enemy.

   "Let's roll." Bumblebee said, determination shining in his optics.

    Headstrong to take on anyone . . .

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