Everybody's Watching Me // Ch.15

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Everybody's Watching Me by The Neighborhood
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"I let you find it on your own, then I find myself alone."
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   "Simply put, this combination of elements could allow us to cyberform entire worlds." Shockwave stated, as he continued to stare at the spiky anomalies that littered the cavern.

   "Ugh," Starscream groaned, "why do I feel a Shockwave plan coming on?" The scientist grabbed the seeker by the arm and yanked him towards his singular, red optic.

   "Do not think for a moment Starscream that it has gone unnoticed that you left me at the mercy of the Autobots!" The cyclops scolded him angrily. The SIC glanced at you for assistance, but you shrugged giving him a look that read, His behavior is pretty logical. Get it?

   "Princess! Master! Are you simply going to allow one lieutenant to harm another?!" Screamer cried out to you. You arms were still linked as you leaned against your sire's chassis. You and the warlord stayed silent for a bit.

   "Princess? Master?"

   "Yeah, probs." You answered, not regretting it at all.

   "I'm thinking . . ." Your sire hissed in reply. A smirk entered your already sly expression, even though in reality, you were rather worried about your fellow seeker. I mean, you did say he was pretty attractive. Shockwave threw Starscream at some of the spikes, almost impaling him, while the victim was doing his best not to die.

    "I am tempted to force you to share my perception of things." The engineer growled, pushing the second-in-command's faceplates closer and closer to one of the razor-sharp spikes that protruded from the cave's wall.

   "I only did what I thought was best for the mission! But, I do feel compelled to add that it was my very error in judgment that made this happy accident possible! If I recollect, you were seeking to purge your laboratory of sensitive materials before the Autobots arrived! Do you not?" The seeker cried out. You watched the cyclops as he hunched over the jet.

   "Your argument is logical." Shockwave said, slowly letting him go. Starscream grunted as elbowed the other mech's servos away. You clapped sarcastically, being rewarded by an optic roll from a certain mech.

   "Exemplary team work. Now tell me Shockwave, why does this cyber matter resemble like chaos?" Megatron asked his chief engineer.

   "The basic elements are apparently unstable. I will turn my attention to correcting that." The one-optic mech answered, turning to his gaze from the metallic mess to his leader. You let out a huff.

   "Nevertheless, if we were to cyberform Cybertron and Earth, wouldn't we require a launch mechanism?" You asked sassily. The warmonger chuckled at you. He pulled you closer and nuzzles your helm at your valid question.

   "Then we shall focus all our remaining resources upon the successful reconstruction of the Omega Lock." The ex-gladiator announced without hesitation. You began to debate one tiny thing in your processor though; should you tell Magnus?
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   Later on . . .

      "Predaking," your sire confronted the surviving Predacon, "We will soon plot out strike against the Autobots, to punish them for the massacre of your kind." You stood beside Megatron, staring dreamily at the mech with yellow optics.

   "While I fully intend to exact my revenge, Project Predacon was merely a squadron. Not an army." Predaking told you and your sire. The beast warrior caught your gaze and did his best not to let his faceplates blush.

   "I see . . ." The warmonger trailed off, waiting for him to continue.

   "My liege, my princess. If you truly aspire to restore our home world, then I have every faith that you will resurrect the entirety of the Predacon race from the remains which lay there, so that I may lead them against any and all of our shared enemies!" The Predacon announced. You felt horribly guilty that you had to keep up the lie that the near extinction of his race was the Autobots fault. If only you had the courage to tell him the truth! Later on, you and Megsy ditched the beasty boy and went over to the chief engineer's lab for results.

   "We salvaged much of the wreckage of the Omega Lock, but the damage was quite severe." Shockwave said, turning away from his computer where diagnostics and scans were shown. "I would urge the selective use of Earth technology, retro-fitting its operating systems will be more efficient than rebuilding from scratch."

   "Then I highly recommend that you provide me and Screamer with your wish list." You spoke up, motioning to the male seeker to your left. Starscream jumped at the mention of him running errands with your Decepticon engineer.

   "Of course my sparkling, since Shockwave must turn his attention to the stabilization of our cyber-matter, you will be in charge of acquisitions." You smiled up at warlord with your usual fake-pride, with the SIC glaring at your pretty face beside you.

    "You know, I hate you. I really, really, really hate you." The second-in-command complained as you and him exited the room through the automatic doors behind you. You rolled your optics, holding your chin up high like a true royal.

   "No need to remind me." You huffed, holding your servos behind your back to appear more regal than before. "Really, there isn't." You weren't going to enjoy this any more than him.

   You didn't need anyone else watching your back.

   Everybody's watching me . . .

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