I Don't Care // Ch.20

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I Don't Care by Apocalyptica
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"Don't say anything, just go away."
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   "He's coming."

   The sudden call from Ultra Magnus nearly made you stop in your tracks. The Autobot lieutenant had told you of their plan to find the Nemesis, and now, it was being put into place. You wished you could simply tell him where you were, but you didn't know at all. Besides, you'd be couped up in a lab the entire time.

   The call may have been brief, but the fact that they were coming filled you with hope. Hope, as well as tons of worry. What if they failed? What if they died? Trying to keep your helm clean of these inquiries while you strolled to Shockwave's laboratory with Knockout was proving to be quite difficult.
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   "Fetch me the Quantum Cybermeasure." Ratchet told KO as he poured some yellow stuff into a container. The cherry red mech scoffed.

   "Do I look like hired help to you, Autobot?" Knockout asked him in annoyance.

   "Yeah, kinda! Now, do it!" You shouted at your friend. He groaned before turning around to get the scrap. You leaned against the wall and watched and observed the work of everyone around you.

   "As you command." The Decepticon medic grumbled. The Autobot glanced over at you, and you gave a thumbs up. He rolled his optics, but you were pretty used to it by now. Shockwave dropped something onto the table directly in front of him. Ratchet hunched over to examine it.

   "So we know this cyber-matter is to be produced by an atypical molecular displacement reaction?" The ambulance said to the cyclops.

   "Extensive empirical evidence indicates the fundamental instability within the Synth-En formulation to be the cause." Shockwave replied, standing directly behind your esteemed guest.

   "Double-blind analysis?" The Autobot turned to face the larger, purple mech.

   "Naturally. The results only confirmed my original hypothesis. Once the erroneous variable has been corrected for, the stabilized material will bind properly with Cyber-Nucleic Acid."

   "And produce a stable form of cyber-matter?" You tried to filter all the science-y stuff through your processor.

   "Precisely!" The old mech answered.

   "Quite an act of providence." The Decepticon engineer commented.

   "And to think that we had not let you destroy the beasts—" Knockout began to blurt.

   "Doc Knock." You warned him with a glare. He would've spilled a little secret the other medic didn't need to know.

   "Let?" He took the device the cherry red racer was holding as he tried to think of a reply. When he did, you simply slammed your faceplates into your servo.

   "There is much to do and little time, doctor." Shockwave told Ratchet. "Shall we get back to work?"

   "Certainly." Ratchet said.
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   "Knockout! I require a fresh CNA sample!" The scientist yelled from his computer. You were still surveying their work from a distance. Ratchet and Knockout were at computer terminals as well, doing whatever. Your friend groaned in front of you.

   "Knockout, bring this . . . Knockout, get that." The red grounder grumbled as he walked over to get one. He pressed a few buttons to enter a password on the small pad next to the cabinet. It opened up vertically to reveal shelves of Cyber-Nucleic Acid samples. "Apparently fetching is all I'm good for, lately."

   "Chillax Doc. If you weren't working, I might use you as a pede rest." You call over to him with a laugh. A smile worked its way onto his face as he grabbed a container of CNA and brought it back. Ratchet noticed a container that your friend had accidentally knocked over that stopped the door of the cabinet from closing all the way.

   "Yes?" KO asked the hunched over medic.

   "He doesn't see an Isoprobe. Get it." You said plainly. You shifted your position so you were facing the two doctors while still leaning on the wall, all nonchalant.

   "What a surprise." Knockout huffs, before turning around. You gave the Autobot a thumbs-up when he looked at you with surprised optics. He struggled to get the small container out of the crack while the other two mechs had their backs turned to you and him. You simply looked around like you hadn't seen anything, though you did acknowledge when he managed to free the sample from it's predicament.
= = = = =

   "It's the final piece of the puzzle!" Ratchet gasped at the images and readings on his computer screen. "Thank you, Decepticon engineering."

   "Shockwave! Assembly of the Omega Lock is entering the final stage. Your guidance is required." Megatron ordered the scientist over the comm. Ratchet looked over at the cyclops and bit his derma.

   "Understood, my liege." Shockwave answered his master. He turned to you. "Please supervise our guest in my absence." You shrugged your shoulders and crossed your legs where you leaned against the wall. Just like before.

   "What else have I been doing?" You asked him sarcastically. The cyclops exited the room, and Knockout mumbled some incoherent words as he left.

   "I can't allow Megatron to have the stabilized formula. Not now, or ever." Ratchet said to himself quietly. He turned his attention to you. You caught his gaze, and glanced over to the exit before looking back at the Autobot. You motioned your helm towards the doctor and then at the door.

   At this point, you knew there was no need to tell the ambulance verbally that you were on his side. He shook his helm, before pressing a few buttons on the machine beside him and blowing up the formula. You acted as if you hadn't known anything, just like you'd been doing all this time.

   Knockout called in some guards to assist in putting the inferno out before it ruined anything. Smoke filled up the room until it was all you could see. You heard the rumble of an engine and knew that Ratchet's plan was being put into action. You only hoped that he would be able to get past your sire.

   All you needed to keep doing was pretending to not care. Just keep flying.

   Whether you're dead or still alive, I don't care . . .

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